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Posts posted by metalsnowman3

  1. So I'm pretty new to league recently hitting 30 like 2 weeks ago, but I do play ranked for fun but mainly to get better and learn the game since normal games can be wacky sometimes.

    The second statement is true, the first is questionable. Ranked is for competition, winning is fun, losing isn't. In my opinion (as a diamond player) the reason people are in their current division is simply put because they lack the mechanics, objective control, decision making and game sense to move up.

    (Isn't that like the entire game) But yeah its true I play with my friends and it is easy to tell who are the better players by awareness of the map and when to go in and what not and feel the ranking system is pretty good.

  2. SSB4 being like Melee would admittingly cut down on a lot of the online complaining. Though keep in mind, there are a lot of people who play Smash Bros. that don't bother with online forums, communities, and such and a lot of those people don't bother with competitive level play, whether it's learning skills from it or even reading about it. If SSB4 was more like Melee, I could imagine a lot of those people would hate it because of how easy it is to die and how the physics are too fast to be ideal in free for alls (which is what most casuals would be playing). Those people would probably consider Melee physics in SSB4 to be a big downgrade after Brawl made survivability much easier (especially compared to Melee's "falling like a brick" physics and dying from losing track of your character in free for alls being quite common). Just because the complaining online about the game would greatly decrease, that doesn't mean the complaints overall would decrease since you have all the casuals and non-online posting gamers to take into account, whose voices aren't as easily heard since they don't shove it down everyone's throats online.
    And you know what's even more sad than Smash 4 potentially being "better than it could've been?" How about Sakurai literally developing the Smash Bros. games at the cost of his health, sanity, social life, and happiness? Have you even seen all the horrible things Sakurai endures and puts himself through to develop these games like working on Smash Bros. games every day of the week and only getting 4 hours of sleep every night? How about him dealing with huge problems with his wrist yet still developing the Smash Bros. games? Or how about his latest article where he even goes thinking borderline suicidal thoughts during a Smash Bros. game's development because that's how hard it is on him and that's how much he sacrifices his happiness for ours? I'm not saying Sakurai is a saint or is perfect, though having restraint regarding Smash complaints (especially the ones that consider anything not Melee/Melee-like to be utter garbage) and direct insults towards Sakurai would be nice.
    Anyways, although I do admittingly have my ideas on what would make SSB4 better, I'm not going to post them since Sakurai and the SSB4 staff deal with plenty of complaining as it is. Also, I don't really feel like posting my complaints/criticisms after reading about Sakurai's borderline suicidal thoughts rather recently.

    It sucks that he loses health over it. Maybe it would have been better if he didn't make smash 4 if it was that much of a burden. Choosing to share an opinion in SF forums isn't going to affect him at all though.

    Also, yeah casuals might not like it and wouldn't voice their opinions on the internet or whatever, but the actual hardcore gamers are what helps push games to the popularity that they have. Games like DOTA and Starcraft are made even bigger from the competitive community and the money involved in it.

    From http://www.ssbwiki.com/EVO_2013

    Although there was stiff competition from the Skullgirls community, a massive push from the Melee It On Me podcast staff resulted in the Smash community raising nearly $95,000 by the final day of the donation drive.

    • Melee was one of three games that broke the EVO record for the most watched fighting game of all time, with roughly 134,000 viewers on the official live-stream.
      • Melee was the first of the three games to break the record, and is currently the second-most watched fighting game of all time.
  3. I understand why some people dislike melee and its fans, but honestly think of how popular it would be if the physics were like melee. There is a reason why the melee scene is still growing after 13 years or whatever and people like melee so much that they modded brawl and that has become big too.

    Also, how many people who bought smash 4 would not have bought it if the physics were similar to melee? (obviously no one knows)

    It just seems like a no brainer to me personally because melee is fun at the competitive level and non competitive level. Unfortunately Smash 4 just isn't as fun at the competitive level compared to melee so there is still a divide in the smash community.

    I appreciate and play Smash 4 and what Sakurai did but it is sad to think of how much better it could have been.

  4. I figured I'd wait to see some opinions before posting, and now that Doofina has shown I think it's time.

    On one side, I wanted the main tournament thread so things could stay organized. Having a new one for each tournament would create too much clutter.

    On the other side, I don't want to snuff out other people who want to host tournaments on the side. Doofina is one person and not everyone is going to want to follow that procedure. The system has yet to be perfected.

    For now I'm going to say that this can stay since it should be big enough (no cap on entrants, after all). I won't let any smaller ones have their own thread, though. Anything for 16 entrants or fewer goes in the main thread, but ideally, everything would go in there, and after some tweaking to the system I'll likely decide that they all need to go through that for the sake of organization.

    I would like to mention that outside of the draft tournament there really isn't a good reason to allow as many people to the tournament as possible. If there happens to be bye's with an uneven amount, do seeding based on the leaderboard if PKL/Doofina update it. If they don't, just seed it so the top players get byes.

    I would also like to suggest (maybe when the wii u ssb comes out) of doing like a weekly tournament that just starts on monday and ends on friday and anyone can join but that wouldn't work with Doofina's thread being the only place for tourneys.

    sorry for cluttering up this thread but i don't know where the best place is to discuss this.

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