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Posts posted by metalsnowman3

  1. I think I'll use these FFAs to brush up on not Peach. I don't know where to start so I'll pick random.

    Yoshi is... wow. What'd they do to him? He's so much easier to use!

    MK feels quick and nice still.

    I want to know who did the balancing on Lucario. It looks like they gave him stronger everything.

    They finally killed Fox's usmash, rip

    Is there a way to stop Litte Mac's b move? And wowowow his recovery is atrocious.

    I prefer Sheik's old side and down b :(

    I have never heard anyone say they prefer shieks other side b lol. Also in melee shiek's down b is the worse move in the game. However Zelda's down b is the best move in the game.

  2. if you guys play for glory mode you play better players, or at least that is happening with me. And you see a lot of variance of characters. I think I've fought like 1 shiek out of over 200 matches (1v1). A decent amount of lil mac's though, but he is really fun so and he is really easy to kill so yeah. There are obviously some more popular choices. Also if you are against someone really bad you can just leave the room and search for someone else.

  3. Wow i must be playing Robin completely wrong if she is 5th or something. But i play super aerial aggressive and she doesn't fit that :(

    Anyways you can do find with Ike, don't get too hung up on tier lists. This game is pretty balanced imo (I have lost to Ike and ganondorf with my shiek just because they played smart and I played not smart lol) and honestly just getting better at fundamental things will help a lot.

  4. good to know lil mac's nair can be awesome.

    I don't think lil mac is OP. With Shiek or Lucina you just have to space him out and be patient and eventually they will throw out a punishable attack. Once he is off stage keep him off stage, jump off and fair or bair or whatever aerial.

    playing as lil mac as i found out yesterday is really fun though lol.

  5. Ana (and others if they want to get more involved in competitive smash), try maybe asking PKL later either tips on how to get better or what you did that made it so easy for him to win and then do friendlies and try to get better. I started doin melee and pm tournaments at the beginning of summer and would get wrecked but most people in the competitive scene are pretty nice (from personal experience) and will gladly give you tips on what you can try to do better. I don't know PKL so he might not but either way it wouldn't hurt to ask.

    I'm sure others around here as well would be glad to help if you are willing and respectful, and yeah sometimes it gets real frustrating when it seems like you aren't getting better but you can if you try.

    I also try to pass on knowledge acquired from others as well and would be glad to give tips if we play some 1v1s ever.

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