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Original Alear

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Posts posted by Original Alear

  1. My understanding of the Medieval Era is that kings, nobles, powerful priests, etc. who have kingdoms to travel through are recognized because they typically travel with retinues of guards and courtiers to guard them and announce their presence. I don't know if it was extremely common, but the stereotypical image is a guy with a trumpet with a flag tied on it who blows the horn, and then shouts (or maybe even some other guy shouts) all the titles that the king has earned for various deeds or actions. Remember that time in the end of Part 1 when Pelleas is barely recognized/paid attention to by his own army until the Black Knight makes an appearance? It's actually a common trope in fiction for a member of royalty or privilege to end up outside of traditional trappings of power and for them to be unrecognized by their own followers.

    When I worked for a (medium?) sized law firm, not everyone knew everyone in the firm, and sometimes I would get calls at my office for people who worked in other offices in the state. I don't even know if I would recognize the head of the law firm if I saw a picture of him and didn't know it was supposed to be a picture of him.

    The people who recognize Micaiah IIRC are citizens of the capital of Daien in the slums, which is where she has lived for a while, I think, since living in Daien, and where the Dawn Brigade has tended to operate. I don't remember any of the cast members from Laura onward who join recognizing "The Silver Maiden." Later she is known by the troops because she's been commanding them.

    I believe that in large armies w/ certain organizational styles and in certain time spans, the general might not even be that well known by the common troops and instead mostly sending things by messenger. Though there are (or were) definitely armies where the general fights on or very near the front with the men.

    But I think there's some merit to what you're saying. Personally I like the idea of Ike just doing whatever. Though I wish that IS had done more with Priam than just be like "ya he might be Ike's descendant or something lol what do we know?"

    Also, I don't really think there's a huge difference between getting a text message summary of a character's actions and getting the character to talk to the lord at the end of the game. I felt like they gave most of the attention to a specific character from each region - like Jill, for instance, gets more dialogue with Ike in FE9 ending than the other Daien characters IIRC.

    EDIT-I didn't find Ike's battle against the Black Knight in FE10 to be stereotypically heroic. I think in his own words he wasn't battling to get vengeance, he just wanted to resolve the battle. It reminded me of the bond between Jarod and his subordinate (Alder?) in Part one of the game. I thought Ike seemed clearheaded and free during that battle. At the same time, I think I kind of wished there had been another way, but Ike and the Black Knight didn't seem to feel anguished by their battle. But when Ike battled Ashera, I thought he was heroic because he said "fighting defines me, I'll never give up til I die" or something like that.


    The heroes among us, they are the true slaves. Thrust against the limits of mortality, they alone feel the bite of their shackles. So they rage. So they fight. We only have as much freedom as we have slack in our chains. Only those who dare nothing are truly free.

  2. Well technically Echoes: Shadows of Valentia did have Naga be called as Divine Dragon King as well. (I don't know if this was some sort of gender thing with rulers in Fire Emblem since I know that Edelgard wasn't called as Empress, she was referred as Emperor in Three Houses)

    There's this book series called The Enchanted Forest where a princess is captured by a dragon, but the two hit it off. At some point the dragon competes in a competition/trial/contest to become King of Dragons. The thing is, the dragon is also female, so the princess asks why the dragon isn't going to become queen. It turns out "King" is gender neutral for dragons and "Queen" is also gender neutral and not anywhere near as important a position.

  3. The only EO I ever perfected is 3 (on the DS). The only thing I never accomplished was beating the elder dragon (boat world) with only 2 PCs and 3 NPCs. If you do that, please make sure to post what reward you get, I always wanted to know if it was a worthwhile weapon with any particularly interesting bonuses (I think usually the quest reward drops for boat land are mediocre status inflicting weapons?).

    I suspect/worry that the best way to beat elder dragon in EO3 is to dedicate your controllable team to bad status and support and very slowly chip him down to nothing with help from the NPCs.

    EDIT-My least favorite thing in Etrian Odyssey is curse. Because of 2 things:
    -Because EO follows a somewhat common JRPG tendency to have enemies with lower damage and higher HP than allies, if your allies are cursed, they will do massive damage to themselves when they attack, but enemies who are cursed will do almost nothing (compared to their hp totals) to themselves. So there's almost no point to cursing, except
    -When you want a curse conditional drop, you have to whittle down enemies pretty close to nothing and let curse do the rest, otherwise they won't possibly finish themselves with the curse, it'll wear off, and then you have to wait some turns because at least some EOs have a system where enemies (and maybe allies?) become rather resistant to statuses for a while after they manage to clear them off.

    I was going to beat EOU2 100%, but something happened, and my saves got cleared from right before fighting ur-child and ur-devil and all I had left was a save for fighting Scylla for the first time.

    Oh ya also just so you know, EO2 and EO3 also have superbosses with superpowered elemental attacks, and while there might be some other strategy to get around them (binding or boosted skills maybe), mostly you need a protector (or zodiac in EO3) to deal with those attacks as well. Not clear if you beat EO3's postgame already. So if you want to keep one team, it might be a good idea to have protector in EO2 as well. However, I think some people beat the hardest bosses in EO2 by using boost-restoring items to keep bosses locked down or something like that.

