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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Cecilia has the same magic as a level 20 promoted Clarine. She's a bit tankier but slower than her. Tbf I don't find her that great unlike most others and somewhat overrated because base stave level C is bleh, but she's far away of being crap. Mounted units, especially healers rule in FE6.
  2. Fa Bases + Growths Level 1 Mamkute HP: 16 (130) Magic: 2 (90) Skill: 2 (85) Speed: 3 (65) Luck: 7 (150) Defense: 2 (30) Resistance: 6 (50) A growth unit. She’s great in chapter 21 to take out the dracos but her usage and movement are limited. 4 Percival Bases + Growths Level 5 Paladin HP: 51 (75) Strength: 20 (30) Skill: 16 (25) Speed: 20 (35) Luck: 15 (20) Defense: 12 (20) Resistance: 8 (10) Terrific bases and awesome weapon levels. Without doubt Percy is one of the best prepromoted units in FE. He can use silver swords and lances and killer axes which makes him incredibly flexible. However he joins at a time you don’t need him anymore unless Marcus who’s needed to come through till chapter 7. Still a fantastic filler if you need one. 8.5 Igrene Bases + Growths Level 1 Sniper HP: 32 (70) Strength: 16 (35) Skill: 18 (25) Speed: 15 (35) Luck: 9 (20) Defense: 11 (10) Resistance: 10 (5) Better bases than Klein compared to him for being the same level but joins later with worse growths.Still a very decent sniper if you don’t have a bowuser yet. 5.5 Garrett Bases + Growths Level 1 Berserker HP: 55 (70) Strength: 21 (45) Skill: 16 (25) Speed: 11 (25) Luck: 14 (15) Defense: 9 (15) Resistance: 4 (5) Ok bases but bad growths. He’s ok against the dracos in chapter 21 but no endgame material due to his low speed and for being an axe user. 3 Hugh Bases + Growths Level 15 Mage HP: 26 (75) Magic: 13 (30) Skill: 11 (30) Speed: 12 (45) Luck: 10 (25) Defense: 9 (20) Resistance: 9 (15) Note: best possible bases I fucking hate this guy. You’re forced to buy his stats. It’s an absolute of waste of money since his growthrates are pathetic (comparable to prepromotes; also 15% res – lol) and you have good sages with Lugh or Lilina already. Seriously I’d give him a zero but his member card saves his ass. Steal it from him and then kill him. There’s absolute no point to waste any effort and money in his recruitment. 1 I'm seriously considering to cut this because it's neither reasonable nor justified for a rating based on the unit's quality. ... But then I have to cut all the outliers like for Lilina and Wolt (poll votes) too. Also seeing Sophia with an average >1 looks odd, since she's definitely not so much better than Barth. Normally Barth > Sophia anyways. Edit: I'll do a second list where I cut out all the outliers to check if it comes closer to the other tierlist. And then I'll decide for which list I go for.
  3. I see. This guy looks quite cool at first sight but can't tell much after this short dialogue yet. I guess my signature betrayed me, haha. Nah, Laura is my fave although my avi might not show it. The others are secondaries. Also Towa and Elise are cute too.
  4. Oh I see, a womanizer apparently. Also don't worry I'm not going to steal him from you. Have my waifu already. To be more precise waifus.
  5. Who's this Olivier anyways? Saw him the first time in ToCS today. Is he the mascot in the series similar like Anna is in FE? Only heared that he appears in multiple Trails games.
  6. Any RPGs / series besides FE you enjoy? Favorite mechanic in FE? Favorite character from the Danganronpa series? Favorite videogame theme?
  7. This tierlist is based on the unit's usefulness and not on the personality. Her joining time, base level and base stats speak against her. Also sure, you can add your votes for the other characters.
  8. Apparently prefers to theme characters from games he has played yet.
  9. Should join the Maggie Lewd clan. still applies
  10. The variety of TocS's soundtrack is just gorgeous: A mix of catchy bossbattle themes and soft and peaceful themes, fitting to a beautiful landscape Oh wait, TitS has three parts too? This means my time in the next months is already reserved.
  11. Oh yesssss, thanks! Also I think my laptop could even handle TitS after checking system requirements, but I'll go for the sequel first. If the gameplay in 2 isn't worse than 1 at least, then I'm absoulety not worried.
