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Posts posted by Ronlyn

  1. Sup everyone, here I come with some more content for your entretainment. Some of you must be asking why SC is on hard mode and the answer would be: "the developers REALLY want you to play that mode on NG+" so instead of made this a luck base mission, I'm gonna try and beat it while keeping my sanity.

    Without further adds, here's te playlist:


    EDIT: I finally remember to put the link from the first game so here you go:


  2. 5 hours ago, Renais said:

    i actually really enjoyed this hack except for chapter 20 dont be so hard on yourself i loved it

    this hack reminds me of FFT 1.3: Lots of good ideas and well implemented, but the hack drops the ball REALLY HARD when endgame occurs since you need to actively grind/stat boost your team since averages doesn't cut it when most of the enemies are equal or more powerful than you without the effort and RNG bless/screw that comes to the player 

  3. 1 hour ago, DiogoJorge said:

    I honestly don't understand how Bors is getting hit issues with a 40% growth in SKL and lances having better hit%, but I could push his SKL base slighty higher.

    I suggest this: make him a lvl 5 unit and give him the average stats he would have at that level:

    Bors lvl 5:   hp 23 str 9 sklspd 6 lck 6 def 13 res 0

    If you do this he won't be hurting for much exp in the early chapters, which is great since he sucks against axes and in case he wants to deal with them, he has more chances to survive longer against them (I would change 1 point of speed for skill since he wasn't meant to double people and he's supposed to be the most accurate armor/general)


    1 hour ago, DiogoJorge said:

    I'm pretty sure I nerfed throne bonuses to 20 avoid rather than 30, so don't understand how is that still as much as a problem as in the original. But I will check on that and see what I might be missing.

     Sorry, I double checked and yeah, you did that so I'm guessing most of my party got skill screwed (must check that)


    1 hour ago, DiogoJorge said:

    I suppose I need to raise Lot's DEF a bit further.  Dorothy has better bases, sure, but she has a SPD growth of 35%, so she's less reliable for doubling. Anyway, Wolt was already been fixed, since I raised his base SPD a while back.

    Lot's growths are WAY too similar to Wade to actually make a difference between them. I suggest these changes:

    Lot:   hp 85% str 40% skl 45% spd 30% lck 20% def 40% res 40%

    Lot's luck isn't hot (2 at base), so why bother giving him a decent growth there? boost that res instead so he can become a mage-killer sooner and more reliable (You can also take one point of str and give it to def since axe users don't have any problem dealing damage anyways)

    For Wolt I would prefer this:

    Wolt:   hp 80% str 35% skl 40% spd 60% lck 40% def 25% res 10%

    with these he can double more people and get weapon exp quicker to offset his newfound lack of str, which is fine since you can use Dorothy's Steel Bow if you won't invest in her. This also make the necessary action of giving you a choice: An early archer who can double a good chunk of enemies but need supports/silver bow to bring the pain or a archer who can pack quite a punch with a single shot but need supports to avoid getting mauled if your frontlines are breached? I like that kind of decisions (you can even reduce Wolt's str by 1 and give that point to spd so he can double sooner)


    1 hour ago, DiogoJorge said:

    By the way, I assume you playing on Hard mode? That's the intended difficulty to play this patch with.

    Of course: I wouldn't call myself a FE fan without playing on Hard Mode

  4. Done with the early game (Up to CH8x) and I must say.....You didn't do a lot to be quite honest, and here's why:

    - You need to differentiate all the units from the same class: Wade is way better than Lot since the later is supposed to "focus" on def and res and his bases doesn't help him tank anything at all, Wolt has growths all over the place and he can either be blessed or screwed, not competent which is what everyone wants on an archer (BTW, my Wolt got a whopping +1 on skill on his averages at lvl 12 while sucking hard with -2 strength and -1 speed) and even worse, Dorothy has both good bases and better growths (I take 85% HP and 60% str all day since at least I'm almost sure she will do one trick right)

