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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Second attempt: 331. Maribelle I wanted to mention Maribelle. However my IPod didn't know this word and gave me "Mathis" as alternative suggestion. I forgot to click on it twice, so Mathis was assumed instead.
  2. Lost interest in Fire Emblem :( I probably won't replay FE6 on hard mode either because of mentioned reasons.I switched to a hack, which is pretty good. The accuracy of axes and lances are improved and some maps and growthrates are fixed. And soldiers don't suck anymore. Chapter 7 is also easy, because you get a rescue stave. Only played the first three chapters yet. Pretty good so far.
  3. Knows a glitch. Can I take a guess? Chapter 14?
  4. Probably agrees that chapter 7 in FE6 is one of the hardest maps in the entire series.
  5. Maybe noticed that I forgot something in my fact.
  6. Maybe knows that in FE6 swords still have a better accuracy against lances than axes despite weapon triangle disadvantage.
  7. I've beaten FE6 HM for the first time and I've to admit it was hard even frustating in some points. Not mainly because of the difficulty, but because of the game mechanics. Physical range weapons are crap an the weird RNG pissed me off. I haven't count, how many times my units missed with 70% but the enemies hit me with 30%. The earlygame was pretty tough, especially chapter 6 and 7. Chapter 7 was as a nightmare as I expected. However the game became easier, if my team got some levels. Rutger saved my ass against most bosses. The stats of the enemies seemed to be fair to me. The stats of the phyisical enemies weren't very special except for high HP. Myrmidons maxed skill and speed, mercenaries maxed skill and dracoknights maxed strength. Maybe comparable with FE10 hard mode. Second tier enemies weren't too tough. Noticeable was the high magic of enemy sages and druids. Level 10 druids had maxed magic already, which was very annoying because of the huge range of their staves. Most of my staves like silence, sleep and berserk didn't work against the enemies because of the ridiculous low magic stats of Ellen and Clarine. Bolting was my remedy to kill the enemy berserk users. All in all the difficulty was alright except for chapter 7 and the desert chapter. If the accuracy of axes and lances was better, this game would be more bearable for me. I'll switch to the "Redux Hack", because axes and lances are improved and some chapters and character growthrates are fixed.
  8. Maybe will have an avatar of Alec Trevelyan next.
  9. Probably knows that this guy was acted by a German.
  10. Over four thousand days younger than me. Damn, I'm feeling so old here.
  11. Knows that she's a walking target in this game.
  12. Well, I thought more about the third tier caps and mainly the final chapters. I know that the second tier caps are still good enough to deal most enemies. On hard mode in 3-4 Oscar with maxed speed can still double everyone except for warriors and swordmasters. However Makalov's problem is his availibilty. He must play almost a solo in 3-2 to get some levels to reach the cap.
  13. Knows that the pegasus triangle is better to use because of their higher movement range and canto.
  14. Should know I always give Oscar axes in FE9, because he can attack directly and indirectly.
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