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Everything posted by Ishi

  1. 1% twice in a row in Thracia 776 including a Crit. Highest would be 99% miss in FE 7 of all games.
  2. 2 might feel a little outdated for you. 4 and 5 are really good although you might find some flaws in it for yourself. The problem with 4 is that it is really big maps that can drag by sometimes. But the story is amazing. 5 Is more traditional but has some insane difficulty you can play with 2x the exp mode to try to balance that. The translation patch is the worst in the series also. But other than that the game is definitely one of the best in the series.
  3. I have some serious nostalgia for Ocarina of Time. I always found that the 3ds remake was not as good as the 64. And of course Majora's Mask is my favourite its just so fun to replay and the time mechanic is really good. Haven't gotten around to the 3ds remake probably never will.
  4. 1 Radiant Dawn: there was a lot of great maps and a unique hard mode. 2 Thracia 776: The difficulty was amazing. The plot was really good. Maps were fun and the capture mechanic was absolutely amazing. 3 Heroes if Light and Shadow: Well simple it was a FE remake done properly the side story was really interesting and it had a lot of the features everyone loves before Awakening had it.
  5. Ishi

    New member!

    Welcome man! This place is pretty cool. Also your a fairly rare kind one that has yet played Awakening :P
  6. I always promote Lyn first. Then Hector in EHM or Eliwood in HHM. Lyn just seems to gain levels at a really fast pace, probably due to her amazing speed and my luck with her strength growth so I overuse her. Hell sometimes she reaches level 20 long before I can promote her xD
  7. Bright side you can access the detention center chapter now.
  8. I like it. Makes deciding who to use in choking points much more important. I do wish that certain bosses had it or something for additional struggle in an intense game.
  9. I think Seth is overall to powerful for being a Jagen unit with some good levels he can solo the game. I'm a big believer of they should start out good but over time get bad. Marcus in FE 6 is really good example especially on Hard Mode as his decent bases are the only way to chip at enemies for the beginning game until Rutger arrives even then he is still useful. Its really western Isles on he starts lacking. My favourite would probably be the original Jagen because them spikes :P As for least favourite I really hate Fredrick's personality and also his growths but mostly his personality.
  10. I can't play 1 its aged poorly. 2 is rather difficult to play but it doesn't have remakes so I can tolerate it at least. Don't get me wrong 1 was amazing but only for its time so I wouldn't rate it as the weakest FE game. But certainly my least favourite to play.
  11. Honestly I give it to Sarem. He starts weak right, so some scrolls and Elite Manual makes him fairly good.
  12. Honestly I do this shit with people to spark conversations. Sure I look like an idiot but I can talk to people :P
  13. I like the third one everything fits well. The first two kind look mashed together but its a start. Practice makes perfect after all :P
  14. I talk to myself when Im all alone. But not in public very often, I tend to mumble some stuff when I stressed though regardless of where I am.
  15. Honestly I hate the idea of a new port with exclusive content. Like the 3DS may be better in sales but this is one game that DOES NOT need to be ported. It could have sold as a new top quality DLC like the Cia one that added some new story but better.
  16. Oh yeah normal mode. Well Wendy may be easier to train/use. So I'd recommend her. Although sadly my only experience with her is on HM and its a really negative experience.
  17. Barth is in my opinion the only good one. Wendy may look like she'll be good but nope she is below average no strong points. Barth excels in defence and HP so he's probably best even if he'll be doubled. Also training Wendy on HM is near impossible.
  18. Like my top three for Hard Mode are: Lilina, Perceval, and Milady they are my go to units on HM. But in Normal Mode they're: Lilina, Sophia and Sue. But yeah Lilina is solid in every difficulty and honestly my favourite FE6 character.
  19. Not bad at all. Nice job mate. I really enjoyed the first player phase from Thracia that was very well done.
  20. Watch epilogue in japanese the game crashes in every translation patch.
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