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Posts posted by kingddd

  1. Based on what I'm hearing, it sounds like even Mario's Tennis for Virtual Boy was more fun, and that was just tennis with Mario characters plus a bunch of headaches caused by the Virtual Boy

    Most people refer the original Mario Tennis to the N64 version since that one was that started the main charm of the series.

  2. I got Pikachu and Fennekin on my personality quiz.

    Although I went Pikachu and Female Squirtle (Shelly) as my partner.

    So far, I am loving the game more then I expected. I have played one of the previous mystery dungeon games but I wasn't that invested in it. This one though is keeping me going. Early game is pretty challenging and it requires the player to think and plan more then the previous games. I have used more items then I have expected then in any RPGs I have played.

  3. With the price of games in Canada right now ($50 for HHA and $80 for AF), I feel absolutely unfulfilled.

    Man don't remind me. A lot of the PS4 and Xbox One games are going for 80 bucks now and Ultra Smash being 65 is just laughable. Xenoblade is now 70 here. Amiibos being 16 bucks means we have to pay 32 for only 2 of them and the bundle versions with 3 amiibos are going 45 bucks + tax would add up to 50. Not to mention our stocks are still nothing but Marios and Zelda and maybe once in a while ZSS. I never see any ganondorfs after the initial wave, not even a single FE character here. The only ones that are getting stocked are the regular splatoon, 3 pack Splatoon Amiibos and 3 retro pack but even then no one is buying them because of the huge markups.

  4. I don't expect Mario Tennis amiibo at all; Ultra Smash looks terrible and reviews are ultra samshing the game. So unless Nintendo invests in a bunch of DLC for Ultra Smash there won't be tennis amiibo ~

    It's mostly the content itself that are getting a really bad backlash and the lack of friend modes for online is a big shot in the foot for most fans.

    For a game that is being sold for 50 bucks and even less content then the original Mario Tennis is just sad. If it was 10 bucks then I might have a more incentive to get it but even that is stretching it.

  5. Super Mario 3D Land is a great transition from 2D to 3D Marios. It's essentially a great mini Mario Galaxy style gameplay with actual powerups unlike previous 3D Mario games that have temporary puzzle solving. However the level design is very easy for the first 8 worlds and are only challenging in the post world but even those aren't very difficult until you get to that game's version of Champion's road. It is an enjoyable game and it has one of the better 3D Final Boss that it has to offer.

    If you have played 3D World though, there really isn't a reason to go back to 3D Land unless you want a nice little pick up and play mini Mario Galaxy portable game.

    But overall though, i think getting a N3DS is still a better deal in the long term mostly because of the amiibo support and the 3D is 5 times better than the original thanks to the face detection.

  6. Did you get them individually or in booster packs?

    These are what you'll get from Starter Decks near guaranteed.





    The other cards will usually be from booster packs.


    So something like second tier Jakob will not be in starter decks. I didn't get second tier Joker from the 16 booster packs that I opened.

  7. It's pretty much a guarantee that nintendo will put everything in this but are there any confirmed badges from other games out now?

    In terms of Fire Emblem, no other games from the series have had any badges.

    This seems more focused on advertising the current games that are recently release, being released soon or current holiday favourite characters.

    In Japan, they really love releasing Isabelle, Ashley and Nikki in different holiday and other game related uniforms. So there is a bit of bias of what badges are being put out. I think there are even more unique Isabelle badges than Mario badges at this point.

  8. From my experience, us Canadians ALWAYS get the short end of the stick when it comes to limited edition bundles.

    Back when the New 3DS bundle with Happy Home Designer came out, EBGames didn't have ANY of them in stock and they didn't get any to this day. I had to spend more money to get the bundle at Best Buy than what I could have paid at EBGames because I had a lot of things to trade in towards it and Best Buy has a really crappy trade-in policy.

    I really hope it's different in this case because I can understand the limited amount of new 3DS systems that was bundled but in this case, they're just packing three games in one so I don't think they would have any trouble in terms of stock.

    It's the waiting game, really :\

    EDIT: And even if you email them, they'll probably say the generic "we cannot confirm the availability of this item at this time". I emailed them countless times about the New 3DS Happy Home Designer bundle and that was the response every time.

    Yeah in my area no one coud get the Happy Home N3DS bundle and I only saw one copy in the middle of nowhere walmart in North Vancouver a place with the most least amount of gamers.

  9. It sucks honestly. Nintendo of Canada doesn't seem to be very consistent with its limit edition bundles for online retailers not to mention the quantities are usually way less. For example, my local ebgames could only get 3 copies of the Smash Bros Wii U with GCN adapter and that didn't even appear for many of Canadian Online retailers either.

    I had to get the amazon.com preorder and even then the markup would have been cheaper than if it was brought here considering the Xenoblade X bundle is way more expensive then the US version.

  10. Well, I haven't gotten around to playing it. The GC version is one I missed completely, and I've no desire to play it with waggle on the Wii. I'd welcome a HD version.

    truth be told the GC version of TP is pretty dang rare not to mention the Japanese GC version is even more rarer since it was online exclusive there.

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