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Posts posted by metalsnowman3

  1. That was ridiculous, yet HILARIOUS. I don't see why MGAW warrants a ban, this was fantastic coordination and teamwork. The opposing team had the same characters, but didn't have the same strategy it seems. People shouldn't get steamy because they lost to superior teamwork and tactics. It might have been "cheap", but you do what you gotta to do win, you know? Even an effort like this requires SOME level of skill and practice.

    Then again, I'm not a tourney player, so maybe I'm not seeing this the right way. 8U But I still think the teamwork was fantastic.

    [spoiler=this is good teamwork]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ktqj5Z9gF8

    good luck finding a way to beat that without using the same comp as none of the fighters have instant KO moves like that.

  2. Yeah dude Mang0 does things that don't make sense but he will pull it off because no one expects it. I love seeing him vs westballz in an old set where he is falcon and just full jump knees while westballz just stands there and gets wrecked by it.

    Oh yeah, also two of my friends are in the front row of the stands there :) I would have gone too but I had a wedding to go to that weekend.

    But I will be at a big Milwaukee tourney on the 8th and I will get to meet M2K because the owner of the gaming lounge I go to to play melee invited him to come with us :D

  3. I feel like there are only 3 teams that have been consistent: the Broncos, the Raiders, and the Jaguars. The Broncos have been consistently good while the Raiders and Jaguars have been consistently bad.

    On another note, I can't wait for the bears to not have Jay Cutler as their starting QB. He is talented but he has made 0 progress since first coming to the bears. Trestman needs to actually hold him accountable or something because clearly the Jay Cutler keeps improving is a lie. I know not everything is Cutler's fault but he continues to choke in close games and giveaway the ball at the worst times in addition to being too predictable in who his primary receiver is. He has been in the league 8 years and he isn't going to magically become good.

    Also, are you fucking serious Lamarr Houston, C'MON MAN! good job getting your first sack when there is 4 minutes left and the defense you are on got destroyed and then celebrate and tear your ACL.

  4. Some of the sets in this tourney were crazy! My highlights were when Mang0 wrecked Hax's Fox with his Captain Falcon, and that 4 Stock on Leffen. It's good to see that Melee is still going strong.

    That 4 stock was pretty insane but its Mang0. I love the captain falcon like crib walk to down smash to punish that Hax spot dodge. LOL who does that?

  5. Metalsnowman didn't seem like anything special when I played him, but he was using Falcon and maybe not playing seriously since it was 1v1 that came from a FFA, even if we both started with 2 lives and close to 0%

    Febro's much easier to beat with customs off for me since Mario's change the whole matchup it's annoying but he's the best out of people I've played I guess. I'd say we're even

    Dusk is pretty good, and now I need to pad this sentence out so it looks like I said more about him. Hah!

    meh its 3s but you can beat me pretty easily if you are good at defensive play since i go all out aggressive.

  6. Some gameplay footages from gamexplain of the Wii U version



    They have uploaded many other Smash Wii U Direct videos in their channel.

    Including, Mario Circuit, Yoshi's Wooly World, Jungle Hijinx, Kalos League, Wrecking Crew.

    woh in your sig does that show fredrick making an appearance in the paultena pit convo's?

  7. Those planning on joining the Draft Tournament (Sign ups should be up when the Original 12 tournament ends) but have never played any FE Drafts before, I suggest go to the Draft Forum and check out some threads to see how the drafting process works. I'll try to be as precise as possible in the rules, but it'll help a lot if you guys are familiar with it first.

    Remember, Challonge account is required for this tournament.

    is that draft tournament up yet?

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