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Posts posted by Lerandel

  1. People interrupting me mid-conversation. This isn't a problem when it's one-on-one but when multiple people are around there's just that person who tries to interrupt mid-sentence and then they never get me a chance to rejoin said conversation.

    Inconsiderate people in MMORPGs who whisper hateful shit to others for no reason but to get a rise out of it.

  2. Legend of Zelda 1:

    • The English translation was extremely vague on hints, and changed a couple useful hints in the Japanese version for no rhyme or reason.
    • Blue Wizzrobes were a pain in the ass to face, and your best bet was to bomb and stab them with the Magic Sword if you had it.
    • Game balance was a bit unusual: Level 6 was harder than Level 7. Level 8 in the second quest had weak enemies and the "boss" is the exact same from an earlier room in the dungeon.
    • Bad ending to a great game.

    Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance:

    • After Circle of the Moon was said to be difficult, the difficulty is almost non-existent in this game.
    • The sound chip definitely took a step backward in this game compared to CotM.
    • Disappointingly easy final boss after a moderately difficult fight with Maxim.

    Dragon Quest IV (both NES and DS):

    • NES version - Chapter 5 had mandatory IQ control over your characters. Why is this bad? Because Kiryl/Cristo had an uncanny habit to cast instant death spells over healing.
    • Both versions - Borya/Brey had ice spells that most, if not all enemies resisted it, meaning he gets benched early on. He does have use in the final battle on the DS version where he can buff one character before the final boss removes all buffs on the party.
    • DS version - I felt the translation and accents felt a bit awkward at times, and despite the North American NES version having to deal with NoA's censorship, it had a more fluid translation in my opinion.
  3. I'm going to open a can of worms with my first entry: Star Fox 64. It's a good game, don't get me wrong but it feels very repetitive and a bit bland gameplay wise. All-Range Mode is seen a total of seven times, which is a shame because it adds a bit of variety. While the script and music is great, the gameplay feels a bit rusty at times. The flaws I had int his game became more apparent the more times I replayed it.

    Another candidate would be the previously mentioned World of Warcraft. Sometime during the Warlords of Draenor beta, it seemed Blizzard just mailed it in and made drastic changes, cutting content. When the expansion was released, it was to near-universal acclaim. However, a few months passed and the acclaim turned to criticism: It had the fewest raids, zones, a lot of cut content and subscriptions fell like a rock. Legion as mentioned, tried to reinvent the wheel but added more problems, such as gutting classes in the name of "class fantasy."

    Someone can fill me on my second entry because my mind is a bit hazy.

  4. Beatrix from Final Fantasy IX stands out for having every fight as a "steal every turn and hopefully you steal every item she has." Why is it bad? All of her boss fights are on a hidden timer with abysmal steal rates. Once it expires or you deplete her HP, everyone in the party drops to 1 HP, and the game continues on.

    The turrets boss in Mega Man 2 too: You HAVE to be perfect with Crash Bombs in this boss fight. If you screw up, you're forced to restart the battle.

  5. Most of your characters have the wrong stat they don't even use (Magic fighters, speed knights, etc.) and can't be changed. In addition, stat boosters have been removed from the game.

    The game has permanent fog of war, and torches are not in the game. Yes, even indoor chapters get Fog of War now!

    The game has FE13 Pair Up, but it only applies to the enemy.

    FE6 weapon accuracy is back, but only for your side.

  6. Mages, Knights and Archers are historically my least favorite classes to use. Mages can be quite frustrating to use, especially on maps with an abundance on physical attackers. Knights' problems are that they are slow and if they have low luck, they're critical bait.

    Archers in most games are completely helpless in melee range, and if they get jumped on by incoming enemies, they're good as dead. Villagers and Trainees are honorable mentions, because besides maybe Ross, they have too many faults and there are alternates to trainees' classes that are likely better in the long run.

  7. Carver/Hassan made an amazing Gladiator in my game because of Double Up dealing a lot of damage at the end of the game. I was really impressed with Milly/Mileil as a Luminary, and I made her a Sage after she was finished with Luminary because of needing a Kazing user. 

    I'm unsure of what game I should tackle next after a replay of DQ1&2 for the GBC. I finished up Dragon Quest V and VI for the first time and thought both were great games. now should I tackle VII, VIII or IX next?

  8. I don't know, I just have been having a tough day today because of jaw and now neck pain. The jaw pain may likely be because of my new retainers that I put in last Wednesday that feel a bit awkward at times.

  9. Super Mario Bros. 2 (International version): I think it turned out to be for the better that this version got released outside of Japan. The original Super Mario Bros. 2 was way too difficult and sometimes a bit unfair in some spots, and even Shigeru Miyamoto didn't feel it turned out how he expected. He then turned Doki Doki Panic: Dream Factory to Super Mario Bros. 2, and that was one of the smartest moves Nintendo made.

  10. Fixing least favourites:

    • Make Matthis more useful instead of being a character who will get doubled or hit by a critical attack. How? By improving his starting luck stat and a couple level up growth improvements.
    • Isadora having a better defense growth, because damn, 20% chance to increase isn't good. and given my strong dislike of a good portion of pre:@promotes, she won't be doing much that your other paladins can.

    Improving faves:

    • Give Sophia some better stats to start off with! It's a real shame that she was cursed with very low stats, is underleveled, and her level up growths could also use some improvements too.
    • Lyn feels like in the past few years, RNG seems to dictate whether she'll be great or not. A couple tweaks to level up growths could benefit her as well.
  11. Oh my gosh, I'm a huge fan of Dragon Quest. Been so for a long time.

    The Game Boy Color remake rectifies the problems that the original Dragon Quest 1 had, and adds some features from later games. I do need to play more of the games, but from what I've finished, IV is still my favorite.

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