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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Will know I never ever could Odin's and Jakob's child because their dads suck imo.
  2. The best themes of FE6 are the character themes, so also this one. 7.5 FE10 - To War
  3. Will know it's rather that I couldn't get the S support of each male character.
  4. same question I was feared of wash machines as a little child. As for now only wesps and thunder storms.
  5. Idr when this was played, but it's definitely a good song. 7.5 FE6 - Suspicious
  6. Uses characters in FE14 I never ever could unlock.
  7. Jarod because he's an antagonist who's written well actually. Despite he was fooled by Numida he still shows his loyality towards Begnion till his bitter end. I really enjoyed his dialogues to Daein's and Begnion's soldiers and especially to BK.
  8. Hata no Kokoro from Touhou Opinion about posting in this forum?
  9. Melodic and peaceful. A nice song overall. 7.5 FE9 - On Black Wings
  10. Hi! Could you please do a badge for this image? Name: Kokoro Style: Eientei Thanks in advance!
  11. Link is not available for me. Anyways used an other site. Probably my least favorite map theme from FE14. Not bad, but also doesn't really hit me emotionally. 5.5 FE5 - Reydrik's Theme
  12. It's silent and also elegant, fitting to her character. As a theme itself fine, but not too amazing. 7 FE12 - Powerful Enemy
  13. So you have the issue too how to delete quote boxes? I'm no big fan of toasts but if I ever eat them, then Hawaii-ish.
  14. Honestly it's hard to press start while listening to that. 9 FE10 - Echoes of Daybreak
  15. Oh woah... Project X Zone 2 music is posted here. Favorite theme in the ToCS duology? Favorite bossfight in ToCS duology? How would you rank the Class VII pupils from best to worst? Favorite ship for Rean? Would you like to see Trails characters in Project X Zone if it was theoretically possible?
  16. Remilia is PAIN! People weren't wrong when they warned me of this fight.
  17. I know that you have access to his equipment in the battle preparations till the end of part 1, but isn't he also listed in the base after 1-6?
  18. For someone who isn't impressed of FE13's soundtrack overall, this is also just one of many non very memorable themes. Not a bad theme, but it doesn't cause any emotions out of me. 5 FE8 - Solve the Riddle
  19. I could say this about snowing in winter now... because it hasn't happened the last three years.
  20. Hmm... congratulations to this rare event!? It only shows that you're a badass man who can deal with these high temperatures. I'm already whining when I have 30°C in my bedroom like now.
  21. It's decent but I prefer the remake more because it sounds more intense. 6.5 FE13 - Divine Decree
  22. Laura is a good unit but she has two main problems: She starts at level 1 with abysmal bases. She'll get killed by each physical opponent in part 1. And this won't change further in the game due to the low exp. gain for healers. She levels extremly slowly. It's impossible to promote her till part 3 without heal-abusing in using the master crown. She can barely reach level 10 till the end of part 1. Priests have a terrible speed cap for some reason. Her cap in first tier is only 15, and the worst thing is that her speed growth is fantastic (70% iirc). She can't benefit from her good growth. With this speed she'll get double by all the cats in part 3. Tigers would oneshot her anyways. Laura is actually a good healer, even better than Micaiah growthwise but FE10's bad class balance screws her. For part 3 she's really important as your main healer if you want to use Micky in combat. Speaking of Micaiah. She has three great stats: magic, luck and resistance. Everything else is mediocre or worse. She's fragile and slow. If you play on HM she shares Laura's problem of getting onerounded by each physical opponent. If her HP and defense are crappy, give her one of the two angelic robes from part 1 to have an easier time in 1-9. Furthermore she has speed issues. Enemies can double her. If this happens, then give her Tauroneo's resolve skill from 1-6 to increase her speed when she's on low health. However it doesn't prevent her of getting oneshotted. The best strategy of making use of resolve is to sacrifice all her HP. You don't have access to speedwings until the last map of part 1. However if she has maxed out magic and resistance, give her bexp. to try rising her speed. She needs each point of that. Meg joins late with low level. Her bases are good for her level actually but her growths don't match with her class. She's like Edward only with worse movement, lower base level and not having the crit boost. Honestly she's rather a myrm than Edward is, because Edward has a much higher strength growth than her. You have to forge her a sword immediately when she joins. Meg's not entirely bad, but never really needed in the DB. Fortune is also a pointless skill on her since her luck is rather good. Even Fiona, if you're really willing to train her, will become much more useful than her. I made this experience in a draft.
  23. Also a very good and climatic boss theme. Zephiel's personal and battle theme are my favorite themes in the game besides Shaman in the Dark. 8.5 FE4 - Crisis II
  24. Yeah, this was the Game Over theme in FE9. I know it's really hard to get to this. Best regular boss battle theme in FE for me without question. It fits perfectly to the clash of different life spans. This becomes even better when the Goldoa theme is played later on. Just epic! 9.5 FE8 - Comrades
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