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Posts posted by kingddd

  1. i have never gone to a movie in america where people made any noise during the performance

    or the one theater play i went to where nobody made any noise during the performance

    It is very case by case scenario.

    Usually if it's something very formal that most adults enjoy like phantom of the opera, then you will generally never experience that.

    If you watch something that fanatics will go to, then the experience will be way different with the audience.


  2. It's sadly a very cultural thing or the general area you live in.

    For example, the American audience prefers expressing things that they love. Which is why you see so many people upload reaction videos and people making so many noises during movies. It's because the American culture thinks that the lack of feedback or when the audience is silent it means we're bored or not very impressed with the general performance.

    However the opposite is true for many cultures like in Asia where being silent means you're taking in the beauty of the performance and only applaud when the performance ends is the best kind of feedback.

    When Star Wars was first aired in Japan, the entire movie audience was silent and the executives were actually worried that the movie was going to bomb in that area. However once the movie ended it was positively well received. Same thing happened with me when Star Wars Episode 7 was released. People were screaming like crazy in the beginning of the movie in Americas whereas in my local theatre it was dead silent but everyone said it was a great film.

    For my personal opinon, I prefer silent over reactions in any performances. During the Zelda symphony, they encouraged you to scream and shout at moments that you liked and personally I didn't like that one bit since I wanted to listen to the music and not some fan screaming during the best moments of the songs. The old producer didn't encourage it back then so I was kind of iffied about it.

    The Pokemon symphony is sadly no different.

  3. Handhelds sell better in Japan than consoles by a large margin. Even a "failure" like the Vita is actually doing pretty well overseas, as the PSP was always extremely competitive with the DS.

    The biggest problem with console gaming in Japan is that it is really expensive. An average console game at launch release costs almost 80 to 90 USD equivalent in their market. This is not to take into currency value but the amount they usually make on the job. Handheld games cost as much as a console game here in their country so it's no surprising that Japan much prefers mobile and handheld gaming considering how much cheaper it is compared to the North American market.

    Look at the price of Dark Souls 3. I would have to pay almost 95 Canadian for the game at release in Japan.

  4. The only reference I can see with her sassy talk is in FE13 NA Champions Yore 3 DLC where Lucina and Ike confront each other.

    Lucina: Your folly ends here, sir.

    Ike: I'm not a "sir," and you're not in a position to make bold remarks.
    Lucina: Then I'll be sure to try again once I stand over your broken body!
  5. Melee is still my favourite gameplay wise.

    The transition between Smash 64 to Melee was insane with the amount of gameplay elements, battle pacing, additional mechanics, stages, and it had amazing modes.

    Although I like Brawl and Smash 4, most of their extra modes were mostly underwhelming and a chore to go through. Although I will praise Brawl for its story mode, the design choices were very questionable.

  6. yes you have to start over from the beginning if you want to play it in a higher difficulty. It's mostly because even in the tutorial levels, there are different number of enemies and placements in different difficulty levels. Therefore, your levels and stat gains would vary more differently from playing normal, hard or lunatic.

  7. I'm still curious why they didn't update Fates to allow Roy to be used there, its as simple as just a small game update :/

    Also lucky I'm sitting at 3 FEers only.

    Like it has been stated from previous threads.

    It requires adding a new Sprite, more voice clips, new dialogues and setting up the enemy units in the maps. It's definitely not a small update compared to say fix a small bug. Not to mention with this amount of assets they would probably require you to pay for the content for something they haven't made it in Fates yet. Despite Fates having new DLC coming out, those are required payment versus the amiibos which are content that is already in the game.

    The reason why Mario Kart 8 allowed future amiibo support for free was because the DLC helped them make up for the cost of it.

  8. That's weird, because I reviewed it on my own and found nothing about it mediocre - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=55752

    There are better (i.e. longer) shooters, but Link's Crossbow Training is still very fun.

    and as someone who has played tons of shooters over the years especially on the PC with Team Fortress 2, House of the Dead, Doom, Star Wars Battlefront, Battlefield, Counter Strike, Call of Duty and Half-Life 2 etc Link's Crossbow Training is mediocre at best. My interest in the game only lasted that one playthrough and had very little replay value despite the high score system.

    It honestly felt like a waste of time and I got to try the entire game for free.

  9. Negative messages definitely hurt but at the same time, it grabs people's attention and it promotes discussions.

    The reason why News and Journalism in general always writes topics about negative things is because it gets people talking. Positive articles or topics usually gets a few nodes here and there but it also provides very little feedback on what to do to improve the situations.

    Negativity is not necessarily a bad thing because without it, we would just assume everything is fine and nothing is completely wrong with.

    Do some people overblow or exaggerate the negativity in some things? Absolutely but there is a reason why people spout these negative messages. Because when you spout out these issues, it means you also want the situation to improve whether it's for gameplay design, aesthetic choices or just the general overall experience to be better. That way you're giving feedback to the community that can contain value in some ways.

    Yes the feedbacks may not be fully adequate but at the same time, these messages can be used to turn around the situation and bring out positive and shine a new light into the things that we love.

  10. There is some minor touch up of the MIDI but nothing has been fully reorchestrated. Some of the difference in quality is because the music files are not as compressed.

    that's a little bit of disappointment. Some of Windwaker HD's remastered touch ups were much better than the original. Guess they didn't feel the need to update some of it but at least the sound quality sounds like it's better.

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