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Posts posted by Phoenix01

  1. FE6: I'm glad I played it after I finished FE7, because I wouldn't have understood a lot of it. The story's good, difficulty is much higher than the other GBAs which is refreshing, but suffers from some problems like the "only x support points per chapter" and the fact that most took ageeees to achieve. Most of the characters were notable subpar to the same classes from Blazing Sword (Peg Knights, for example), which added to the difficulty a bit, so some balancing is needed. However I'm still happy that my Wolt turned out good <3

    FE7: My favorite FE. One of the things I've admired about this is how the story ties in to FE6's and leads up to it but doesn't give much away. I love the characters, it improved on many aspects from FE6, and just <3. It was also my first one, so I guess I have a bit of inherent bias, but w/e it's still awesome.

    FE8: I liked the dual-promotion and reintroduction of trainees, and there were a couple other minor areas where it improved, like the text, but it just wasn't as great as 7, imo. It wasn't bad, just not a lot really stood out to me.

    FE9: Haven't played much of it, but I read a LP of it and liked what I saw. It does seem like a lot to get into with forges and the skill system and all of that after playing the GBAs.

    FE10: ^^^, except I haven't played it yet. It looks even better than PoR, though.

  2. It was alright. The story mode was fun, although I wish there were a bit more customizable features. Your kingdom's name, for instance. The gameplay's pretty fun, though, and it isn't too challenging. Just be warned of what happens when you complete the main story.

  3. 16x is much worse than 16. (And no 14x?)

    14x was a bit easier because I just stalled out the Boltings and overused my fliers rescuing people. It wasn't my favorite, but I didn't hate it on the scale of 14/16 either.

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