    -Hit issues: Bors was still getting 65-69% hit chances in early chapters where he need exp to stay relevant, Wade and Lot still get anything between 50-60% with hammer/halberd

    -Bug fixes: Nomads and troubadours still ignore weakness against horseslayer/halberd and that means sacae is still a worse option compare to Illia

     -Bosses are unfair: Not because they are OP, but because the throne bonuses are just busted and you should take that into account the next time


    And now on the good things:

    -Shanna is nos a valid option for a flying unit

    - Chad is a pretty good dodge target With his new growths

    -Elen is awesome and worth investing 




  5. Part 2 Done.  I read some of the posts here and I can agreed with the fact units are getting tons of exp, but on the other side since this is my first time I just lvl up everyone  since I need a good grasp of what everyone can do and doing a 2nd playthrough to find out if Danved can replace Nephenee is quite tiring, so I can appreciate this. Look at this pic for reference:


    I cleaned every single enemy on all maps until I defeat Ludveck and the game didnt become any easier. In fact, I had to battle save several times since the enemy can easily overwhelm you in Part 2 and even the mighty pillar of Mordecai will get banish if enough mages are on the scene.

    Leaving that aside, here is the review of each unit:



    Elincia - Started Lvl 1, Ended Lvl 4, No BEXP

    Skills - Stun, Renewal

    Support - None

    Comments - Elincia made me laugh by how frigging awesome she is compared to PoR and yeah she counts as tier 3 but holy mama the queen can fly around, heal (only unit with staff access on Part II), chip people and once Amiti is in her hands she can also delete anyone on screen (and I got the nerfed Amiti, so I can only imagine how destructive she was with the original). Top tier unit for sure even if arrows/wind magic are her weakness

    My rate: 4.5/5




    Marcia - Started Lvl 6, Ended Lvl 13, No BEXP

    Skills - None

    Support - None

    Comments - Marcia hasnt change one bit since the last game in terms of how easily she can destroy a target with next to no assitance. Although I never let her get around as much as I would like since you cannot put her Nullify and she WILL get destroyed by bows and her tanking capabilities are her dodging hits and that's never reliable, Marcia is your girl when you need to dispatch something ASAP and double back to safety.

    My rate: 3/5





    Skills - None

    Comments - Same as Rafiel except for two very important details: She can keep up easily with anyone since getting 9 move via shift is awesome and her canto let you put on places Rafiel would think twice. Those two are well balanced.




    Nealuchi - Started Lvl 10, Ended Lvl 15, No BEXP

    Skills - Wrath

    Support - None

    Comments - This old raven can completely demolish units once CH 2-2 hits since he gets S-rank strike fast and he can actually growth into a complete monster (in fact he is half way into SS-rank strike). I usually don't like nerfs but this man deserve a special mention since unlike Lethe and Mordecai he can hit and run and that's pretty powerful. I suggest putting him at lvl 15 so his lvl scaling is more in line with the cast since he's a jeigan after all.

    My rate: 4/5




    Haar - Started Lvl 8, Ended Lvl 13, No BEXP

    Skills - Cancel

    Support - None

    Comments - My god, Haar also got buffed to hell and back since PoR and I love that: he can wall anything outside of thunder magic users and his SPD is low enough to not double even armor knights, so he cannot erase a complete squadron anymore on CH 2-final and feed units like Callil. Cancel is perfect for him 

    My rate: 4/5




    Brom - Started Lvl 2, Ended Lvl 8, No BEXP

    Skills - Disarm

    Support - B Nephenee

    Comments - The opposite of his little pumpkin: low SPD and RES to deal against magic but extraordinaire STR,DEF and HP to serve as physical wall in the little time you get to use him on this Part.  It was fun try to proc Disarm and stole things (I even got a venim lance that way), but his main purpose can be fill by so many units on Part 2 that I feel he's just there.

    My rate: 2.5/5




    Nephenee - Started Lvl 1, Ended Lvl 8, No BEXP

    Skills - Wrath

    Support - B Brom

    Comments - She can double and that's all she needs to bring the pain. Nephenee suffered for low STR but that's a given and her new weapon selection can really mitigate all of it, but her real problem now is her not being able to survive anything at all without biorhythm since she is as squishy as Edward.

