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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Yeah, definitely will do it... not to get a bad surprise. Thanks for your reminder, though. Nothing can stop my ToCS 2 Hype.
  2. This is true but that's not my issue. ToCS II isn't available everywhere. The closest GS to me which has this game is more than 100 km away from me. Nonetheless I'll do the journey today and grab this game. I just hope for GS that it didn't fool me with a wrong announcement of the availibility of this game.
  3. Yes, I have. But not only that; I wanted to let the game get delivered to my nearest GS store to pay with my GS customer card which has an actual credit left by selling stuff. Still haven't got an answer yet. F**K Gamestop!
  4. Reading this comments makes me even more jealous and depressing right now despite the talk is about ToCS 3 I guess.
  5. I still see FE5 as the "Revolution" in FE because it gave this series a new direction by introducing lots of interesting game mechanics like capturing fatigue new mission objectives (defend, escape...) scrolls which can fix stat issues flexible skill system by giving the allies obtained skills However it went a bit too far in some cases. Fatigue is an interesting idea but needs improvement. It screws the player too easily. An other stat than HP should affect it. Adding warp tiles like in 24x is like the dumbest idea ever and only pisses off the player. Having hit of 1-99% is also a mechanic which mainly screws the player and not the opponent. FE5 has tons of amazing ideas, and it's still a fantastic game for its time, but I'd really like to see a remake with some things fixed.
  6. Although ToCS 2 isn't even six months old here, it's absolutely uncommon in stores nowadays. Same went for ToCS 1, but thankfully a store close to me had it. Can only guess that these games aren't as popular in EU as in the US.
  7. ToCS 2 isn't common here and so not available at any GameStop. I went to my next GS and asked to order it from a different GS and then to let it deliver it to the one I went it. Spelt the employee the name of the game but he couldn't find it for some fricking reason depsite a few stores still offer this game. I sent this store a mail with a screenshot about the availibilty of ToCS 2 in all Gamestop stores in Germany as proof. Still waiting for an answer. no, not available
  8. Gamestop tried with their dumbness not to let me get ToCS 2. I'm fucking annoyed right now.
  9. Chapter 1-1 Maiden of Issac Oh... I hope I'll do the LP well to your satisfaction. Of course you may add me in your hack thread. It's right that I forgot to show the fighter class. Also didn't separate these classes in chapter 1-1 either (only showed fighters); will show present both classes in chapter 2 at the latest if I won't forget it again. I'm not sure if this hack has updated patches, but I'm playing the first released version. So Idk if there any changed happened after that. If I should complain about sth. which has been fixed later on like missing battle animation for Arden and Ethlin, then poke me, and I'll fix it in my commentary. Also I only played the first three maps of this hack about one year ago so my memories are really wonky. All the chapters past 1-2 will be blind for me. Thanks for your detailed units explanation. I guess Arden will become the MVP. He works like a Jagen despite being a knight. And unlike Sigurd he can take hits and oneshot stuff. The issue I've with Azel is that he's only really useful for finishing off enemies. With the nerfed accuracy of tomes he's not a good chipper anymore. @X-Naut I actually noticed it and wanted to add this in the second part of this chapter because I noticed the nerf of forts and castles when the archer reinforcements appeared from the forts. Also wanted to explain more about the weapon system because a few things were quite notable.
  10. Best FE10: 3 FE4: 2 FE9: 1 Worst Conquest: 1 Birthright: 2 FE13: 3
  11. Yes, "follow" replaced "friends". Also all your "friends" vanished with the upgrade.
  12. The thing about the Pegasi is that they join rather late (Sigrun + Tanith) or have low availibility (Elincia). Also triple damage against them is a thing. However at the end their stats are good enough (aside of Sigrun) to wreck the enemies. Since endgame is more made for high res units they're absolutely appreciated. Without them you can't oneturn Ashera. Funnily enough the female cavaliers would own the foot units because of their better caps... if they had just higher bases or base level.
  13. FE10 was my first FE game, and I even struggled through easy mode's earlygame. I almost ragequitted in 1-3 because Laura was oneshotted and caused me tons of Game Overs. However I guess you're an experienced FE game, so you should manage NM. Since FE10 has a quick save option you can try out your turns. Also the difficulty curve is weird because the three lords (to be more correct main characters) who lead their own group are totally different level- and statwise.
  14. FE4: If you're neither mounted nor a healer, you're pretty much lost. FE5: Scrolls can do wonders. However generic caps kill the actual point of having different classes. FE6: Sword and Magic Emblem FE7: Fighters are shit. FE8: Everyone is usable since the enemies are mediocre. FE9: soft version of FE4 FE10: Jill + Haar Emblem. Also mage-hostile territory FE13: Galeforce Emblem Haven't played 11, 12 and Fates enough to tell about them. In FE5 + 8 no class really sucks.
  15. I used it in FE13 to speed up some early maps. It worked quite well. However I think the A.I. doesn't work as exactly as swarmed partner units in FE10. I believe in auto battles the allies go for the nearest enemy (weapon triangle, HP... are irrelevant) while the partner units are smarter.
  16. Best FE10: 3 FE4: 2 FE9: 1 Worst Conquest: 1 Birthright: 2 FE13: 3
  17. Devil Survivor Overclocked is from Atlus so expect a lots of Anime and Fanservice. Anyways the main difference is this there's no player and enemy phase. Each ally and opponent has a fixed turn order. You may bring only four units with each two demons to each map. The mission objectives are rout or escape missions. Some of them have side conditions like saving NPCs. Also another thing about this series it that you have to save people in the story by giving the right or best possible answer in the dialogues. It has a sequel, Record Breaker, which is way better. It features social links / supports which grant you boosts in the maps. It also has more maps and you have access to more playable characters early on.
  18. Does Devil Survivor count as TRPG? (idk if the fixed turn order disqualifies it) If so, then yeah, it's also a great alternative to FE.
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