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Posts posted by kingddd

  1. After grinding for the entire weekend I finally got my ares90. This baby freaking destroys everything like holy crap. I swear it isn't worth grinding for these materials by normal means and reward tickets are so helpful to make this process faster.

    Now all I need is to grind hours for some bunny suits.

  2. I love this game too much but there sure are a lot of tanktops as rewards in the basic quests.



    I only gotten 60% on majority of my surveys for all locations so far and I spent only 90 hours in this game. I still need to get better augs and gears though.

  3. It has sold about 900K right now. It did decently in Europe and Americas but it bombed heavily in Japan.

    The issue was the lack of advertisement despite Yoshi being a pretty big brand, they didn't do much to advertise the game at all even with the amiibo promotions. I admit even I didn't even remember the game at all until release even though I kept saying I'm getting the game.

    The pricing is also an issue in my area. I have to pay almost 80 bucks for it thanks to the tax system and Nintendo is not willing to lower it anytime soon. The gameplay while I will admit surpasses many Yoshi games, the value that they were offering just wasn't viable for a 2D platformer. Not to mention Super Mario Maker was the same price and it offered almost unlimited content and was worth the value it was providing. Most of my friend who do have a Wii U felt that Yoshi Woolly World's price was unjustified.

  4. Also, Quiet from Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain comes to mind. 2 supply drops on her head and you're done. It helps that she tends to make herself look like an utter fool all the time.

    Btw, how come no one has mentioned the one and only Glass Joe from Punch-Out yet?

    no man the most pathetic boss was the guy that lost to Glass Joe.

  5. So for the last few days, I have been playing sidequests and let me just say jeez these are some of the darkest sidequests I have ever played. The writers pull no punches in these. Fallout's sidequests can't even compare.

    You got Nopon ntr, xenophobias, human trafficking, pizza: the opium of Ma-non world and of course this:

  6. I'm trying to unlock Chapter 4.

    When they say that I need to survey 15% of Primordia, do I just need to walk around until the map says 15% (right now it says 8.2%)? Or do I need to be planting those probes into the ground? Because I haven't seen any of those glowing beacons where I can plant probes.

    To increase survey you must Plant Probes and do the quests that are shown on the map.

    For example:

    A sparkly panel in the map means you have to collect treasure from a certain object

    A monster icon means killing a tyrant

    A note like panel means there is a quest that are involved in that specific area

    In order to get more details of that panel, you must travel around NewLA and gather intel and information from the residents in order to figure out the specifics for each of those panels. If you haven't explored around New LA most of the panels will just give you no information if you just touch them. They will only update for that specific information if you walk around NewLA and listen to the resident's random gossips. Some residents will say stuff like I found a piece of treasure in west of Primordia. That will be updated on your map screen with a checkmark that will show you the specifics of that panel completion for that map. Which will then increase your survey if you do them.

    Technically you can just beat whatever is in the panel without having to gather information from the residents if you want to continually explore blind.

    Once you do complete it, the panel should now become a golden star with a completed panel which indicates that you have completed that specific quest in that area of the map.

    As for the case of the 15% of primordia, just explore around and plant as many probes as you can.

  7. [spoiler=XCX Story Spoilers and potential spoilers for the original XC]I still don't want to make a final call on XCX's relation to XC since I want to really experience the full extent of the post-game before passing a final verdict. But I already have some thoughts about the game.

    I agree that the quests in XCX are much more fulfilling than the majority of XCs quests. However, unless a sequel gets announced, I'm much more fond of XC's story and characters. I haven't done all the affinity quests yet so my opinion may change, though I'm doubtful 1-3 quests chains per character is going to make me like them as much as the much smaller, but fleshed out cast of XC. I'm also disapointed by the lack of 'diversity' in the playable cast. You recruit tons of aliens as citizen, but only 3 playable characters are xenos. I would have liked to see a playable Nopon or Wrothian. I also felt like the villains paled in comparison to the ones in XC. Goetia, Ryyz and Luxaar felt under-developed compared to Metal Face and Egil.

    As for the story, I felt like it leaves way too many important question unanswered. I liked the premise of the story and still think that it could be made in a really interesting one that might surpass that of XC, but at the moment, it leaves me with too many questions and not enough answers. It also felt kind of short. As a comparison, it took me 80hrs to finish the story of the original XC while rushing through the game and completing a minimum amount of quests. Meanwhile, it took me around 40hrs to beat the 12 chapters of XCX.