    My rate: 3/5




    Heather - Started Lvl 5, Ended Lvl 10, No BEXP

    Skills - Pass

    Support - None

    Comments - She's there for utility and I can appreciate that: Sothe tends to do more chipping than his actual job and Heather is filling the role quite nice, especially with that pass which means rather than clear the way Heather can completely ignore enemies and aim for their valuables. The cards are awesome but I fell their lack of enemy phase and doubling property really limit what you can do with them.

    My rate: 3/5


    Lucia just chipped and gave up her stuff so I don't got anything to say except she got some nice stats there




    Mordecai - Started Lvl 9, Ended Lvl 15, No BEXP

    Skills - Smite

    Support - C Lethe

    Comments - The laguz on this game are extremely useful: since they get tons of exp until lvl 15, they can now actually growth and show what they bring to the table like Mordecai, who tanks even better than Brom and dish out tons of damage like Haar. His gauge problem can be solve with two olive grass and Leanne's intervention, so I said his contribution was spectacular here.

    My rate: 4/5




    Lethe - Started Lvl 11, Ended Lvl 15, No BEXP

    Skills - None

    Support - C Mordecai

    Comments - She's basically Nephenee except without WTA/WTD and has to sacrifice her first turn to fill her gauge with a olive grass. Didnt feel compeled to use her outside of give her levels since PArt 2 now gives tons of exp apparently.

    My rate: 2.5/5




    Geoffrey - Started Lvl 12, Ended Lvl 17, No BEXP

    Skills - Paragon

    Support - None

    Comments - Geoffrey was trucking along ramming DEF and RES in almost every lvl, making using him quite easy. His brave lance could pop every nuisance on 2-final and since paragon can let him grab a lot of lvls without actual kills everyone else catched up really fast.

    My rate: 4/5




    Kieran - Started Lvl 10, Ended Lvl 13, No BEXP

    Skills - Gamble

    Support - None

    Comments - Kieran's low SPD means he can chip a lot of guys and with that STR he can leave then in the zone to be KO by someone of the like of Astrid. Canto is really useful and Gamble is as useless as before, so no much has change with him since PoR. Please keep him away from mages.

    My rate: 3.5/5



    Astrid - Started Lvl 2, Ended Lvl 13, No BEXP

    Skills - Paragon

    Support - None

    Comments - Astrid has been improved vastly since PoR: She can chip, kill and deal with some enemies and she won't get dusted if anyone look bad a her like in the last game. For some reason she decided ramming up that MAG stat and I can only do but laugh at that.

    My rate: 3.5/5




    Makalov - Started Lvl 7, Ended Lvl 13, No BEXP

    Skills - None

    Support - None

    Comments - He's a mounted myrmidon and I guess that his whole niche but man does he need a forged weapon once Part 4 comes in since that SKL sucks (not as Meg but really close).

    My rate: 3/5




    Danved - Started Lvl 9, Ended Lvl 13, No BEXP

    Skills -None

    Support - None

    Comments - Nephenee, you're getting benched if Danved keeps going on like this: Lots of HP,STR,SPD and LUCK. His DEF and RES sucks but since his dodging is actually good while in worst biorhythm I can toss him on the fray and expect him to survive.

    My rate: 3.5/5




    Callil - Started Lvl 8, Ended Lvl 12, No BEXP

    Skills - Nihil

    Support - None 

    Comments - MY BABY IS BACK!!! And she can still kick butts with elegance. Her SKL became quite crappy since last game but getting access to high ground let her bring the pain while ignoring that fact. Ilyana will get shaft from her post as thunder mage in favor of a actually good unit (her starting with A fire and B thunder/wind doesnt help either)

    My rate: 3.5/5


  6. 39 minutes ago, dD_ShockTrooper said:

