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Status Replies posted by deleted35362

  1. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssspppppppppppp

    it's so cute '''3'3''' i must change mine to match

  2. yes i drew her as soon as i saw her for the first time. i love her design

  3. no i can't be my own lover you are tho and you are the best <3

  4. now there is tho, unlimited profile comments for the bestestsetsetstesssisisiisisisisisisisiisisisisisis of all the world

  5. now there is tho, unlimited profile comments for the bestestsetsetstesssisisiisisisisisisisiisisisisisis of all the world

  6. What? I made myself a signature? WHEN?

  7. Don't you hate it when people mix up affect and effect? Like, that bothers me way more than it probably should.

  8. This is pretty late, but thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone!

  9. $264 a week? Epic! What to spend it on? Touhou stuff. =w=;

  10. "All Dogs Go to Heaven"

  11. The Power Master 1 demo has just hit 30 downloads!

  12. I'm not sure whether I prefer Awakening or Radiant Dawn.

  13. I'll be gone for a while. Sorry friends...

    1. deleted35362


      dont be sorry, take all the time you need. we love you <3

  14. Calc reduces my lifespan by 4327859483920578490325794 years

  15. someone recommended my fanfic and ahhh I'm so happy ;w;

  16. Found out how good Xenoblade's music is, spoiled myself on a major plot twist looking for more. Goddamn it.

    1. deleted35362


      it's k just don't do that again for grand theft auto i mean xenoblade x

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. Today I'm gonna recommend a new tea that I found recently. It's called Kukicha or Twig Tea. I don't know much about it other then what it taste like. It's like a cross between a black and a green tea. It is rather nice, and has a nutty taste to it. It reminds of of Oolong tea except a bit milder. It's not too bitter and has a pleasing aroma. It seemed to help calm my stomach after a meal so it might be best to drink after or with a meal. I hope you enjoy this calming rec...

    1. deleted35362


      can i enjoy it like i enjoy my dank memes

  18. This is a thing
    1. deleted35362


      that glaceon mage person is good at touhou...whoever they are!

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