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Posts posted by kingddd

  1. A quick look at Metacritic gives a different opinion... On average, both critics and players rate Pikmin 2 higher than Pikmin 1 and 3. Pikmin 2 has WAY more content than Pikmin 1 and has better graphics and smoother gameplay.

    Oh boy here we go again with the reviewer's scores. Next thing you'll be saying is Fire Emblem 13 is better because of the higher review scores.

    Personally the extra contents were badly designed. The underground system was made to pad the game out a lot and there were tons of reused assets because of it. It downgraded the strategy that it didn't require much thinking at all and it essentially became a dungeon crawler. I did 100% complete Pikmin 2 but it wasn't very replayable as I found non of the underground levels to be any unique nor fun compared to the on ground levels. I have probably replayed Pikmin 1 at least 30 times and Pikmin 3 about 4 times and have never touched Pikmin 2 ever since then. Sorry if I don't comform to the majority but overall while I do like Pikmin 2, it's an overpraised game.

  2. Pikmin 2 wasn't really easy, without an overarching time limit it was closer to a straight action game and had many more challenging enemies and bosses. I love Pikmin 2, and I thought I was a hardcore player... it's like, I don't fit in or you're over-generalizing...

    Pikmin 2 suffers from a Fe13 and Fe8 problem where you're given an unlimited resources to the point that all those challenges are almost non existence. Not to mention purple pikmin was completely unbalanced that it became use purple pikmin and win. There is a reason why purple and white pikmin were left out of pikmin 3's main campaign. Miyamoto even admitted the game was made to ease the casual players into the pikmin world much easier than pikmin 1. This led to split in the community where some prefer the more laid back exploration style over the sense urgency of the original game.

    Most of the dedicated hardcore pikmin fans prefer the more strategy style of pikmin over the action oriented underground system. As it was designed for you to think, plan and strategize your resources carefully where pikmin 2 did not and offered very little consequences for losing a day. This is why dedicated players love speed running pikmin 1 and pikmin 3.

    So in terms of miyamoto involvement with pikmin I think was for the better.

  3. Have you read the complete Piklopedia and Treasure Hoard in Pikmin 2? There's TONS of lore, and it's really good. That's why it's so confusing when Miyamoto slashes story elements in other games.

    Miyamoto wasn't heavily involved with Pikmin 2. He was just a producer. He gave the developers more freedom to play around with the game at the time of development. This involved completely removing the timer limit and made the game a cakewalk something which most casual players really love but hardcore pikmin fans were against at the time.

    It's why Pikmin 3 went back to the Pikmin 1 philosophical design and it had no piklopedia. There still is an element of lore like the Olimar Reports but it's a very minimal story element.

  4. May I ask how you managed it?

    With a 3.5 mm audio cable you can plug the gamepad audio headset port into the mic port or inline port and output the audio into your laptop/computer or speaker. Then you can use the computer speaker to listen and output the sound from that specific audio port. Doing so you can capture all the audio from the gamepad. Just make sure to turn off mic enhancement settings if you are using the mic port instead of an inline port so it doesn't make really bad noise or echo sounds. With that you can capture the audio from the gamepad fully. This is the same way that most people are recording their Star Fox 0 footages and also when I recorded the Code Name Steam's Fire Emblem song mixes.

    Also I finished my 3rd playthrough and the Attack Carrier in the 2nd phase is so much easier once you figure out that 3 bombs hits pretty much annihilates the dang thing racking in easy +10 hits.

  5. I am curious about this as well, I'm not sure what differences the game has. But Knight says that the Wii version is the definitive version

    The Wii version has

    Japanese and English voice options

    A smoother graphical performance in general

    Better textures

    Multiple Controller options with Classic Controller etc.

    480p resolution

    The 3DS has

    A Music Player

    A model viewer

    A shulk amiibo support

    240p resolution

    The changes were honestly minimal.

