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Everything posted by Ishi

  1. I've never enjoyed winter and am really mad that this happened November the 8th and I already got more snow than Toronto gets in the middle of winter! I guess this is the price to pay for living in central Ontario. anyone else have snow or like to share their winter experiences? Or just share your feelings about winter here.
  2. They did it again I went and watched the mystery of the emblem medley and noticed that its still against the dark knight not the black knight.
  3. I found the ranch imvasion really fun and kinda challenging Zelda needs more weird stuff like that I replayed it several times and remeber the guilt when I failed the first time.
  4. In the direct part of the video heres a pic.
  5. OK back at topic at hand does anyone else like the new time meter over the clock? I prsonally think its not as annoying and can actually be tolerable.
  6. Hmm have you thought about doing YouTube LPs there very fun anyways id say 10-20 pics per chapter and maybe show off maps new characters important dialogue and unexpected results like crits.
  7. The fact that you had to ask that is funny you clearly are anew fan. But Awakening is piss easy I wouldnt recomend casual its really stupid but dont be mistaken by the difficulties normal is really easy hard is the normal and lunatic is actually hard so id recomend hard mode as it is a little tougher but not much.
  8. The only problem I have with the game is that like oot 3D the ocarina will use letters and not c buttons which means I kinda have to relearn all songs..
  9. Majoras Mask 3D HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!

  10. Anyways i want to start by saying holy crap that moon could get even more scary. now play it in 3D
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hj6cXziHpjQ Holy crap this blew my mind looks so good anyways here a topic to discuss all the greatness it is.
  12. Well 20 years after Eliwood story she would be 36 assuming we use Japan age since you know FE 6 is Japanese I'm guessing she would look the least aged out of the three maybe similar to Eleanora.
  13. Uhh makin it so that its final destination no items fox only! Joking those people really piss me off though in all honesty not buffing Zero Suit Samus that much and not nerfing Marth and Ike although the Ganondorf buff was really needed now im pretty good as him. Oh and maybe some more FE representation like really all Awakening trophies really made me mad what about the other handhelds like even a Roy trophy be nice. Speaking of trophies maybe if they identified the DAMN GAMES there from! it just creates even more people who think Marth and Ike are from the same game.
  14. Some of these are really funny like the FE 13 one its so true though you dont know FE till you actually play somethin else. And the fact that they mentioned the "In America" from kempf in FE 5 is so funny.
  15. Ike has more smash power but its harder to combo as him now.
  16. Holy shit you aint gonna believe it, the damn thing actually has and ending!!!!!! here's my file check for yourself. Apparently my second run scored me a C rank.Also the ending text now doesn't automatically scroll you can read at your own will.Anyways good find mate maybe people can alter it into English so that we can finally have a damn ending.
  17. Not sure where to post this as its both FE 3 and FE 12 so ill just put it here. Anyways I was bored the other day and decided to merge all my favourite FE 3 and 12 music into one video and make use of my FE 12 footage lying around. The music transitions between FE 3 and FE 12 as do the clips. Since this is a Fire Emblem site I thought why the hell not post it here anyways here it is hope you enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W51OsCGbj_Y&list=UU9Jb_BjNGAARSlrQIlsonmw
  18. Oh most definitely Gonzales all that muscle and I never have to talk properly "Me like hurtin bad guys" plus being number one axe unit in the gba series is a great title.
  19. As awesome as this sounds I think it would only be possible if FE 4 gameplay was changed to standard fire emblem so shorter chapters and more units so that Leafs army just doesnt vanish when they unite and maybe throw in FE 10's separate armies so that you dont end up with Celice slaughtering Berdo.
  20. I'd say any as long is its not awakening that way you don't hav to break the habit of casual.
  21. FE 4 4/5 While it was truly amazing and one of my favourites the generic as hell bosses and reused sprites really disappointed me other than that the uniqueness was amazing. FE 5 6/5 Truly the best in the series a great difficulty and mechanics that add to the experience like the capture or dismounting and the first game with the famous fog of war the black made everything tougher and the story was beautiful the portraits were the best here.But uh xavier was the real big challenge in the game. FE 6 5/5 this game has a great story and challenging chapters at times the different endings were great and is something that FE needs again FE 7 4/5 This one has a meh story especially including lyn's however they experimented with multiple lords and modes and it was great the growths were really high however which sparked a chain up until shadow dragon of easily being over powered the reinforcements were also changed to appear on player phase which added to the easiness however there were more difficulties which made the game better FE 8 3/5 While it tried to make things more fun it also made things way more easier such as level grinding and the demons in the game were just silly it felt unique but also strange i didnt enjoy it overly much but the route split was a good addition unlike the map which allowed unlimited shopping. FE 9 4/5 The first 3d in the series and it still is great (better than awakening) the game granted bonus exp but to much which easily broke the game the laguz were a interesting concept they were powerful and way cooler than manaketes FE 10 5/5 This game improved graphics over FE 9 and added two lords to it which made it interesting the story was amazing possibly the best and the split routes are a personal favourite feature although micaiah's army really got screwed by the end. Also they took out support conversation while not a big deal it kinda made me mad. FE 11 2/5 It removed so much stuff that it seems pathetic almost im shocked they left in the weapon triangle the character were bland as hell however the growths were appropriate and added difficulty the difficulties were interesting however the story never changes from it boring generic self FE 12 4/5 This took the missing features of FE 11 and brought some back my unit was interesting but broken as hell support convos returned kinda and the sidequest were way better they didnt need genocide and had a connecting story the entire story was really interesting unlike shadow dragon FE 13 1.5/5 the game that got me into the series i used to love it now i kinda hate it the story is a pathetic screw up with time travel the generation system was complete crap why couldnt they kill Chrom and make it split like genealogy also the avatar is really stupid it was a gateway to the god damn waifu kingdom in fire emblem the only good thing it did was its good soundtrack also the DLC was really bad it sparked unfamiliar fans to now think that ike is from awakening which really pisses me off i honestly dont know how this gets all its praise.
  22. I laughed my ass of the entire time but in all seriousness I think amibos in smash are stupid its just a stupid AI that slowly gets less stupid but like all AI in the game it will always be weak and predictable.
  23. Hmm the Mewtwo reveal was good I hope this means there will be others for sale like Roy or the other melee cast oh and maybe leaf has like a 0.2% chance of appearing.
  24. Just thought i mention this awful news for the people of other countries.yesterday a suspected Isis terrorist murdered a ceremonial guard at parliament leaving the capital Ottawa in lockdown for a long time the prime minister said little information to the public clearly not telling all the details. Do you think that if this man is indeed Isis will Canada go to war? Also I don't know to much about this so more information would be really appreciated if you know anything.
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