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Posts posted by Colino

  1. I don't see why that kind of event couldn't happen in other places. Just need a place that would allow it and people to show up.

    Events of this type are usually arranged through "Collaborations" in Japan between the company promoting the product and the owners of the bar/property. These are extremely popular in Japan and especially Tokyo where there is a severe lack of event spaces (as you can imagine there's a severe lack of space full stop.) In prime locations like Akihabara or Shibuya, if you're trying to organize an event of some type, you are extremely unlikely to get an event space to rent out, so you are pretty much forced to work with this collaboration bars.

    This means there are several successful companies in Japan (most notoriously Pasela Resorts) who essentialy own giant buildings filled with bars and restaurants which are "rented out" for these collaborations. Sometimes the collaborations last a week, some for much longer. For example I visited a Sailor Moon Crystal collab bar in Shinjuku (don't ask, it was the wife's choice), which was only available for two weeks. The locations are usually 20+ because alcohol and themed drinks are served. Don't forget that a drink after work with your colleagues is also a cultural staple in Japan, so these collab bars really feed off of that too. And much like audiotronica mentioned, it is very strongly a business decision as well since the 20+ year old working ladies are easily the ones with the most disposable income.

    I get what Nintendo is trying to do, really, and it is cool and all, but is it really to the point where literally 50% of the population is generally uncomfortable with the other 50% in public places? Because that's kinda...sad. And this kinda stuff just means segregation and separate drinking fountains and all that. No wonder gender issues are more prominent there. Yes, yes, I get that we have more violent crime thanks to NRA lobbying to allow felons to buy guns and all that, but that doesn't mean that this is okay, people. At least this allows for skinship among people of the same gender, you know, provided they don't get attracted to the same gender...

    And now I feel like an overly judgmental person...Great...

    In regards to the women's only clause, audiotronica explained it much better than I could. There are several train lines throughout Tokyo that have "women's only" carriages to be used during peak times for women and accompanied children only, unfortunately these were created for the same reasons that were explained in his post.

    The truth is this is still a highly controversial topic in Japan and as such it is somewhat taboo to discuss it or bring it up. It is one of the many things people will shrug off and accept because that's "the way things are". Of course seeing these things through your eyes, from a completely different point of view, you will react to this kind of stuff differently. Nothing judgemental about it.

    You noted your local card shop is not the most accessible place for most women, and unfortunately that is the case not only where I live in England, but also in many places in Japan. I won't even begin to barge into all of the stereotypes, but there is a reason they exist and whilst visiting a number of tcg places like Card Kingdom with my wife I couldn't help but try and think how awkward she felt with the amount of staring and weirdness (myself being a "gaijin" probably didn't help either).

    And you know what, at the end of the day this is a marketing/PR event, and you are far more likely to get a positive reaction from a group of girls if they are in a relaxed environment with a group of likeminded girls (the same applies to most men! This is only natural).

    Anyway, the event sounds pretty cool and I wouldn't be surprised if the ladies are given a special female unit promo card! They might have themed drinks too? I hope so.

  2. Well, yeah, but if Cipher does indeed do well enough in Japan, wouldn't they be crazy not to make an English version?

    Of course, but that is completely independent of wether an artist thinks they'll do so or not.

    And the character designer has, at the very least, a position which enables him to push with a good deal of influence when it comes to business decisions. He at least has more clout than Randy, the coffee-getting monkey, I mean intern.

    I have some years of experience in a very similair type of business, and unfortunately in most companies you would be incorrect, one or more artists really has close to zero input when it comes to business decisions like this one. I'm not saying this particular artist is in the same boat, I'm just saying that is the case for the large majority of businesses out there. There is a reason he's hired as an artist and not a planning strategist or a marketing executive.

    And Cipher is doing well in Japan right now, if the sizes and number of tournaments are an indicator.

    Of course, and I'm incredibly stoked for it. Again this has nothing to do with a character designer thinking they'll bring it to the west or not.

    Just so I don't sound like a negative nancy, I'd be incredibly happy overall if they brought this outside of Japan. Not just for the cards themselves but also the follow-up effect of popularising the series further, and hopefully getting people to play the pre-Awakening games as well as the new ones.

    It's also very beneficial for ANYONE in the company to say that they might bring it to the West, it makes business sense to keep hopes high and promote the product.