    If this was original RD I'd recommend trying to get as little kills as possible since exp is wasted on all of Geoffrey's crew as they're all bad units with the exception of the main man Geoffrey himself. But now that they're not terrible this choice is harder. However consider that there's only 1 map where those guys will be forced to be used again in part 3, and now that every unit is pretty good, good units are not special. I think the "optimal" move is to sacrifice the entire team in 2-3 not because they're inferior characters, but because you can divert their resources to other units of a similar level, but you can't do that the other way around. But honestly, I think making the "optimal" move is probably more trouble than it's worth, and you just shouldn't fuss the details, kill what you feel you need to and don't be stressed about leaving stragglers. The gains from making the "optimal" move are probably inferior to the effort and stress in bothering to complete the map in that way.

    I think I will kill everything in there: if I save that BEXP it means someone else will need it and most of the time Ike's team is pretty much decked out so I will ignore my hoarder tendencies 

  7. 4 hours ago, Silly said:

    Was this on easy mode? The exp gain here seems really, really high. In my experience there was definitely not enough exp in normal mode to get basically everybody to almost level 20.

    Normal mode: most of the time I ignored all bonus experience for quick finish and instead killed everything on the screen including reinforcements since you get more exp completing all other side missions (Saving most of Marado's knights) and destroying everything on screen.

    I just used BEXP when someone was above 50 exp and in the end I saved 10001 BEXP for part 3. Playing smart really gets you a long way in most FE and since Radiant Dawn is divided into parts you have to make sure you get as much exp since you don't know when you'll see someone again. In fact, I'm kind of crossed right now: Part 2 offers 10000 BEXP for not killing ANYONE on map 2-3 (200 BEXP per enemy and there are 50) and that sounds way too tempting, but that leave Geoffrey's team without food. 

  8. Done with Part 1, so here is a somewhat detailed review of all the units I used there:



    Micaiah - lvl 20/1, No BEXP

    Skills - Sacrifice,Renewal

    Support - A Sothe

    Comments: I like Micaiah: She can kill, can chip strong enough to let anyone get the kill and can survive a blow at any point of part one without any investment outside of exp, which she doesn't even need outside of two or three kills per chapter since sacrifice is a good way to keep her busy in the back while everyone else does the dirty work. My only grip with her is that she has no business against mages since her tomes suck against them (vanilla has tons of anima mages so that's most of the problem) and her res was fine but not good enough to tank them outside of dodging.

    My rate: 3/5


    Edward - lvl 18/1, 2 BEXP lvls

    Skills - Wrath

    Support - A Nolan

    Comments - He did his job: Double units, dodge axes, eliminate pesky targets and barely activate Wrath to put me in a bad spot (I know is part of his character design but I don't like Wrath on squishy units unless I can combo it with resolve and you don't get to use that until later). His only problem was his inability to reliably survive in the enemy phase since biorhythm can really screw his dodging and Rafiel comes way too late to solve this issue. Solid unit nonetheless

    My rate: 4/5



    Leonardo - Lvl 18/1, 3 BEXP lvls

    Skills - Cancel

    Support - A Meg

    Comments - He didn't double anything at all in the whole Part 1 so that's my only issue against him but outside of that he was doing a fine job killing without getting retaliated (no thanks to Cancel mind you, I think that skill is useless on him) and his decent RES means he can get a fight or two against mages and get the upper hand. His real charm was the iron longbow utility since CH 1-5 and I do hope he becomes the best user of those since he sucks compare to Shinon or Rolf.

    My rate: 3.5/5



    Nolan - Lvl 20/1, No BEXP 

    Skills - Nihil

    Support - A Edward

    Comments - Poor Nolan needed all the exp in the world: Like Leonardo he didnt double ever in his existence except for a few cases and unlike the later he didn't have any 3 range weapon to make it up so he ended up gaining exp via chipping and occasional kills and his biorhythm started all chapters on bad/worse (I know it's random but jikes his luck was the worst with it) render dodging with him useless. Outside of that, he can reliably hit stuff with his humongous SKL and his HP let him survive situations where Edward would die without dodging. I'm hoping that Nihil means something on Part 3 since otherwise he seems underwhelming.

