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Posts posted by Tubba

  1. Oh, come on. There's no harm in a little fun, is there?

    It only heals 20 HP or something too, which is kinda useless considering you have +5 in both defenses now...

    Wasn't it Traces in Japanese :?

    Still, Traces of the Blue Flame was definitely cooler than Path of Radiance.

    *Brandishes New Nelson*

    Well, first kanji means "Blue", second means Fire. My dictionary lacks a direct link, but it's safe to asume it does indeed mean blue flame.

    That's funny, my dictionary defines second two kanji as meaning "Wagon tracks". Yeah. Not spot-on, but it could certainly be a double meaning. First kanji literally means "Trail" or "Road", second literally means "Trace", "Track", "Mark", etc.

    So yeah. Path of the Blue Flame or Trail of the Blue Flame is a fine translation, but it really does sound weird. I guess a blue flame might have some special meaning in Japanese, but it certainly doesn't in English AFAIK.

    @Nestling: Your mom sounds silly in English.

  2. I'll jump in. Hauteclere didn't exist in FE1/3. Gradivus does. Its effect is different depending on which game is being played:

    FE1: Can be used to heal (don't know by how much)

    FE3: Doubles EXP gained in battle

    Of course this meant the Gradivus healing came as a surprise to most people.

    US versions Brawl refer to FE6 as Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade which suggests that was a working title for the FE6 localisation a lot of working titles are included, bit genreations are refered to as digiluxe which si the title they were going to be released under until NOA dropped GBa support to focus on the DS.

    I don't know if it would be called Binding Blade though :(

    I recall Melee refering to it as Sword of Seals though...

    End of the day translations are not an exact science. You are free to use whatever translation you like but trying to enforce them onto others usually doesn't get far.

    Just a bit of curiosity, you didn't lose faith when Trial of the Blue Flame became Path of Radiance?

    Yeah, Binding Blade was even worse. Working name for FE6 localization during development was Maiden of Darkness.

    Path/trial of the blue flame would've sounded silly in English.

  3. No. You're twisting words.

    Beo no Ken = Beo(wulf)'s Sword. Hence, Beowulf Sword is fine, since it points towards the exact same thing, a sword related to, or owned by, someone known as Beowulf.

    Sealed Sword and Sword of Seals are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS. A Sword of Seals is a sword somehow related to seals. A Sealed Sword is a sword that's, well, sealed away. I'm not saying the Sword of Seals wasn't sealed away, but that's not neccesary what the name points to. Either case, it's not sealed away once you have it, is it?

    It's like translating Hikari no Tsurugi into Shining Sword. Sword of Light COULD mean that it emits light, but not neccesarly.

  4. The Sword of Seals (Why do people keep calling it Sealed Sword? Because they call it that in Brawl? Fuuin means Seal, Tusurgi means Sword, Fuuin no Tusurgi = [Tsurugi] of [Fuuin] alternatively [Fuuin]'s [Tsurugi], or simply an approximate translation. Using Fuuin no Tsurugi, which point to a sword related to seals in some way, rather than something to clearly point that the sword is SEALED or that it clearly SEALS away things would have suggested a better translation, but given that it's not entirely clear what the title is intended to mean as it's true both ways, the only good way to translate it is the Sword of Seals. Unless we get a translation from English-competent offical people or an interview or comment specifically stated that the translation is supposed to point one way, using anything but Sword of Seals makes you look like an idiot.) has way too few uses.

  5. If his performance sucks, which it does, then him being there is obviously detrimental. That's just common sense. He can't keep up with the team, and thus either gets left behind, which means he can get killed by lone enemies or high Mov enemies or reinforcements coming from the back, or that he drags the movement of the entire team down. He can't kill anything reliably on his own.

    Hmm, massive liability.

    That's because you're using him wrong. Most people just leave him around in the castle, expecting him to level automatically or something like that. You have to kill things with him for him to be good. I assumed that was a granted, but apparently, it was not.

    You give him a resource many other units can use as well? Epic lolz. Why not give it to Ayra, Holyn, Jamka, Aideen, Lachesis, etc.? Why would Ardan, who still has below average statistics even with that additional movement, take it over any better unit?

    Also, if Ardan needs that Leg Ring to be at least any good, then that's auto-fail.

    You complained about his movement restriction in the first place. I don't find it a problem, as I don't need excessive movement to make good use of my unit.