  3. With all due respect I don't think the character designer would have much say in the company's business decisions, but hey-ho, at least it's a positive answer.

    In a selfish way I don't want a western release... Because then I'll have to collect those too!

  4. I'm somewhat confused, are you saying that every card that has the potential to be a + card has two different varieties of it? For example, your Robin that has both the gold font and is signed, would've it been possible for you to get a version of it that only has the gold font without the signature? In that case you would have to collect 3 versions of the same card which I don't really feel like doing. Maybe I'm just tired and didn't get what you wrote. :7

    Thanks for the info by the way, my 4 boxes should be here sometime next week.

    EDIT: And since I'm on it, what's the rate for holos?

    There is a full set-list of all cards you can find in booster packs here: http://fecipher.jp/cards/BT0001.html

    This lists all available + cards as well. There aren't any "non holo" versions of holo cards. Everything R and above is holo in some way.

    The rarity rate for a booster box has been posted before in this thread.

  5. 5 card varieties per deck are exclusive, also there are exclusive foil cards in the deck.

    The + cards have the same number, but say + on the card. So Tharja is B01-080SR, and then B01-080SR+.

    Thanks for all the info and the video!

    I think I will stick with storing promos and + cards seprately.

  6. I think it's 4 cards per deck that are exclusive? Something like that. It's mentioned earlier in this same thread.

    With the amount of promos, r+/sr+ out there I'm wondering how I could best organise the cards in a binder actually.

    Do the autographed variants have a different card number or are they exactly they same? I might just go with a smaller binder where I keep all promos and signed cards.

  7. Banking on that 1% crit

    With the inclusion of FE6 cast as DLC in FE13, it's possible?

    Pretty much everyone was included as DLC in FE13, so unfortunately I doubt that means much.

    Nintendo have really shown to be unwilling to localize a number of great GBA games. I feel like Binding Blade would just not be profitable enough for them anyway.

  8. A wiki sounds like a great idea actually. There's a number of installable wiki bases that would require very little HTML to work with. I'm almost tempted to register a domain with my host and get it started myself...

    I didn't notice the rarity things at all! That's pretty great. I'm assuming the SR cards are foil. It's a bit silly but I was hoping for it since there's nothing as exciting as opening a booster and finding that one super rare card you wanted.

    The rule set seems pretty set in stone, but maybe they'll introduce cards that aren't characters? Things like spells, or weapons? On the other hand I'm kind of happy there's nothing of that to start with, because usually those type of cards tend to be less liked since they're not as "cool" (I'm looking at you Pokemon trainer cards, no one wants to pull a rare trainer card out of a pack).

  9. And also skype fights could be a thing.

    That's not a bad idea! Although getting translation work done on every card might be hard work.

    I'm not a particularly great coder but the rules of the game aren't overly complex, so maybe even an HTML5 web client to play the game on is a possibility if enough techie community members got together to get it done. I'd be happy to contribute if that were a thing.

    I couldn't seem to find any from the event videos, but has there been any indication of "special" or "foil" cards? It looks like they're all quite plain, a part from some artwork being a bit more over the top than others. Or maybe there are special cards that they just haven't shown yet.

  10. There was a possiblity of Awakening being the last game in the series, so they filled it with as much fan service as they could.

    I really doubt they'll repeat that with If, it just doesn't fit the setting and with 3 total campaigns I think they have enough on their plate to not need to offer anything like Einherjar.

    Some challenging spotpass maps would be great though. The series has a history of additional challenge maps and Nintendo have really started to push spotpass as a method of delivering content so I definitely expect them to do it.

  11. I too pre-ordered one each of the two starter decks and a booster box, but I definitely won't be able to buy more for a while due to money. I'd definitely love to get another booster box though...I do feel like there will be a decent amount of cards in this set that will probably necessitate multiple booster box purchases in order to secure them all. That and there's not much known about the rarity system this TCG might have as well.

    Personally I don't see myself purchasing more than a few booster boxes because it's highly unlikely I'll actually play the game itself. There's a number of websites where you'll probably be able to buy individual cards that I won't find in the boosters so I don't want to overdo it and end up with so many dupes.

    Or maybe we could set up a Serenes Forest trading community of some sort! It's very early for that but it could probably work out.

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