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Everything posted by Toa

  1. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    I think that looks a bit more reasonable. I've been using Legault as my main reference as well as Morva and Ismaire for reference on full side view. I used Rennac for jawline reference at the beginning though.
  2. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Moved the mouth and made some other changes to make his face more profile-y. Is that better?
  3. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Well, decided to try customing. Critique welcome
  4. His face and head are a bit squished horizontally and his hair is really tall. It's obviously heavily based on his lord mug, so having a properly resized version of that to compare to what you have would be a good idea to see shaping and sizing differences. It would also allow you to trace shapes to get a better feel for them as well.
  5. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    @BoE: I'll probably redo that one at some point(or something of a similar concept), the body got a bit ick and I don't like the way the collar looks as it seems like the helmet would run into it. @Nih: Thanks :D @Deranger: Thanks, and pretty much the base components are always parts of official sprites. I do do some reshading and resizing, as well as adding a bit to make the parts connect a little smoother. Sometimes I draw in parts of bodies or faces that were obscured by hair too. I haven't really delved into drawing totally new parts, but it looks to be the next big step and I'm thinking about bringing in more custom additions. I did draw this guy's big bald head though:
  6. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Thanks BoE! Some generic bosses I whipped up: A couple simpler splices that I like: [spoiler=Frames!]
  7. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    New stuff and things! Generic Royal Guard Splice Entries: [spoiler=Stuff]
  8. Real men show off their muscles and epic chest hair!
  9. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Scumbaggy looking noble
  10. This one was pretty quick, but I like how the boa came out. I might add more later. Is the splice comp saved?
  11. Toa

    Siuloir's Sundries

    Yeah... Shin certainly isn't an enthused looking fellow. As far as the jawline, in my experience they usually have more of the darkest skintone (the nearly outline color one) with a break with the second darkest shade that leads into a shadow on the neck. Harken has less of the darkest shade than most, and it isn't that important. I think the armor suffers from you only having one set of dynamic lines. The plates to the far left should appear smaller than the ones at the far right, but right now they all look to be about the same size (especially on the chestplate). These aren't entirely correct, but just for a feel I added a second set of lines.
  12. Toa

    Siuloir's Sundries

    I think the face is just a little simple, the pose is pretty static and there isn't much emotion on the face. That said, the jawline isn't quite right, I'd suggest taking a look at the official mugs' necks/jawlines. The armor seems like a bit of a mess, I really feel like the grid lines should conform to the shape of the armor, but right now they just look to be facing the viewer.
  13. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Haha, they are pretty similar! To be fair splice competition sets are a lot harder to use than the piles of mugs I use in mine xD. Thanks though, haha. There is certainly a bit of resemblance there of long red hair and circlets. I agree, he did end up looking very noble.
  14. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    The circlet was unfortunate in that the gem was 6 pixels wide on a face with an odd number of pixels across. l tried making it 7 wide, which doesn't look bad: New mug, not that complex, but I think it looks pretty cool.
  15. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Thanks guys! He'd need the other 7 iterations before he could really replace vanilla Eliwood xD A splice a day keeps the boredom away~ Not my favorite of my latest creations, but I need to be able to sprite things other than super hawt dewds. I tried to fix his derpy eye, is that better?
  16. Is this still a WIP? The corridors look pretty wide and open. Maybe add more walls and pillars for cover? And with what Fateborn is saying, yeah. This chapter would require a lot of turns spent just grabbing loot. I'm not a big fan of trapped chests, especially since I think I would still spend the time to open them all. I'd suggest removing some.
  17. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Repositioned and removed the bits of hair obscuring his eyes, and made his right ear more visible as well. I swapped the pauldron out for a new one, which widened his shoulders a bit. I also extended his left shoulder by one pixel. I think he looks better now, thanks for the critique!
  18. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Hair covering the hair? What do you mean? Sounds like I should definitely make his shoulders wider, I'll work on the pauldron as well, I think I found a better one to use.
  19. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Not really happy with the body, I had to draw parts of the cape myself and I'm not great at fabric >.< I like how his hair turned out though.
  20. On the splice, the guy looks like he has way too much forehead, I'd move his head up a bit and give him a bit more neck, and maybe remove a bit of the poof from the back. The gold chains(?) off his hood are a little confusing as well. Not bad stuff though.
  21. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Not originally, but Bionicle is cool enough that I'll pretend it is :D Took Nih's suggestion, definitely looks at least a little bit better. Thanks Nih!
  22. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Doop. Trying to create more unique faces and hair.
  23. Toa

    Aspiring Amateur

    Yeah, his hair looks like it has a lot of volume to it. I think it might be because his hair doesn't really have a clear point of origin and some parts look laid over the rest (specifically the front area). I think there might be a bit too much shading in the top-back-right of the hair as well.
  24. Toa

    Aspiring Amateur

    It looks really thick, almost like he's wearing something.
  25. Toa

    Toa's Sprites

    Toned the muscles down a bit, is that better?
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