    And I really disliked how the final boss fight was split in 5 parts and were you to lose your skells in the 2nd phase, you can't access them without resetting everything. Though I admittedly haven't really experimented completely with the battle system yet, staying in once class for the entirety of the story, so that may be why ground combat was such a pain for me. I do miss the visions mechanic of the previous xenoblade, though I have to admit that I prefer that XCX limits you to level 60 while still having up to level 99 enemies. Every enemy except the super-boss became trivial as soon as you got your characters to level 99 and with max arts and skills except for the super-boss, however, after spending hours finding the right gear and crafting the right gems, it's kind of disapointing that there's nothing left to challenge you after you beat the measly 5 level 100+ super-bosses.

    Also, while I find the a lot of the areas beautiful, there hasn't been a Satorl Marsh, Eryth Sea or Valak Mountain moment for me in this game. The continents are expansive and have a lot more diversity than I expected, but I still feel as if the game lacks in diversity compared to XC and as funny as it may sound, I often feel like the world is a bit too small. Though I must admit that it's quite hard to follow a game where the world is literally the corpse of two giant titans and XCX still amazed with some of its sights and how alien Sylvalum and Noctilum feel and I have to credit them for being able to create such a huge world with no loading screens.

    As for the music, this is probably the most subjective part (not the rest wasn't), but I don't like it as much as XC's OST. I don't hate the OST, but there's a lot less songs in the OST that I could put on repeat compared to XC where I can count on my hand the songs that I don't really like a lot. This is, I think related in part to the lack of diversity in areas. In XC, every area had its own theme and the majority had day/night variations.

    Overall, I think a lot of my problems can be reduced to the fact that, as the director said, this game was much more focused on the gameplay aspect rather than the story aspect, while IMO XC had a much better balance between Story and gameplay. Despite a lot of the negativity I say about the game, I still think it's a really entertaining game, otherwise, I wouldn't have sunk nearly 100hrs in it as of now.

    [spoiler=endingspoilers]Oh I agree, the story was pretty shitty and the ending imo should have ended before the post ending scene. Yeah I agree the character development could have been better for the main casts and party members but at the same time, this is offset by the other sidequest characters getting more development time over the main characters so they had to balance between the two. Personally, I don't mind the so called one-dimensional characters people keep complaining about and I would rather not have something overly complicated considering they already made the ending more convoluted already.

  8. I haven't gotten there yet, but I've heard horror stories about the Skell licence part.

    Is it really that bad or are people overplaying it?

    You have to essentially do 8 quests in order to get that one license. However only 2 of them are really annoying or tedious to get since the drop rate on those item to collect aren't really shall we say, common.

    But anyways, I have finally beaten the game and honestly I have to say, it's my game of the year and I love this more than the original XC. Mostly because I prefer the gameplay style of this game, I like the avatar system and the sidequests have a lot of nice little character developments for the NPCs unlike the original where most of it was just help me kill this many dudes and random rewards but very little interactions.

  9. I'm so confused. I saw the JP Beyonetta trailer. And she speaks English after they show her alternate costumes.

    Does her alternate costume have English voices in the JP version!?

    (Coming from a weeb, it's weird that I prefer an English voice set to a Japanese one)

    The original Bayonetta is all English voiced like Resident Evil 4. It wasn't until the sequel that it got a Japanese voice.

  10. Man I want to see another random shenanigan style adventure mode again but with Smash Tour enemies and a story that isn't stupid. Why do they always try to make it more complicated then it should be? Like the first 70% of subspace was great, an evil force trying to destroy the world nothing fancy and all the dick characters and villains go out and wreck things while the main hero characters crossover to unite and stop them. Then the Tabuu thing showed up and the lore of the story just went to shitters and all of a sudden everything had to be overly complicated for no apparent reason. At least the CG cutscenes were worth it although some were so pointless. Like the part where Kirby and the optional princess are on the ship in the beginning and they just walked for like 10 seconds of gameplay and then bam random cutscene. I like seeing character interactions that's why I love crossovers and although the reveal trailer CGs are great, they don't give much impact with the characters being engaged with one or the other. It's why you still see people draw Metaknight with Marth and Ike still to this day

  11. But in her own series, Palutena is pretty tough Godess. :)

    I'm pretty sure Plautena could hold her own.

    I just had to laugh at these statements.

    Palutena is a definition of a damsel and incompetent goddess.

    She exiled Medusa which caused a huge war between the underworld and the lightworld and was captured and taken imprisonment because of it. She had to require an angel with no ability to fly to save her and she even gets captured again by the Chaos Kin who had the ability to completely mind control her to the point that she couldn't even do anything about it.

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