  12. Ok, I didn't remember that. Just to clarify: My definition of a balanced difficulty is that your team and the opponent have the exact same access and make use of the given ressources. Class skills and forged weapons are absolutely fine if you have them too. That means enemies only may have forged weapon when you have access to a blacksmith. Sure lunatic requires strategical thought but it's not what I would call a balanced difficulty because the game is made "pro enemy" by giving them access to sth. you don't have. Lunatic + is just gambling. It manly ends that you restart the chapter all over again till none of the enemies has luna +. The exact opposite example to FE13's lunatic (+) is FE10 where you have third tier allies with OP class skills fighting against "pseudo" third tier enemies, units who are still in tier two but have the stats, caps and crit skill of third tiers. Also totally unbalanced from the positive view of the player however.
  13. Awakening is like the least balanced FE game interms of difficulty simply because the existence of lunatic (+). Giving the enemies skills you can't even learn just to make this game artificially harder is the exact opposite of good balance. As for the lowest difficulties I can't see how the one game is more balanced than the other. Birthright seemed to be balanced as far as my memories can go back.
  14. Mentioened a great song title. Tbf rather made a great suggestion.
  15. ToCS ROCS! I guess I haven't played more than 1/3 yet, but I still adore this. More hyped to play the sequel than Persona 5 and FE15. Also does anyone know the theme which is played on the field in the North Highlands? It's marvelous!
  16. Knows the misunderstanding is clearified. LL Cool Jul
  17. How was Lex s high and Midir so low in the old tierlist!? o.o Also Tiltyu almost doubled her score only because of me. In general I voted 2/3 of the units of the Gen 1. (way) too high and I still regret my given votes.
  18. ^ added your votes Also made a few changes: Roy from 5 to 4 Lot from 5 to 4 Marcus from 8.5 to 9 because he's pretty much in the same area as Rutger and dancers (third best unit behind Miledy and the dancers) Tate from 7.5 to 7 Gonzales from 4 to 3.5 because he's not the best first tier locked axe user Raigh Bases + Growths Level 12 Druid HP: 23 (55) Magic: 12 (45) Skill: 9 (55) Speed: 9 (40) Luck: 6 (15) Defense: 5 (15) Resistance: 10 (35) Unfortunately he's one of the few recruitable enemies without HM boosts. And without them he’s pretty bad. His bases are terrible for his level, especially his 9 speed. And his other bases aren’t impressive either. Noferatu-grinding doesn’t work for the most part due to his low speed and furthermore speed reduction. If you want a good dark magic user, then go for Niime. 2 Cath Bases + Growths Level 5 Thief HP: 20 (80) Strength: 3 (40) Skill: 11 (45) Speed: 15 (85) Luck: 12 (50) Defense: 2 (15) Resistance: 3 (20) A third thief you only need if you lost Chad and Astol. Otherwise she’s totally pointless. Joins underleveled. Her combat pretty much doesn’t exist due to her horrible strength and being a papercut. She’s only useful in the chapter she joins because of the chests and in Arcadia to find all the items faster. Easily the worst thief in FE, maybe only Dickard is worse. 1 Miledy Bases + Growths Level 10 Draco Knight HP: 38 (75) Strength: 17 (50) Skill: 15 (50) Speed: 13 (45) Luck: 8 (25) Defense: 16 (20) Resistance: 4 (5) Great bases and a flier. She reminds me a lot of Jill, only with less availibility but less requirement of becoming fantastic. Give her the delphi shield and she’ll become a flying monster against physical enemies. Best unit in the game! 9.5 Cecilia Bases + Growths Level 1 Valkyrie HP: 30 (60) Magic: 11 (35) Skill: 7 (45) Speed: 10 (25) Luck: 10 (25) Defense: 7 (20) Resistance: 13 (25) Her base magic is basically the same as Clarine's when she reaches Cecilia's level. And she's a bit tankier but therefore she doesn't work as a dodgetank. Stave level C is rather unimpressive because it doesn't allow her to use any of the great staves (physics, sleep...). A good healer when you have her but there are still better stave users than her and Clarine is still the better valkyrie overall. 6 Sophia Bases + Growths Level 1 Shaman HP: 15 (60) Magic: 6 (55) Skill: 2 (40) Speed: 4 (30) Luck: 3 (20) Defense: 1 (20) Resistance: 8 (55) Joins with level 1 in a super mean chapter for her (FoW, staves, flying enemies) so it’s impossible to train her here. She can chip for babydamage and find a guiding so she’s not completly useless. 0.5
  19. Knows that I know. Honestly I don't like her voice for Magilou too much. Her JP voice is soooooooo much better.
  20. Knows (maybe just now) that Maggie Lewd has the same VA as Celica in Echoes.
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