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Everything posted by Toa

  1. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Here's a bishop for Baldo. Wasn't really sure what to do for a bishop so I took some creative liberties. He's sort of half splice half custom, the hair (except for the bangs), cape, and shoulder trim are all custom. Anything need fixing before I frame it and send it?
  2. Actually working on requests :O

  3. I think Serra might want to invest in a haircut soon :P I really like the cat, the fur looks great.
  4. I think chef was a pretty hard theme, and after Smirks nailed it with his entry I felt like there wasn't a lot else you could do for it.
  5. Don't upscale your sprites when you post them, keep them at 100% zoom. The face and hair look OK, but there's a lot of gray in the hair that should be changed the the outline color or darkest hair color. The neck down is a mess, her neck especially. It looks like she has a tumor in her neck or something. The fur on her body has lost all detail too. I'd suggest resplicing the entirety of Guinvere's body, and maybe keep the customing to a minimum.
  6. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    New stufff.... Critique welcome, he's below the color limit so I'm open to suggestions that would use more colors. -> Nobody said anything about this guy but I decided to redo the hair because it was icky and I was just spamming pixels in random places. I think the new one looks better, boring body is still boring. Also below the color limit. Here's a body, it used to have a head but then I decided it was terrible and deleted it. Obviously still a WIP, though the right OPV is mostly done and I'd like critique on that and the chest.
  7. He's a bit tall... His hair and head look a bit weird. I think you should fluff the hair in the back out a bit. His head might be a bit too tall as well. The piece of hair at the very top makes very little sense, and his bangs are kind of ugly, they're too spiky and look unnatural. I think the inside of the collar should be dark and not orange. The shading on the second level of shoulder armor on the right looks a bit messed up too.
  8. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Working off Lenh's changes here... I decided to drop the red cape since blue works fine and I was able to get around the triple booking of white that made things a little bright. I got some new blond colors and made some minor adjustments to the blues in the pauldron and to some of the trim. I also changed the main part of his shirt to the dark outline color, though it's a bit bland now so maybe I should use the grey skin tone color instead? Thoughts? The bit in the corner is a comparison of the new and old hair shades.
  9. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    That looks way better :O So should I be using 4 colors for lighter hair? I was trying to get away with 3 but it looks way nicer with 4. I think I definitely need to get more creative with my palettes, I like blond hair but then you have the problem of not being able to do blond eyes... I think you're right about the eye shines, the far eye looks a lot better now too. Thanks for the reference points!
  10. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    I don't mind, go ahead. I'm trying to get better at hair so it'll be nice to have a reference for what to do.
  11. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    This guy was way over the color limit so I had to fix that Ignore my terribad mouth frames
  12. I'd rather have it be a use to regen health like the sword of seals, but I didn't see it on the effect list. This one isn't technically a weapon, but whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. Gameplay: The prologue requires a lot of turtling, I didn't leave the little fortress area at the beginning until all the brigands had been killed. Metzili and Sean have really high defense and after they get a couple levels can tank pretty much anything the game throws at them. Kanon seems pretty useless since she either can’t hit or can’t do any damage. We don't really know what any of these generals do yet, or really anything about the setting. A bit more exposition might be needed. "Bugs": The music at the end of the cutscene with the generals seems to play over the map music for a bit after the scene changes. Music in 1B is really out of place Letting Kanon (or potentially anyone) die crashes the game at the start of chapter 1A (when there's map movement) Alvaria never says anything? You can recruit Reave and kill Alvaria, or kill both, making the cutscene not make sense. Maybe put the two exits farther apart or lower the turn count.
  14. Is there a deadline or a limit of entires per person?
  15. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Quadruple post Dx Pretty much finished this, brought some splicing in for the body, I thinks he looks ok.
  16. If by design you mean the trim, I don't think it would be that hard to re-add. The other hoods are all pretty similar at the base, I think you could make some small edits to the shape and have pretty much the same hood at a less identifiable angle.
  17. I feel like she just looks way too much like Idoun. Your attempts to make her different are ok, but she still screams Idoun. Changing her hair color might make her a bit more unique, but still kinda lazy. Honestly, I'd restart the whole thing with one of the other hoods so as to get a different pose and make her more different from Idoun.
  18. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    triple post, woo Pretty generic nomad guy. Decided to try some more customing but with a more standard pose this time. How am I doing so far?
  19. Ooh, I like the Eirika. I can't say I've ever been fond of the original one. I can't see the majhost stuff either, though it looks like the whole website is down or something.
  20. Here's a gif. If you can make a movie you should be able to find a website to convert it to a gif with a quick google search. You could also save individual frames and find a site to compile them into a gif. Some drawing programs allow you to save things as gifs so check if you can do that.
  21. I think he meant on paper. I think his hair is too high up on his forehead and it makes the head look weird. The angle of his neck is looks really off as well.
  22. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    A thief and a very Lexish guy. And a pirate
  23. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Baldo requested Raven's body to be used though I may be getting lazy as of late. I was trying to get away from the medium length anime spiky hair and do something a bit shorter, but I couldn't find a lot for what I was imagining. Would it make morse sense if I moved or deleted the cross strap or is it the hair itself? I personally like the rightmost one. The first one is just Dart's face, originally he had Sain's eyes, but his left eye was really derpy looking so I just kept the face boring. The other two are Rath mixed with Dieck, though I did some redrawing of his right cheek (left OPV) to make it look better.
  24. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Took a break from the custom to do some requests for Baldo45: [spoiler=ugly] Not really happy with any of this, but do I get kudos for hackboxing a dragon? I might come back to this eventually, but probably not.
  25. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Moved his nose down. The two images: the one on the left has the eye where it's been and the one on the right has the eye and nose moved down one pixel. I included both because the right one looks a bit wonky to me, but it might just be because I've stared at it for a long time :\
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