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Everything posted by Ronlyn

  1. Sorry for make you wait people, but this one is split into two parts, so let’s begin!!! :
  2. Question: there is hidden characters/items/events that you could not get on your first run? Also, this is a good and challenge hack, sir: I had some troubles with chapter 1, but otherwise is clear how you are suppose to play this
  3. SI lo deseas, yo tambien puedo ayudarte a traducir el juego (al menos los 10 capitulos que posee hasta ahora) If you want, I can help you translate the game (at least the first ten chapters, this should be a good start)
  5. Let's end this..... (END OF THE FIRST HALF)
  6. Sorry For The delay, but I gonna make one of this statements come true: - Leo will make an apperance - Celes will have a new skill - Shadow will die - Kefka will appear again - More that one of these will become true See you soon!!!
  7. Ready for an ending?: (NOT ENOUGH SPACE, PART B COMING SOON!!!)
  8. Ok everyone, We have here kind of a situation: The next part is an special section, in fact, the whole part is just a boss fight , but I haven't decide yet how I gonna tackle it, so why dont ask the viewers: - DO YOU WANT TO SEE THIS PART AS SCREENSHOTS/GIFS? It would be ready this night and I make sure you guys have some fun watching it, OR...... - THIS COULD BE AN VIDEO/SCREENSHOTS SPECIAL? Of course gonna take more time, but you get to see all the fight and determinate if I'm a pussy or this is challegue In Two hours I gonna check your answers, hope than all of you are enyojing this Lp!!!!
  9. yeah, you could get some neat steals (ninja stars FTW) but again, you wont have time to steal (mug maybe) with those fuckers spaming scrolls like crazy as I gonna show soon
  10. Now steal it's only useful against humans, because tell me, how in hell a Flan could have get a Murasame to be steal? Of course, the quality of items are far more superior (this, again, is because Potions and X-potions are more useful now)
  11. Me: ….. What I suppose to do now? Inner self: You have to say something funny and catchy, you moron!!! Me: Right, here I go!!!! Me: …… Inner self: …… Me: …… Inner self: …… Me: I’m dry...any ideas? Inner self: Nope
  12. Once upon a time, was a 19 years old guy how wanted to finish a LP of FFVI: Brave New World... AND HE IS STILL ALIVE!!!!!! MY PC FINALLY WORKS, SO LETS TACKLE THIS!!!! ..... Soon, I have to make all comments and upload all the images -_-lll
  13. Now that I think about it, maybe you can change a little bit the Last chapters plot and make a better ending, so this patch have a unique gimmick: "you want to Know the real epilogue? Play this patch!!!"
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