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Chloe Neo

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About Chloe Neo

  • Birthday 04/03/2001


  • Member Title
    Too Many Waifus...Cant Cope

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Profile Information

  • Interests
    Hi, my name is Chloe. Anyway I like to play Many Fire Emblem games and any RPG one's for that manner. I like drawing too, mainly anime I've also taken an interest in drawing the Female Fire Emblem characters from FE6-10.
  • Location
    England and off playing Trusty Bell~ Chopin's Dream

Previous Fields

  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn

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  1. Aqua must be in kingdom hearts 3 ☆彡

    1. HK Motendra

      HK Motendra

      I'd rage if her not being there was even a possibility

    2. deleted35362
    3. HK Motendra
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