  4. My first FE7 run was the best! I used Marcus, Erk, Florina, I think Lucius, Oswin, Hawkeye, Pent, and Louise, maybe Canas? I might've also brought Jaffar or Matthew? I lost a fair number of characters, including Raven. And I killed Guy my first run! (I loaded the battle midway through and forgot that the script indicated Matthew could recruit him).

  5. I thought it was interesting that in the secret sacae chapter (where you get the bow divine weapon) there are dark sorcerers with status staves. Religiously speaking, Dayan tells Yodel that they believe their ancestors were wolves, and they believe in the elemental affinities. I don't know if the dark shamans are religiously important to the clans, but I think it'd be cool if they were.

    It's not clear to me that it's a confederation of tribes. It's true that there are horse/plains/steppes/horsebow peoples who started fragmented and then united to wage war against other nations and such. But in the script of FE6, even after Djute falls and joins Bern, the other tribes seem to try to resist to a certain extent (most notably Dayan's tribe). It also could be that before Bern invaded Sacae, the fragmented tribes sometimes warred against each other in less extreme conflicts. Or maybe they really were united, and primarily fought bandits and and defended from other countries (or invaded in raids themselves sometimes). But the exact nature of the unity of Sacae doesn't seem clear to me from what I looked at.

    Also, even though there's a big focus on clan life, Fir says she and her parents lived away from the clans, and didn't really participate in clan life. And it seems like it was that way for Lyn as well, at least after she lost most of her family.

    Umm, and Shin says Sue is critical to the revival of their clan, so it seems like leadership tends to be hereditary, at least for the Kutolah.

  6. I don't think there's any problem with your questions, I wouldn't worry about how "dumb" they are or anything. But you don't feel like you can identify your motive for asking these questions?  Sometimes I feel robotic, controlled, or automated to an extent. But since being dumb is something many people probably feel insecure about (I know I worry about it), maybe because you think you are dumb, you're trying to find out if people think you are dumb (reality checking) by posting this.

    Also relevant:

  7. Ya, I play with my parents probably at least once a week. We used to play Catan quite a lot, but we don't take that one out as much anymore. I might spell some of these wrong, but some of the most common are Alambra, Carcassone (we have the big box set and a few additional expansions), Castles of Burgundy, Lords of Waterdeep (almost always with the Scoundrels of Skullport expansion), Segrata, Splendor (barely ever with the expansions), Rise of Augustus (I like it cuz I feel it's very quick), Machi Koro, and Seven Wonders (with the cities and leaders expansions). And there are some more I'm too lazy to remember. I think Lords of Waterdeep might be the favorite.

    I wish I could play the Game of Thrones board game a little more, but my parents don't like it and I'm too lazy to find friends these days.

  8. 1 hour ago, RibsChirino said:

    Maddening is very tricky, I managed to get to Ch. 17 in Crimson Flower and got REKD by that battle, spent like 8+ hours trying, different strats, managed to defeat some of the enemy generals, but they are way too strong and my units are not the best compo sadly. I still have the file but I'm going to start a fresh campaign with an overall strat for a better chance of success.

    Maddening is so much fun but it's really tough haha I wish you success in your run!

    The most disappointing part of my maddening run is that I tried to recruit a bunch of students with B supports to keep me from having to fight them in the later chapters...only a few of them came over to my house, so I think it'll make it harder to have those students. Then again, I'm not sure if they get replaced by equally strong enemy units anyway.

  9. 10 hours ago, RibsChirino said:

    Thanks for the welcoming 🙂 I appreciate it!

    Nice! I will definitely check both of those in the future.

    I'm going to finish my last campaign in the base 3H game (Silver Snow) and then I'll have another go at Maddening!

    I actually haven't finished 3 Houses Maddening. I'm in Blue Lions on the chapter before the timeskip. Someday I may get back to it...if I can clear the first battle after timeskip, the rest should be smooth sailing, right?

  10. 16 hours ago, Zapp Branniglenn said:

    IS didn't figure out the word "retainer" until Fates. And didn't discover that there was actual class divide between nobles and commoners in society until Echoes, before then country bumpkins were marrying whoever.

    No, in Priscilla's endings in FE7, her noble status makes it difficult for her to marry Guy, Heath, or Erk (though in Erk's they do eventually marry, and in Heath's he promises to return for her). I think there are some other endings with similar themes before Fates?... And when I was looking up FE7 endings to confirm that, I found out that Rebecca and Lowen are referred to as Eliwood's retainers in their paired ending.

  11. 17 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Really anyone with a holy weapon already fulfils that function in Genealogy.

    Nah. For instance, castle bosses can't pursue YOU, so they really don't make a good Lu Bu (the most effective thing about Lu Bu besides his almost constant power aura is that he can come to you sometimes). I'm kinda sorry I'm posting this though, it's so trivial.

  12. I think the money cap should be 50000. I believe that's exactly how much you need to repair divine weapons from broken to completely fixed (in blaggi staff case, from 1/1 uses instead of 50/50 uses). Maybe that's why it doesn't stay locked at 99999, though I think some hacking I've done in the past involves values staying above their normal caps. Hope that'll help?

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