  6. Woah, I have never seen one of those drones attach itself to the others before. This mission is weird. The Assault Carrier was also strange. It's not hard, just tedious. It's a weird choice of a boss, given how fast-paced Sector Omega is otherwise.

    Also, the game has some kind of Golden Tanuuki suit thing if you keep loosing, although I haven't seen it yet. Of course, that doesn't help much with timed events.

    While the whole dual screen thing gives you more options once you've mastered it, it probably wasn't worth all the downsides. And I don't just mean the high learning curve which I'm sure has hurt the game's sales significantly, but it also means that the console needs to render two different 60 fps images at all times. I'm utterly amazed how good the game looks despite this but If there was no need for a second image, the framerate would be completely stable if nothing else. And I'm sure Platinum would have some cool ideas about how to use those extra resources.

    I really hope this sets as a basis because there is a lot of potential for this game. But the sheer low number stages and lack of unique full fledged levels dampers the experience in the long run. If the game had maybe 3 or 5 more unique planet levels that aren't random minigames slapped in the last second which it seemed like it did in the alternative paths then I think the game would have lasted longer.

    What I feel most reviewers negativity should have not been the controls but the amount of content in the game. It has experimentation all over this game since there are tons of mini levels with little to no party banters and the significant amount of training missions you unlock after you have long beaten the game kind of sucks in the long term.

    Don't get me wrong, I still love the game but this is begging to have an expansion of some kind.

  7. I kind of forgot to use the γ. But I'll refer to it as Gamma since it's more simple.

    Anyway, now that you mention it, luck might play a role on this stage.

    When I played it, not only the drones attacked the Great Fox twice, the drones also attacked Falco. Did the drones attack the teamates when you played the stage?

    Or maybe you destroyed the drone missile before it could attack the Great Fox? Is it even possible?

    And it's funny. With the exception of Aquarosa, the most stressful moments in this game were also the most fun.

    Sometimes, it feels like Star Fox Zero is the harcore version of Star Fox 64.

    Because while the two games are very similar, I don't remember 64 being this stressful. The only stressful moments I can imagine in 64, were Sector Z, Macbeth and maybe Solar.

    Yes the drones can attack any of the teammates and if you beat the stage before saving them you can get a pretty funny looking mission complete scenes.


    I personally think there was a bit of testing problem with Star Fox Zero in general despite how much I love the challenge in the game there is a bit of issues with its difficulty for the first time player. For example the Attack Carrier in Sector Omega's timing window is a bit too short. Caused quite a bit of frustration for my sister on her first playthrough.

  8. I found a way to record the voice dialogue and this is the line I wanted to record

    I've been playing the game more, and I have to say, this the hardest Star Fox game yet! I played 64, Adventures and Assault, and none them compare.
    And yet, it's also the most thrilling as well! There many moments in the game that leaves you very tense and nervous! The relief that comes when you complete a stage, especially a hard one, feels amazing.
    The bosses are, kingddd said before, are very challenging, unlike the 64 ones where some could be defeated during their introduction.
    This game really puts you in the edge of your seat!
    However, maybe it's just me, but I wish the laser button was still A like in 64x Not only do I mix it up sometimes and ens up tranforming, my right pointer finger is starting to hurt.

    The lasers are changed so the burst firing rate is longer and more rapid. So all you need do is hold and time it instead of rapidly tapping the ZR. It may take a while to get used to it but it works for the better if you can rhythmically time it.

  9. Also if whoever was stuck on the gigarilla is still stuck, fly/run through the legs like with the first boss in Lylat Wars (not the carrier), that seems to be the safest way to get behind them.

    One last thing, does anybody know what the top right stage on the score screen, only one I've yet to unlock

    The top right stage is salvadora. You have to play titania and when you see the Portal in that area, you have to go into ship mode with the landmaster. If you activated it correctly, peppy should appear follow you into the portal.



    It took me a good 5 tries before I got the hang of it. It's definitely one of the worst bosses in the game. Doesn't help that it's the first alt bosses you can fight.

