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Posts posted by Matt_Custov

  1. That's pretty bad that you don't even know your own continent lol...

    I have three questions:

    1. Who is on this, "team"?

    2. Can you show us some stuff?

    3. How would we contact you?

    Btw, I'm not thinking of joining, I just want to know about these things...

    1. Orange Scarlet, the Custov brothers, Chepp Von Decellius

    2. Whenever I have stuff to show, aside from good mugs

    3. Skype me at Matt_Custov, be prepared to show your skills to the full team

  2. It might be worth mentioning what you do have. People are unlikely to want to join a project that only has writers or some sort of leader - because right now it seems that you're basically asking for someone to do the work for you. My advice would be to learn a few things yourself, such as events or mapping and then ask again when you have something to show.

    We have some maps, some characters, and some ideas for the text

    so is this a question orrrr

    Yes, lemme rephrase it, Will you join this project?


    thank you, also you'd know the story of the story, considering you and Orange created it

  3. Hello everyone, starting today, the Goth and Awesome team is creating a project before the time of law and order, on the continent of kings, a land of beginnings (Marth's continent). Hopefully, this will be a chocolate hack.

    Right now, we (i.e. the team) are looking for members who can make portraits, event, mapmake, and a little help with scripting. Screenshots will be posted as are available.

    Team so far:

    Orange Scarlet - Battle Sprites

    Matt Custov - Portraits and Text Editing

    Chepp Von Decellius - Battle Sprites and Portraits

  4. Thank you, Blazer. We always could use more pessimists ruining peoples' hopes. At least be a LITTLE supportive, or just follow the Golden Rule. I know it's daunting, but understand that I actually had hopes for this, and you ran them into the ground. Also...don't insult my writing. I don't see you working on writing so much. NOW I get why Kelik isn't the motivator.

    He wasn't insulting your writing, he was stating a fact that I find true myself, if you say I have ideas, almost everyone does, so that's kind of a bland statement. Also Kelik is bada$$, don't insult him

  5. 1. Don't double post.

    2. I suggest editing out your e-mail address, unless you LIKE spam.

    3. How much have you experimented with the publicly available tools?

    1. Sorry

    2. will be done

    3. I have experience with Mappy, FEditor, Nightmare, Event Assembler (I don't really know how to use it though), and HxD. If I'm right, that's all of them

    Did you read the admittedly outdated manual?

    Of course not No one does. Read the manual first, then when you don't understand something, post it in hacking questions.

    Do you mean Blazer's? becaus I read that one

    probably not the right forum, i would move this to the hacking questions or concepts

    also the best way to get help is read through the tutorial, try following the instructions, test, works great, doesent work, recheck your work, if you see an issue fix then test, if it works cool, if it doesn't work start a topic asking for help with a detailed explanation of what you did and what happened

    Yeah, sorry about that, I thought I clicked hacking questions, I must've clicked the wrong thing

    Edit: I don't know how to change the post of a topic or delete it

  6. How you can help!

    If you're good at something, whether in a hacking sense of a graphical sense, we would love to have some help. In particular, we could use some assistance in the mugs department, and the battle sprites department. We're pretty set on maps actually. But if you want to lend a hand and become a part of the team we'd love to have you. You can either post here or shoot one of us a PM and tell us how you'd like to get involved.

    That's all for now. Tell us what you think!

    I would love to help with the scripting

    Yeti made a brand new map editor this weekend. That tool is way better than mappy and tiled combined XD

    Once my guide is written and we optimize a few processes...

    There is no replacing Mappy, Klok!

  7. Official games might not have much voiceacting but at least this does, and it makes me happy that someone is pushing the GBA to its limits. I've already known that you're the most secretly accomplished hacker so it's good to see that you've finally gotten to the point of starting to show said accomplishments...

    I agree with Blazer, and I can help with the scripting, should you need it

  8. Hello everybody,

    I'm a noobish modder in fire emblem games. I'm working on my first two hacks together and would like to request help.

    My friend SmashedFish is helping with some portriats, and Markyjoe1990 is teaching me how to event.

  9. This hack looks amazing. If I had the time (or the incredible skills)I would help you with this hack. Sadly my hack, Volley of War, is still buggy and needs to be evented better. Either way, I wish you good luck on this hack

    In FFT, fallen characters leave a corpse that can be healed in the usual way, but they fade if dead for too long.

    I don't have my laptop with me so I can't play or critique the hack yet.

    I find it funny that we're all sitting here talking about FFT when the subject at hand is Marc's FE mod lol
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