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Posts posted by kingddd

  1. I think this is the correct line of thinking. Think about all the games over the years that have reinvented their franchises in similar ways.

    Games like Metroid Prime, Super Mario 64, and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night have made drastic changes to their series' original formula but have been critically acclaimed and loved by fans.

    Now think about all the boring, rehashed sequels to well-loved games. Games like Dark Souls 2, Metroid Prime 2, Batman: Arkham Origins, and many of the Call of Duty games and the newer Mario games Nintendo has been making, despite gaining decent scores from critics, have often been criticized as not living up to the originals and not being unique enough to stand out as their own games and be worth playing over their predecessors.

    Clearly, games like Metal Gear Survive are the direction other companies that aren't doing very well like Nintendo should be going in. I'm glad Konami is going in such a bold, new direction with their series, even after the departure of Hideo Kojima, and I hope more companies follow their example.

    Lets not forget we also got Metal Gear Revengeance. A beat em up game that plays nothing like the original series. But at the same time, it was praised pretty widely too mostly because it still retained the lore and the over the top cinematic stuff that Metal Gear is kind of known for.

    The biggest issue I think people are seeing with this is that it looks like your average third person zombie survival shooter. There doesn't seem to be anything unique about it that makes it distinct and I think that's the main problem with it. Not to mention it is being released during the time when people wanted a continuation of MGS5.

  2. Here is one thing I will say. Tons of people kept complaining and spread around lies that this is the main theme song of the new movie. When in reality this song was only played for like a 10 to 20 second scene.

    When this is the main theme song that was played TWICE in the movie and for a much longer duration and I love this rendition. Just want to get it off my chest because this is one of the few cases where tons of people were misinformed by people who never watched the new movie.

  3. I watched it and I enjoyed it. The first movie is still better and although it's a reboot to the original movie, the writing and humor is more in lines with the TV series than the dry humor style of the original movie.

    It's an ok to decent film and not something you should really get angry over it. My mother watched the original and saw the movie and she enjoyed it a lot. She was kind of surprised. Granted she's not a fan but as someone who isn't a fan of series, it's just a harmless movie.

  4. 3. I don't like the mechanics in this game simply because of looking at let's plays alone it feels very complicated and not simplified.

    4. The loading times here are long.

    The battle system is so easy to figure out it's not even funny. Enemy has this specific weakness use this element and if you have the proper skill you can chain attack it if it's weak against it. That's literally it. Nothing more nothing less. It's the usual basic rock, paper, scissor system like in FE. If you can grasp FE's battle system but not a standard turn based RPG with the same sword beats axes and axe beats lance and lance beats sword than I have no words.

    The loading times aren't even long compared to the other RPGs that exist out there. Hell I play Xenoblade X and I load screen the shit out of that game and it's way longer than TMS #FE in general.

  5. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-07-25/nintendo-set-to-plunge-after-saying-pokemon-go-s-impact-limited

    And now it's plummeting faster than it has in nearly 30 years. That's why sudden spikes like this aren't terribly newsworthy, all it takes is one negative occurrence for it all to go away.

    Does go to show how uninformed traders can be either way, especially when it comes to the videogame industry lol.

    not to mention most of the investors are pretty dumb with how the video game industry works or just don't even care about. The executive meeting with the shareholders ask the most stupidest questions it hurts. I think the only one legitimate question that came from the meetings was a guy asking about the brexit incident and how it affects the Nintendo UK department.

  6. will they finally answer the continent's name?

    Interestingly, the characters featured are primarily the ones that ranked high in the official Japanese popularity polls. Most notably, Leo and Takumi are explicitly mentioned in the description blurb, while female Corrin and Takumi both have leading roles.

    Similiar thing happened with the Drama CD where Henry, Lon'qu, Cordelia, Gaius and Tharja were high up in the main casts that showed up in the Awakening Drama CDs.

  7. Or it could just be a abbreviation, instead of saying the Japanese version of the game one could simply saying/write the Jap. version for the sake of brevity. People do it all the time. Instead of saying the United States version of a game, one can simply say the U.S. version.

    It wasn't back in the old days but it's been considered an offensive term ever since World War II since many government propaganda have been using as a racial slur to pin and offend the Japanese during that time. Not to mention the amount of Japanese people who were rounded up and thrown and abused during World War II were legal citizens of the country they immigrated to left a sour taste in their minds and it still holds to this day.

  8. As a developer, I do not recommend making ROM hacks as a starting point of making games. It's nice that you have the assets and some of the code, scripting and pointers already built in for you to take advantage from people who make these but eventually you'll need to do a lot of that on your own when you start making games that you really want and not 100% rely on documentation of things that people reversed engineered on their spare time because eventually you yourself will have to do that. I learned way more from programming fundamentals and building small applications to solve small problems than to just rely on or wait for somebody to build the tools for me.

    Starting with making basic applications or very simple games is the best way to start being able to picture the big things that you eventually want to make. Learning hacking tools is great and all but they don't necessarily teach me to make the things I want to make.

    Not to mention if you get so used to a specific paradigm or a hack that deviating away to another engine, coding or programming language will make the transition a lot more difficult if you ever need to switch to a different project. You will start going into a certain comfort zone to the point where you may get stubbornly want to avoid and try new things. I know my brain does this quite frequently when I switch projects in my company. You want to expand to languages and tools that aren't specifically only built for one engine.

  9. Yeah... it's easy to save over another file without realizing it at first. I'm pretty sure they don't give a warning before you do it because saving over a file is kinda different than outright deleting a file, but it sucks nonetheless.

    It does give you a warning. It will say are you sure you want to overwrite this? Problem is everyone has a habit of click left click and click to the point that it becomes a norm.

  10. Another change in Paper Mario TTYD is that they removed the bunny ears costume from a female Boo and changed Vivian from male to female.

    it's funny how IS's games seems to have the most changes for their games when they get localized. Panel De Pon changed to Tetris attack where it went from magical fairy girls to just Yoshis. Advance Wars' character designs with their outfits being changed frequently. So if anything people who keep saying censorship sucks and isn't supporting any of it and ironically playing the censored localized classics are being just as hypocritical.

  11. Nah man, this is absolutely nothing new. Japanese games have been getting localized/censored/whatever your buzzword of choice is ever since video games became a thing. It's just that now because of the internet we're more readily able to identify what is being changed and why it's being changed. There have always been moral guardians out there causing a stink over stuff in video games and I'm pretty sure there always will be.

    not to mention older titles had even more changes compared to the stuff in recent titles.

    For example in Earthbound in the Magicant level, Ness is completely nude in the original Japanese. That definitely would not have flied over here in NA.

    Hell even Paper Mario TTYD got censored with just a regular murder scene. The dead body was removed.


    Not to mention Japan gets the same flak for their censorships. Resident Evil 4 has no head decapitations and Palutena's pants was changed numerous times to make it less sex appealing in the Japanese version.

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