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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Oh yes, I forgot about this situation. Just give the "bann staff" the mechanic that it doesn't work against bosses. Of course, that's what I explained Levant Caprice. In turn one you can reach her with Vanessa or Tana by using Tethys as well. If Micaiah has enough magic, she can reach him with sleep. She has maximum range of 15. However I think it's only possible to put him to sleep in the last turn. Laura would be a better a choice, because Micaiah could purge him. That's actually a very good idea to prevent them from being attacked by enemies with range wepaons.
  2. I don't want to mess with the dispute anymore, if Ike is a good lord or not. I gave my objective opinion, so it's done for me. The only problem I have with this topic that the title is only focused on Ike. Much potential is wasted. Like I already said it will be the 10th birthday of FE9 and this game has plenty more to offer than only one character! FE9 has probably the best story of all FE games for the west, great characters, map designs and game mechanics. You could talk so much more about this game than about Ike. So I'm actually not surprised, if this topic annoys some people, who dislike Ike but love this game. Tbh this discussion is more stuff for Far from the Forest than for the Path of Radiance section at the moment.
  3. I'm pretty sure you can buy a restore stave in the base. Anyway in chapter 9 you get one in a village.
  4. If you meant to bring Tethys to the map, then yes.
  5. Ok... FE9 Ike has 0 base res. that's true. However he has 40% res. growth (same as defense). While FE10 Ike has 7 base res. for a second tier (!!!) unit and 15% growth. In FE10 in part 3 Ike is about 5-7 levels higher than the enemies so he can deal more damage and take more hits of course.
  6. Ummm... no. His bases in FE10 might be great and he is a physical wall. Though his speed growth sucks, the same (35%) as Soren's and Micaiah's. And his resistance is terrible. A critcal hit of a thundersage can one-shot him unlike in FE9. Without wasting bexp. in him, he would be highly likely doubled by BK in 3-7. FE9 Ike can play a solo much easier than in FE10 because of his much better resistance.
  7. Has a little confrontation with "Anacybele" at the moment.
  8. Well it's amusing that in the GBA-parts "sleeping" units can still dodge...
  9. Cool, if I could inspire you. Agreed so much. Well that's the reason to bring the restore stave to the map! Actually the idea of the "blind stave" came by playing Bravely Default. Sadly unless in the Judgral series, in FE6 and maybe even in FE7 there are so few situations you can use these staves effectively: In FE8 there was one necessary situation to use the warp stave in chapter 17 for the recruitment of Syrene.In FE9 and 10 I never had a reason to use the sleep and silence staff in the entire game.
  10. Yeah, in total both have the same total growthrate of 345% (magic in FE9 excluded). However I tend to say Ike it's better because of his slightly better speed and defense growth.
  11. Is incorrect. I mentioned the thief stave in the question too. I know that the range of the staves is different in the GBA and in the SNES games.
  12. Gave me an improvement suggestion for the poll. Edited.
  13. The Fire Emblem series has a huge variety of staves. Especially FE4-8 has many different types of them. So much more I'm a little bit disappointed that staves like sleep or silence don't exist in the latest parts. In my opinion staves are another stategical way to "hurt" an enemy. Many people dislike staves like sleep, berserk, because it automatically forces you to bring some healers, sages and bishops with restore staves to this map. Though you can also make an advantage of using them. For example the sleep stave helped me a lot in FE6 for keeping Douglas in distance and the silence staff is perfect to disable long range magic by an enemy. Another point I noticed is that I never saw enemies with a warp or rescue stave except for a bishop in FE10 chapter 3-11 (maybe in the Judgral series too). If these staves return, the enemies should get and use them too. Here are a few ideas by myself: "Blind stave": It reduces the hit rate of an enemy by 50% for five turns "Bann stave": same effect as the warp / teleport stave with the only difference you use it on an enemy "Devil stave": It gives the enemy the possibility to hurt hisself for five turns (like devil effect of devil weapons) "Flame stave": Enemy suffers burns for five turns. It loses 10 HP before each player phase. "Poison stave": Enemy suffers poisoning for five turns. It loses 1-3 HP before each player phase and takes +20% more damage by an enemy. "Vegetation stave": It changes the enviroment and affects the terrain. The landscape can be changed into desert, snowscape, marshy landscape or volcano terrain. Desert: every unit except for fliers, mages and thiefs are affected. Snowscape: every unit loses three movement. Marshy landscape: every unit is affected except for fliers. Swamp space = thicket. Volcano: Traps appear (as in the GBA-series). If an unit is placed on a trap, it will lose 10 HP everytime. This endures five turns. What's your opinion about staves? should they return? which FE game / series has the best compilation of staves? your ideas of "new" staves
  14. 10 years of Tellius would be a cooler title. However Ike is the mascot of my two favourite videogames of all time. And in FE9 he's probably the second best lord in the series behind Sigurd. So happy birthday Ike and Tellius in advance.
  15. Should know that I won't change it any time soon.
  16. Probably knows it because of my previous username.
  17. Knows that you get a long bow in FE12 pretty late.
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