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Everything posted by Ryuke

  1. Sharena rallies is OP. Okay... I check through Alphonse skill that he can learn. He seems pretty good. I feel like Alphonse and Sharena will be really OP if you managed to unlock their potential to 5 stars. (That's alot of EXP)
  2. My most disappointing unit so far is 3 stars Odin (BLUE) His magic is so awful... that he hits 0/1 against high res pegasus flier. His speed is slightly above average. Not that helpful if you are hitting 0-3 x2. His def and res are average at best.
  3. Yeah... I got my warning at 90% ... I was like .. already? .. wait what?? Thanksfully for me..its my last day.
  4. 3 Star Cherche: Broken atk, High def. w/ low Res. 4 Star Roy/Lilina providing backup Alternating between Tiki/Selena for 4th. 3star.
  5. Sorry to say. My Roy is pretty brutal. (high str) Matthew on the otherhand.. lol... cant even hit.
  6. Thanks alot guys! Nice hack vincentasm (off topic) and roflolxp54 It's more like I want to max stat for the lol of it. Not aiming to do online much.
  7. New here ... well not really. I stare more than chat. Anyway. Is there a way to maximize a character stats without using the logbook trick. I dont want any einherjar unit. I know I can keep training them until level 99 (Or is it even feasible after level 40) IE: My Ryoma is already level 30 and his magic is god-awful... and his def and res arent cap. I figured the best option might be reclass him and letting him do his own thing. Using the class growth to push a certain stat up. Note: I already have aptitude on. Thanks alot !
  8. Hello! 9/13 -- FE games completed. (missing awakening(todo), thracia(todo), fe1, fe3 (dont plan to since i finished the ds) 0/2 -- tear ring saga completed )=
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