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Everything posted by Ryuke

  1. No... Then everyone would put him up on the arena and abuse. Then it wouldnt be Fire Emblem. It would be MyUnit and Friends.
  2. Azura and Kagero have been completely easy for me. Kagero needs to approach you. Making her vulnerable for hit. Azura ... well I got Raven and she couldnt do jack. However... Takumi on the other hand... If that's someway I can remove the range off him. He's easy. Any 5* red unit can take out Hector. Effie seems to be a problem.
  3. I like that Hinoka (yea the face seems a little off) but regardless.. is that the only Fates you've done?
  4. You taking da request? cause your animation is smooth No ... really its good transition. :) (I like the dual sword. now missing the armor)
  5. If I take any video game characters.... It will provide you a challenge .. would it?
  6. IIRC GK = 7, Paladin = 8... Also they can use 3 weapons. GK also has high def. But the problem is all the possible GK unit has meh def.(if I remember correctly) GK comes with armorslayer... that's the problem.
  7. Also I love that doctor explanation (Now how do I delete this post ... cuase I double posted)
  8. So ... Moulder is a priest that exercises in his off time while keeping a stache. Moulder also eats alot then... He must have been eating all these foods in Frelia because Tower of Valni guard cant defend themselves for life. @Soul~! Maybe Vaida is stocky... nah.. yeah.. Like all Pegasus Rider has low con. I imagine they are just tiny girls that fly on a peggy. Probably every Wyvern Rider has to undergo rigid training to become a soldier thus gain strength... (then again .. so does a swordmaster)
  9. Yeah.. they probably did exist. But if you are a strong soldier... you can do basic lifting unless its Nino. Even if its overall size... It feels weird. Why can a bigger size unit can rescue a small one. Like how? (Insert some anime trick where they absorb the user)
  10. I totally agree. They mess Ephraim up. He's usually is ... I dont take battle that I cannot win.
  11. @FionordeQuester ... Definitely seen strong women lifters. However.. at the same time. we are dealing with medieval days ... Where if you are warrior you shall lift/fight ? Did lifting exist back then? ... most likely. body weight maybe.. In anycase, I am literally thinking just the same... A true avid MMA fan right there. The only thing is Constitution... I believe comes with weight class. Like... higher cons = hard to rescue... since Aid has to be > Con. A general can save a Wyvern Lord .. and cannot work the other way around (just an example.) It would be weird wouldnt it? A General can maybe grab the user and leave the Wyvern. However... people like Swordmaster cannot do that. Maybe he doesnt lift ... or the General literally carry the rescue person in one arm like a ragdoll (or two). Yet a Wyvern cannot rescue a General. Is he too heavy? @The Geek *cough* heavy dark magic tome *cough* .. These thing must weigh a barbell worth of weight.
  12. Seth, Cormag, Eirika, Ephraim, Joshua, Marisa, Vanessa. @Levant Mir Celestia Paladin dont gain new weapon type. Still sword and lance. Great Knight is pretty good...preference really. Paladin has really low str CAP. personally I like Paladin more... though I wont say 'no' to GK.
  13. I know ... the actual definition carrying a certain weapon w/o speed decrease. So explain this... Vaida has a 12 con. Joshua has 8/9 con. Does that means Vaida can lift more than Joshua as she needs to hold a lance despite being a women... (or think Effie from Fates) Or Heintz from Chapter 7 can literally carry a 9 weight tome meanwhile Joshua struggle since his con is 8. In Vaida case... would you say she is resting her weapon on a wyvern thus expending less energy? Yay... discussion. If wrong place. lemme know. or move it.
  14. @Slumber Marth/Eliwood/Lyn/Eirika/Roy ... are decent lord. Yes... they have a higher chance getting STR screwed via RNG. Ephraim and Hector are definitely contender for the best unit in the game ... espeicially Ephraim. Hector well. there's Athos and we cannot complain. However for PoR/RD there's Caineghis (however you spell it or the royal laguz but Caineghis is definitely there)
  15. Nightmare modules link is dead. Checking if I have the latest. Where to start basic eventing for FE8. Watch ghastutorial and work from there?
  16. @Elieson Felicia is still a Nohrian afterall. Same as Silas ... and Kaze for Hoshido. Scarlet I put her as Hoshido ... because they seems more like a defector rather. Felicia can be in Nohr if you choose Nohr route. Scarlet cannot.
  17. Ryoma = Xander (Dealing with the hottest white guy vs the hottest asian guy. In an equal sitting... I cannot vote or be bias) Takumi = Leo (see above) Saizo > Laslow (Both are considered hawt. Or according to Laslow) Azama < Niles Hinata = Odin (wtf... another Ryoma Xander pairing... I will go with Hinata -- personality wise and a better dude you want to chill) Subaki = Arthur (God... the men is even harder than the women... this is like comparing apple and orange. They both have their own perk.) Kaze = Silas Yukimura < Gunter OR Jakob Kaden < Keaton Hayato = Benny (this is comparing a kid to a black man...) [1:2] Shiro > Siegbert (close one) Kisaragi > Foleo (soo apparently he's a guy) Grey (Saizo kid) = Ignis/Dwyer Hisama < Percy [2:1] Guess we have a draw. Hinata and Odin seems the tiebreaker for me.
  18. Goddamn it. Game has been tricking me all this time. Didnt do the kids support in the game. This literally just make Hoshido wins even more.
  19. Sakura = Elise Hinoka > Camilla (Sorry not sorry) Kagero > Peri Setsuna > Beruka Oboro < Selena Hana > Effie Rinkah < Charlotte Orochi < Nyx [4:3] Selkie = Velouria Caeldori > Soleil /Eponine (No equal ground comparison) Rhajat > Eponine (Rhajat = Soleil) Mitama < Ophelia [6:4] Scarlet < Flora Reina < Felicia [6:6] Midori > Sophi [7:6] Birthright won. (This is my opinion hurdur)
  20. Omg... you can drag and drop. I feel stupid now. Thanks alot :)
  21. @sdgj1994 F!Corrin is good... good tank. Can beat knight since her target is Res. Like Tiki. Mines has bane res I think so it didnt help.Effie would definitely get rid of the bow unit for you. At the cost of 1 movement and maybe weak at magic. awesome tank. Personally... with your stamina. I would work on F!Corrin, Effie, (4* Green/Red/Unitless) ... cause 2x Blue is enough. then play around with F!Corrin/Effie replacing Cordelia and Effie.
  22. @sdgj1994 Modified my post. Haha. Explaining the money. In short you are pretty stable. I believe you will get your next 5* unit in what... 2 weeks? if not less? (assuming they still give 1K free feathers)
  23. Short answer: No. Why spend cash on a game when it can be used to go to FE Fates (Route #2/#3. There's more fun in that) Grind with Training Tower. Take 2 of your 4* unit with your Camilla and Lyn. Preferably a Blue unit -- if not train one to 4*. Grinding in training tower will take time. But it isnt too bad. I got to level 40 in 3-4 days. Once you are in level 40. Lunatic can be trampled easily. Chapter 1-8. Focus on what you are weak at. Do you need a Blue lance or magic user. Also... 4* healer... that is good helps.
  24. I thought Einjerhar were suppose to be mindless character. I havent played Awakening for a while. I might missed something.
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