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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Best: FE10: 3 FE5: 2 FE4: 1 Worst: FE13: 3 Birthright: 2 Conquest: 1
  2. Knows I miss his spoilers with his claims.
  3. Normally promote at level 20 unless 2-3 stats are capped before.
  4. What food exactly? Like the most delicious food ever.
  5. Seriously hype can be unhealthy for your wallet if you can't wait for a price drop of a new game. The reason why I normally don't buy games on release day anymore. Also I think anticipation is the more fitting term anyways. alright :D
  6. I see. A theory I had while my playthrough of ToCS:
  7. Let's Play FEIV Well, I'm too lazy to play another long and hard hack right now so I decided to play sth. more adorable. I picked FEIV, a FE7 hack which represents the Judgral story some years later than the story in the original FE4. However most actions and dialogues are the same as in the original but it doesn't apply to the gameplay. This hack is the solution for all the people who are interested in FE4 and Judgral's story in general but are daunted by the huge maps. Anyways most of this hack will be blind for me because I've played only the first three maps and this is quite a while ago. Sigh... making LPs is way more complicated now since the update because lots of options like using BBCodes or choosing font is disabled now. Idk why different fonts are shown but I try to fix these issue next time. Still have to get used on this.
  8. It's somewhat true. Whenever I was hyped for something which wasn't often the case - only for Tales of Zestiria, FE13 + 14 - I was brought down to earth. But I'm highly sure ToCS 2 won't disappoint me. Edit: Also if people really think that I'm obsessed with ToCS by my spamming of themes and my enthusiasm about the game, then it might be. I don't deny that I really love this game and series right now. Definitely the discovery of 2017!
  9. A bit sad, but I would also know that still lots of other tactical round bases RPGs exist I have to discover. Also hacks are still a thing.
  10. I didn't expect to take this comment that seriously, but it's absolutely true!
  11. There it ends... The aftergame / epilogue had quite a lot intense fights surprisingly. Didn't expect that. Anyways the ending is sad but I was already informed about the cliffhanger. Just hoped it'd be a less depressing one... Anyways TOCS 2 HYPE NOW!!!
  12. Enjoying the last moments of ToCS. otherwise fine
  13. I just got the probably most WTF moment in videogaming. Trails of Cold Steel
  14. Completed the game. Since I'm awful in writing reviews I mention my impressions shortly: The character cast is great. I like each playble character in this game. The soundtrack is fantastic and probably my favorite soundtrack of all videogames I've played yet. So many memorable themes. I love the battle system. It's not a static round based RPG since some melee units like Rean still have to move. Also the variety of attack, arte and craft fulfills their purpose. Also like the combo attacks and links during the battles. Furthermore I like the bonus system in form of exp. boosts for doing battles well (without taking damage, multiple kills by one attack...) Social link system is nice and I liked very most conversations. I wished there was no chronological order how to do all the sidequests. Optional quests have to be done first, because if you end a story related quest the story will continue automatically. I sometimes made the mistake that I did story quests first so I missed completing some optional ones. Also wished that text would scroll automatically. It slowed down the game a little bit. Tbf the dungeons weren't too challenging with tough puzzles. Most of them were very simple. However the final dungeon had nice gimmicks. Fishing the Salmon was the worst and hardest thing in the game. ;) All in all I absolutely enjoyed this game and I can only recommend it to all people who are at least semi-interested in round based RPGs and have interest in day organisation (a bit similar to Persona).
  15. Was close to click the report button. Seriously even if this person isn't part of this forum most likely, this question indirectly discredits the sexuality of the mentioned person. It's not even shittalking for me anymore. Edit: Where's the report command anyways?
  16. None of the followed people is appreciated apparently. ;( same for me Also two people followed me and I don't know the hack who they are so I better don't allow people to follow me anymore before I get even bots.
  17. I always thought Persona 3's music was earcandy... till I played ToCS. Its soundtrack is like two leagues better. Seriously the best soundtrack of all videogames I've played yet. Also playing through ToCS really makes me think (too) now that Persona is just anime.
  18. Knows now that Alisa set the final blow against the final boss in ToCS.
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