    You're not alone in this department.

  11. Watching just a bit from your video was surprisingly informative. I already took note that your allies are more helpful now but judging by Falco shooting down the battleship in Area Beta, they will still steal your kills in the progress.

    Also in Area Beta, you have...

    ...90 seconds to defeat Wolf before he shoots down Peppy and escapes.

    And I love Slippy's reaction to getting shot by Fox in the English dub. Poor Slippy.

    the allies are definitely less please help shoot this guy behind me syndrome. They are still there but it never really happened as frequent as 64 and it also a massive pain especially in some of the mission objectives like in sector Z. It was a nuisance. Thankfully they made it less in this one and there is an incentive to actually save them as it gives you tons of bonus points for your high scores.

    yeah I couldn't save peppy in that time

  12. My first blind playthrough.

    Star Fox 0 Impressions

    I have played about 3 hours of the game and I can say this is my favourite Star Fox game to be released in years. Better than Assault, Command and definitely an equivalent to Star Fox 64.

    Lets get this out of the way, the controls are by no means perfect but they work very well for this game and the changes imo are for the better. It took me only about 2 mins to get used to it but that’s because I played a lot of Star Fox 64 back in the day so it wasn’t difficult to adapt at all. There are two settings to the motion controller settings. Motion Controls on 24/7, Motion Controls on only when you’re shooting or charging your lasers. I highly recommend the latter option the most because this is the one that I used for my entire playthrough and it definitely feels more Star Fox 64 style of gameplay and the motion controls will not be intrusive at all because of it. This option makes it so that you only need to tilt or tweak it slightly while aiming and this helps makes precision aiming that much easier than a full free reign motion control setting.

    In terms of the other controls, the right stick is now your arwing maneuverability. So if you want to do barrel rolls, leans, loops/somersaults, 180 degree turns this is what you use. The only issue with the right stick is that you may accidentally do a maneuver that you didn’t want to use since it is a stick but it overall feels more natural to boost and brake with this system. Shotting with the ZR works and the burst fire is now more prolonged compared to the 64 so you don’t need to constantly press the ZR button to do rapid fires. You just need to time it and calculate the duration between each bursts.

    Gameplay wise, it is for most part on-rail with all range mode star fox assault style missions. You will be in different phases where you go from on rails, to all range in a landmaster, to gyrowing and chickenwalker star fox 2 style of gameplay. The walker straffing is a bit clunky and a bit slow but it’s meant for small area precisions. The gyrowing is the worst of the gameplay style but I honestly enjoyed the explorative aspects of it and gave a nice change of pace when crazy shooting action to exploration puzzle solving style. Luckily these missions don’t appear often. Maybe 1 or 2 at most. But overall, most of the vehicles in this game get equivalent proportion and balance time between one and the other. The arwing missions are still the best in this game with lots of cinematic camera angles that make dogfights a lot more exciting to witness and see instead of seeing the same arwing moving left and right everytime. Star Wolf fights are definitely the best in this game compared to the 64 battles. Therefore making the level designs a lot more engaging to fight in. The bosses are tough and are one of the best in the series as they are way more of a threat in this game.

    The main game is basically a level selector and you can choose to play whichever level you want anytime you like akin to the Star Fox Assault style. However once you beat the 1st main path, you can unlock Arcade mode which plays like Snes Star Fox and Star Fox 64 giving you more classic style of gameplay instead of a level selector which makes the game more fun to go back and replay for the arcade shooting feeling. It will take you about 2 to 3 hours to beat the first playthrough but the collectibles will easily add an addition 6 to 10 more hours not to mention you do unlock the amiibo contents if you don’t have it.

    Difficulty wise, if you never played a star fox game, you’re definitely going to have a tough time with this game. As it demands pure precision aiming and practice with playing other shooters. Since I played tons of Star Fox 64 and many other single player campaign shooters over the years, this wasn’t all that bad. I died about 7 to 8 times on my first playthrough. They give you vague hints but they never handhold you. The hints are also not intrusive to the experience and that’s what I like about it.