    My rate: 2.5/5



    Laura - Lvl 19/1, 3 BEXP lvls

    Skills - None

    Support - A Aran

    Comments: Laura benefits for the fact I'm a slow player and kill everything before ending a map unless I got a timer on my back. But outside of healing and the occasional A support utility, she was just there to heal and even then you get tons of healing items which can keep your characters on top condition without worring about the healer lagging behind waiting to get ganked by reinforcements of bad positioning. I guess her niche is tail behind Micaiah and heal her after sacrifice is used.

    My rate: 2/5 



    Sothe - lvl 9, 1 BEXP lvl

    Skills - Paragon

    Support - A Micaiah

    Comments: My most versatile unit in Part 1: He can chip strong enemies, dodge-tank if well placed, steal everything that isnt nailed on the enemy's inventory for some nice exp, give Micaiah a little boost on her already good offensive... the guy can fill any empty niche in the party an do the job even better than those with that fuction. Paragon was well placed in his capable hands in hopes that he can do the same on Part 3.

    My rate: 4.5/5



    Ilyana - Lvl 19/1, 2 BEXP lvls 

    Skills - Shade

    Support - None

    Comments: Ilyana didn't impress me at all: No doubling anything aside of tigers on 1-4, hit between 60-80% against all people and getting killed in two hits makes for a really subpar unit overall. I guess later on she gets some fun against wyverns once she joins Ike but that's for Part 3. I suggest feed her with BEXP and hope to increase her MGC and SPD there just to avoid the hassle of actually using her in combat on Part 1. She needs either more SKL or better accuracy with her tomes since her niche against wyverns and dragons doesnt have anything to do on the Dawn Brigade.

    My rate: 2/5



    Aran - Lvl 19/1, No BEXP 

    Skills - None

    Support - A Laura

    Comments - Aran is the man with STR and SKL to reliably OHKO mages in a lot of cases early on, enough SPD to double enemies Nolan didnt double himself and a extremely good DEF, HP and fine RES to actually choke points even at worst biorhythm so I rely a lot on him and he didnt dissapoint and even thought in the end couldnt double things his killing didnt stop since he could actually see a enemy phase with a good chance to survive. Great unit for Part 3.

    My rate: 4/5



    Meg - Lvl 18/1, 2 BEXP lvls 

    Skills - Fortune

    Support - A Leonardo

    Comments - Meg is quite the strange armor knight: Crazy SPD and DEF to completely stop any incoming advance from the enemy and her RES didnt cripple her against mages most of the time. Of course her horrible SKL and below average STR compare to the other frontline units means she's just there to choke points and kill occasionally since her missing is quite possible. Leonardo's support did actually help against her biorhythm issues and overall babyng her was just a thing of 1-4 and since there she just faired decently. Part 3 will tell if she can be use long term at all.

    My rate: 3/5



    Volug - Lvl 15, 3 BEXP lvls 

    Skills - Pass

    Support - C Jill

    Comments - I like the doggie since it can completely erase annoying units and draw attention from units I wanted to deal with later. His STR will be problematic since my prediction is that Part 3 will be a step up in terms of enemies and Volug will get left behind if he doesn't get his lvl ups together.

    My rate: 3.5/5



    Jill - Lvl 19/1, No BEXP  

    Skills - Fortune

    Support - C Volug

    Comments - My god Jill got nerfed HARD on this game: she eated a energy drop, a seraph robe and a skill book in order to get those stats and even then I feel her game was just limited to abuse her canto to deal against enemies and that's it. her growths seems fine but until they really kick off, she can't do a lot with enemies having decent SKL and DEF now.

    My rate: 2.5/5



    Fiona - Lvl 18/1, 4 BEXP lvls 

    Skills - Imbue, Savior

    Support - None

    Comments - I love Fiona: her start is kind of shaky but her strengths makes her quite the amazing frontliner without the need of healing her constantly thanks to Imbue and a actual MGC stat. Since she was only deployable on 1-7 she needed all the BEXP she could get but even then I think she became quite beautiful and will kick butts on Part 3. I'm really questioning about bringing her to endgame.

