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Everything posted by Ishi

  1. Welcome this place is pretty good I'm sure you will enjoy it. Also yeah play the other games they are so good and each is unique in its own way.
  2. Oh wow I wish I knew that. I just spent some additional money on top of my annual hardware update for windows 10 beta I shouldda just waited...
  3. Honestly the dread fighters cool and all but I don't want them to just reuse awakenings assets entirly they can reuse the models of the essentials such as swordmaster, heroes,paladin etc... But when it comes to uncommon classes I want a new unique class.
  4. Actually the dark Knight almost looks female upon closer look
  5. If it's book 1 use barts he's better than sagi and magi and if its book 2 don't hold onto axes you get no Axe users. Also don't throw star shards into storage instead equip them to units they increase growth rates.
  6. Ishi


    Hehe probably a funny coincidence but I'm OK with it wyrs deserves just look at that badass Famicom face ;D
  7. So one of the biggest mysteries of the trailer was why there was a sword with a advantage over bows and I was thinking what if the weapon triangle was revamped. What i'm getting at is in Radiant Dawn the Magic system had the Elemental triangle Fire Wind and Thunder from FE4,5 and 9 as well as the GBA triangles with Light, Dark, and Anima so basically there was a Magic triangle within a Magic triangle. Perhaps in this game there is the traditional weapon triangle swords lances and axes but with a new twist of melee weaponry beating bows, while bows had and advantage over magic, and of course magic with an advantage over melee weapons. Anyways this is just my thoughts I think it be cool if this was the case.
  8. Hyrule warriors is great its pretty addicting for a game than revolves around the b button plus there's good dlc.
  9. Samson is better in my opinion especially in older games with 20 stat caps and in newer he's pretty good with axes so yeah samson. Also I though the title was samus vs aran guess I been playing to much metroid.
  10. I found the one where Viridi admires link to be pretty funny or the one with Chrom interesting as well however i was a little disappointed in some compared to snakes like marths in brawl explained his story in this one it basically talked about his attacks however i find it funny how in Robins Viridi claims that theres no point in copies yet Lucina shows up in the game xD
  11. Ishi

    Mashups etc.

    Yeah its a good concept but yeah like you said its not a finished product strangely i feel the two really suit each other like if FE 6 was on gamecube or something it have vocals like that.
  12. I like the video on his channel with Yoshi vs falcon Yoshi is extra large mouth while falcon has barley any legs.
  13. Just incase anyone was interested Best Buy has this game listed for release on december 31st 2014 for 64.99$. Personally i feel this is false info as there is no cover and with a release date of december 31st we probably would have heard about it by now. incase anyone wants to check out the listing heres the link
  14. I really hope for Wii u but the odds are its gonna be 3ds and some how related to awakening a real disappointment.
  15. bienvenue à la forêt. Jai parle un peu français. Je espère que vous aimez FE4 cest tres amusant.
  16. I really wish they would do collectors eddition of course being the stupid bastards Nintendo is the would never and instead realese Mario typing 2 or some shit. Also I think it would be very costly like Metroid trilogy was fuckin 80 $ and now its even nore I'm guessing it be between 80-130 dollars still I'd empty my cash for that.
  17. Spoilers but in radiant dawn its revealed that ashnared was being manipulated by lehran and the fact that his wyvern is a prince is cool plus he hates laguz yet his wife is laguz and his son is part laguz he's far from my favourite but he is pretty good far better than fuckin berdo in FE5 :P
  18. So yeah I believe sonic on the genesis was the best I tried playing adventure and couldnt enjoy it or the wii u one. Is there any sonic game close or better than the genesis trio?
  19. Actually I'd sooner play FE 11 over FE 3 book one but not FE 12 over book two some have better traits.
  20. Oh crap not portraits than there be about four to six in awakening and one in every game except Gaiden so about 15-17 I think I might be missing a couple in awakening.
  21. Yeah I believe the first three games follow the promote to bases. So yeah go ahead and promote cliff already xD
  22. Hey man welcome on this website you will learn many things you didn't know and probably end up playing every fire emblem game twice or more enjoy your time here
  23. I really don't care if they don't follow what a wyvern looks like I think that they look better with arms personally but I do wish that they would make them look like radiant dawns again they looked so damn hood
  24. there's about about five different Anna portraits in awakening and than 11 for all the other Anna's in the games take off two because FE 12 reuses FE 11s and FE 7 reuses FE 6s so there about 14 Anna's in the series if I'm not missing any. As for my favourite either awakenings because shes playable or thracias because I'm biased as hell towards portraits in that game.
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