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Posts posted by metalsnowman3

  1. oh quick 2 pieces of advice if you guys care at all:

    Aura Wolf: just an fyi when i did those grab release to bdown with shiek on your ness, you can air dodge before i hit you. (ive tried it on ness's in FG and they air dodged it).

    RFoF: I think you could use Luma more. I remember times in our fights where I would hit you up or something and luma would be right next to me and you wouldn't do anything with it. Can't you have it attack even while you are hit stunned. I could be wrong but I thought I've done it before. I know Luma can attack while Rosalina is grabbed.

  2. still doesn't stop Little Mac.

    Crappy air game is not much when you can destroy everything in the ground

    ive beat little mac's taking like 5% damage just by playing Marth, baiting out his moves then throwing him off stage, then counter his recover and he dies. Unless they are really good at sweetspotting the b forward. If they go for b up then drop zone fair or bair stage spike.

    Im guessing this will work with other characters with counter.

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