    Story wise, it is nothing to write home about. It’s almost 90% the exact same style of presentation but more cleaned. There is a new aspect that delves deeper into why General Pepper exiled Andross but I feel the overall explanation was just there. It didn’t help that the Star Fox 0 animated short really emphasized on this in the beginning but the overall game didn’t do a good job compositing this. Very little exposition was created for this and I felt it would have been nice to delve more deeper into this lore as Star Fox always had some nice little story backgrounds to small things even if it’s not the centre of attention.

    Do I have some issues with the game? Yes I do. The radio voices are only made through the gamepad and not on the TV and there is no option to change this. Therefore you’re kind of forced to have the gamepad sound on for the majority of the time. I understand it’s for a more immersive experience but I would have preferred if you have the luxury of the higher sound quality banters and some of the arwing damage feedback to play on the TV rather than the quiet gamepad. The co-op mode only unlocks per stage if you played them. Notice I said played them. Meaning the work around to this is, pick stage exit it out and then you can select co-op together so if you have friends that want to play together this is how you get around it for first time playthrough. You don’t need to complete the stage to unlock the co-op mode for the specific stage. Why they didn’t provide the go to option immediately kind of sucks. If you’re looking for a game that has tons of content, this is not the style of game for you. This is a pure arcade shooter at its finest and if that doesn’t hold up to your taste Star Fox 0 will not be worth it for you since the game is all about replaying the same levels over and over again. The lack of multiplayer is kind of a downer but for the most part, I only play Star Fox for the single player campaign anyway. Command’s online wasn’t very good. While Assault’s multiplayer was amazing the lasting appeal only went for about a month’s flavor and was really unbalanced.

    Overall, I consider this entry as one of my favourite Star Fox games to come out in years as a series veteran. The people who came out and say the controls are bad are grossly exaggerating it. The precision aiming from the motion controls works well and it creates a completely different experience for the shooting genre in general and requires effort to master it just like in the 64 days. The level designs are great and highly replayable. Very little handholding and pure adrenaline dogfights. This is the Star Fox game I have been waiting since 1997 and I will say as a fan, you really don’t want to miss this game out.

  13. Okay, so I just got the game a couple minutes ago and...

    does anybody know how to turn on the voices?

    No one seems to be talking; they say stuff, but there's no voice acting

    Radio voices only speak through the gamepad. They don't making any sound on the TV.

  14. It has been confirmed that the Amiibo unlockable content can be unlocked without the amiibo. You just need to get all the collectibles. So many reviewers that said that 100% completion doesn't give you anything is false.

    The amiibos just act as a key to get it faster.

  15. Is this a cartridge or a digital copy? It seems like from the initial look that the lack of properly loading the models seems more like a reading issue from a cartridge or something.

    If all your other games work fine and this game is a cartridge, then it's most likely a faulty card. Most Nintendo physical games have a 3 month warranty so you should be able to get a replacement if it's a physical copy.

  16. I played the pax demo and at a local mall and personally I never had a single problem with the controls at all.

    If you have played Splatoon, you should have no problems whatsoever using it.

    The issue I saw many people do during my observation of other players is that they moved their gamepads too much. You only need to tilt it slightly to aim and you can re-calibrate it immediately with the Y button. This is the same situation with Skyward Sword where it's more of a GIt Gud situation than the game's fault.

  17. this is kind of a really gross misrepresentation of "asian culture" (most likely born of western misconceptions about it) lmao. as an example, in traditional japanese theatre it is entirely in good etiquette to stand up and shout an actor's name mid-performance if their acting is great as it is considered praise

    I agree. The interpretation can be exaggerated a lot by the lack of understanding of other cultures. Everything is case by case in the end. I personally would prefer the audience being silent. I don't mind the laughs here and there especially when it's meant to be a comedy performance. But I always think music performance should be dead silent.

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