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Everything posted by Mitsuki

  1. lol disregard that I still don't feel comfortable with voting SB though
  2. Well, I have definite proof that something is going on with my role results that shouldn't be happening. As in, I've received a PM from Kirsche that said something that definitely didn't add up to what my role is. I've asked him if that was right, and he said it wasn't a mistake. Weird, right? Now go and check rule 4. Usually this would point out that there's a tailor or something similar out there. But given what has happened to me, I'm interpreting it as (at least) pointing to a role that swaps role results among people, or changes role results in a wider way that something like a tailor. I guess it's also possible that I'm being used as a proxy to use other actions, but I think that's unlikely given what the message I received said. Either way, if something similar happened to your role results it'd be nice if you told me, since that would prove my theory. You don't need to tell me what you got instead, of course. Point is, I wanted to let people know that such a role exists. Specially to Refa and the cop, because I've been talking to SB and he definitely doesn't feel like scum to me, so I'm trying to make sense of the situation. I may just be wrong and biased, but I definitely don't feel comfortable with voting him given what I've pointed out and some other stuff I've told Refa.
  3. Thanks for the concern, but I think my thoughts are focused enough. We just disagree. Thant said, if anybody thinks Elie is scum right now they're crazy. But maybe the cool kind of crazy! Still wrong though. I will not vote SB for a while because even if I think he's most likely scum I want to be 100% sure that this is the right thing to do.
  4. ^ why are you keeping your vote on him because he's doing nothing to save his ass*
  5. @Elie actual question, why are you voting Darrman on not doing anything to save his ass? I'm leaning town on you but that's bothering me.
  6. I don't think Elie is trying to paint me as scummy? I think he was talking about Darrman's paranoia, not mine he should clarify, though
  7. I know that you've talked to me but Kaoz is using my computer right now so I can't talk/read what you said for a while, sorry Also I thought it was one vote more
  8. And yeah we've had scum doctor before
  9. What the fuck is my phone doing Elie pls help @Elie I know what you mean, but I still don't see it? It's because he's being a jerk just like that and I expect scum to try to be overall nicer, even if they aren't to people who they're casing. Not the strongest read but I also don't like how everyone voted Darrman all of a sudden, that never happens when the person who is being voted is scum.
  10. Yay phoneposting for the first time! (Can't use my computer right now) Darrman, maybe where you've played it does, but here roles are not alignment indicative like half of the time. People who base their reads on rolespec alone are wrong a good deal of the time, because mods already make their setups so that you can't guess scum easily by role alone. For example, once I rolled one-shot arsonist and I was town. I think Darrman is way too confrontational to be scum and I don't see the pressure as leading to anything, so yeah.
  11. Hi everyone! There's a bunch of people that I don't know yet in this game, so let me share some details so that it's easire to contact me! I live in Europe (Spain), so have in mind that I might be sleeping when you contact me if you live elsewhere. I definitely prefer IM to PMs. I use Skype on a regular basis, even though I'm always on invisible. Please add me! I don't feel comfortable with sharing my contact details in the thread, so ask about those on PM or tell me in-thread and I'll add you/send my skype name to you. I can also go to IRC to talk if you want, but that's less convenient for me so I'd rather use Skype. I'm not very good at starting conversations, but I'm always happy to talk! So if you want to talk to me go ahead~
  12. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Actually the thing that motivated me to join was playing with you. I hope you replace in or something. SIGH
  13. @Gaius, the playerlist is full, but you should ask Elieson if he wants to give you his slot because he joined out of pressure and he doesn't like to play OC apparently.
  14. Rein did you just get a scum role PM
  15. Kirsche I joined, you don't need to wait for Gaius I wish he played but I want to play too
  16. /in Between joining and not joining, this is the option that I'll regret the least
  17. Not sure if you have, but you should probably check the opening post in this thread. This game will be OC (outside contact) mafia and that may be different from what you've played before, so you'll probably want to check it for more information. Also please don't just vanish, send a PM to a mod if you want to be /out of the game at any point. That will make things easier for everyone. I hope you'll enjoy the game!
  18. This is Kaoz. Queue isnt updated because Im not home. No filler games, go down the small queue. If Prims doesnt want to host, Manix should even if it doesnt start right away. You can already post signups in any case.
  19. She let me know that Nightmare didn't like something you had done so it was thanks to her that I contacted him. Nightmare didn't shoot you in the end, but he gave away the fact that you needed 6 shots to be killed. It was also probably thanks to talking to him that Agape contacted me and let me know that he wasn't jailing you (maybe he wouldn't have jailed you even if he didn't know of my plan, but we'll never know).
  20. I've been away for like 5 days and the game has already ended. Wow. Makaze's biggest mistake was offering to sell people he supposedly was allied with in thread. It's not just inefficient (N2 in a 57p game nobody wants anyone dead in particular, unless you're me), but also a terrible strategy. People who otherwise may have told you my alias will feel betrayed and ally against you, and other people will consider what you're doing unfair and want you dead for being a jerk. But hey, I'm not complaining. It was fun. Oh, but I have to say that I'm not going to try to kill anyone in particular next game. Probably. Thanks to everyone who trusted me and gave me their alias. It was way more people than I expected! Also all the nice people who offered their help without asking for anything in return, when they didn't have anything to gain from that. And everyone who talked to me, really. I think this was a super nice EIMM~ Also @Euklyd: the reason why I told you to tell Makaze not to trust Kirsche was that it wasn't convenient for me to have a busdriver working for Makaze. Not like it mattered, since Kirsche already wanted Makaze dead. But I didn't know that. Why are you always so nice and adorableeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (TwT)<3 You were the person I had the most fun working with, not to mention that I would have never been able to craft the masterplan without your help. We still need to hydra for some actual mafia game MY SACRIFICE WILL INSPIRE THE FUTURE GENERATIONS
  21. I think I've learned to be more skeptical of people, but not in a conscious way. Also I think now I'm able to figure out more stuff about people overall. So even if I'm way more wary of people than before (and I already was the kind of person who doesn't trust others), now I can figure out who I can trust better. Other than this, I think I've learned to explain things better in English. I think my self-confidence worsened a lot when I started playing mafia, but right now it's probably about the same.
  22. Also I'm not going to shoot any of Makaze's allies, and I'm not going to support a shoot on them. It's probably important to make this clear.
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