    I know, right?

    But if you really want your statistical comparisons, you'll have to wait for a bit, as I can't just get those numbers out of my magical hat. Or you show us that Ardan is indeed statistically superior to many of your other units.



    2 Level

    32 HP

    9 STR

    0 MAG

    9 SKL

    10 SPD

    4 LCK

    7 DEF

    0 MDEF

    Pursuit, Awareness


    3 Level

    36 HP

    13 STR

    0 MAG

    5 SKL

    4 SPD

    3 LCK

    13 DEF

    0 MDEF


    Most notably, Arden had a lead of 4 STR (!) and a whooping 6 DEF. Alec has a fairly irrelevant +6 SPD lead, +1 LCK and +4 SKL. Arden wins HP with +3 as well. MAG and MDEF are tied at 0.

    Now, the would-be veteran player will immideatly notice Alec's Pursuit skill. However, let's make a simple comparison.

    They both fight an enemy, a Mountain Thief. The Mountain Thief has 35 HP, 5 STR 7 SPD and 5 DEF. Other stats are 0 or irrelevant. He's holding an axe, so his AS is probably in the negatives, allowing Alec to double with little issue.

    Alec holds a sword to not cripple his evade, right? Well, let's see.

    Iron Sword gives Alec an ATK of 15. Arden gets an ATK of 19 (!!!).

    Effectively, Alec has an ATK of 10 against the bandit, Arden an ATK of 14.

    Alec attacks, and doubles. Mt. Thief has 15 HP left. Alec has 20 HP left.

    Enemy turn, Mt. Thief attacks. Alec has a measly 8 HP left, but barely manages to kill the Bandit.

    Amazing. Now let's look at Arden, same bandit, same equipment.

    Arden hits Mt. Thief for 14 damage, mt. Thief counters, bringing Arden down to 30 HP.

    Enemy round. Mt. Thief attacks Arden, bringing him down to 24 HP, Arden counters, Bandit has but 7 HP left.

    Arden easily finishes the Mt. Thief off.

    Now, while Alec indeed only took two rounds to kill the Mt. Thief, at the time of finishing him, he was in peril himself. Arden could probably take down TWO Mt. Thieves at a time without being at a major risk of dying, simply due to his Ambush skill. This would allow him to kill both of them and still remain at 10+ HP. Let's take a look, calling the Mt. Thieves X and Y.

    Round 1, Arden hits X bringing him down to 21 HP. Arden is brought down to 30 HP.

    X and Y hits Arden. He now has 18 HP, one of them has 7 HP, the other 21.

    Round 2. Arden hits Y, bringing him down to 7 HP, Arden himself having 12 left.

    Enemy round! Will Arden die? Nope, because his Ambush skill kicks in, allowing him to kill both of them without a scratch, and with enough HP to survive another hit!

    This was just an example. See how Arden is superior to Alec?

  6. If you really want to argue...

    - Granted

    - His performance is far below average, so his longer existence is more of a detriment than a benefit.

    - With the low movement when all your other units can move much further? Sounds more like one of the worst to me.

    - Fuck no.

    - Granted

    - Yes.

    - Flawed argument. Him being there is not a liability in any way, regardless of performance.

    - So? Give him a leg ring if you're that bothered by it. He's there to take hits, not run around like an idiot.

    - Ooh, impressive counter. I'm stunned.

    - Yes.

  7. And the troll has just been fed. Again.

    Tubba, I'm now laughing at your pathetic trolling attempts. Get better and I'll laugh even harder at how you screw over people.

    Screaming "TROLL ;___;" whenever you disagree with someone makes you the troll. That post is nothing but an attempt to annoy me.

  8. Unless you are extremely lucky and abuse the savestate, it's almost impossible to make Adan as a good unit. Don't even talk about him being the best in 1st Gen. >.>

    I trained and promoted him twice or maybe thrice and each time he disappoints me greatly for not being useable at all.

    - He's required for the Pursuit Ring

    - He's there from chapter 1

    - General's one of the best classes in the game.

    - Only Sigurd, Cuan, Holyn and Levin beat him in stats

    - He uses Swords, the best sort of weapon

    Best might have been a slight exaggeration - I will have to admit that Sigurd is more useful. But besides Sigurd, no one holds a candle to Arden.

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