    My rate: 4/5




    Skills - Celerity

    Comments - I really like the fact that he gets a lot of Galdr thanks to his lvl and that you actually want to use Bliss/Terror to ensure the biorhythm is on your side to deal against myrmidons or mages. I'm guessing the other two will have more mobility/canto in exchange to this but Celerity kind of make him stand out as the best heron.

    Everyone else was used occasionally so I don't have a lot of opinions of them outside of Tormod being a killing machine on his own right. I hope Part 2 makes Callil great again since she's a favorite since PoR and Nephenee's support there.

  9. 36 minutes ago, Silly said:

    Every character should ideally be usable, though probably not at once. Including enough exp to make every single character good at the same time would break the game, because you could just feed that exp to a smaller amount of characters and have overpowered juggernauts instead.

    There are multiple different versions of the Radiant Dawn iso. The two patches are the same, except one patch works on one of the RD versions and the other patch works on the other version. You'll need one or the other depending on your disc.

    If my memory serves right, Dunal said that we could use all of the Dawn Brigade and have them promote by 1-E to make them decent at Part 3, so I was thinking about leaving everyone around lvl 14-15 and promote them (something I really dislike but I understand the fact that in Radiant Dawn you need to sacrifice potential growth in place of intermediate stats to be relevant so I can cope with that)

    Also, thanks for the info about the patches

  10. I will try this weekend the whole thing since time is a hard mistress so I got a few questions:

    - I have a save from PoR, should I used it here or those stats bonuses weren't part of your scope?

    - The two parts were tested with the use of all characters? I really want to use them all

    - I don't get the whole deal with the two patches, would you mind explain this to me?

  11. 5 hours ago, Crimson Red said:

    oooh, the rare Trails fan

    does "all the games" include the Crossbell and unlocalized Erebonian games? just curious

    You can bet I will play them and ESPECIALLY the Crossbell saga: those games have a very balanced Arts and Crafts gameplay, reliable mira/sepith grinding spots outside of battle (no more sepith bonus hunting) and overall Crossbell needs some love (That and I can showcase the new translation that is going around, here's the link: https://geofront.esterior.net)

  12. Hello everyone, it has been a long while I showed my face here. Today I brought to you a really nice yet somewhat obscure series called The Legend of Heroes 6. I'm planning tackle all the games while doing a LLG on the hardest difficulty while attaining 100% completion in the game

    Ruadath tried this challenge a long while ago and since he didn't brought it back, I decided to tackle these gems since I love this saga. Without more to talk about, here's the playlist:


    Only thing left it's the endgame, so bottle up guys: WE'RE GOING FAST

  13. 46 minutes ago, Dunal said:

    There will be another release between FEE3 and before the end of the year (at the latest). Hopefully sooner rather than later (depends on feedback from FEE3 itself). Will go up to 3-2 and will have much more frequent releases after that.

    Also, for the rebalance, I think I'm going to release that in parts of over the next couple weeks. Part 1 I'll release tomorrow, with each part 2-3 days in-between. Essentially how long it will take me to play-test all the way through the game and make any further tweaks.

    Excellent: it has been a while since I was part of the testing process in a patch so this should be fun

  14. 38 minutes ago, Dunal said:

    Yes, I plan to release it early this following week. Just trying to playtest it as much as I can before then. (Up until now, I've been occupied with 'converting' an LPer's save to a clear file... harder than it sounds).

    If is something like Mangs "Mangs Mode" I presume this is quite the deal so don't worry and take your time: You have done an amazing job till now I can wait (if is yet another excuse to finish another game I'm playing right now)

  15. Dunal, that minimalist patch that you mentioned earlier will come soon? I just downloaded yesterday the game and since it would be my first time playing it (I have already play and beat path of radiance on maniac because hardcore player here) I would like a game where I can use anyone without a lot of fuss over their tier while testing the original balance before playing Redux 

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