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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Thanks for that :) Overall I'm terrible in this game. I cannot even beat 100-men-melee. The fast gameplay and the awkward controls of the Gamecube controller don't harmonize with my playstyle. One of the reasons could be it's a "Gamestop" Gamecube controller (only bought it for FE9). It's clunky and really hard to use for me. I haven't an original GC controller so I don't know the differences in the handling. I think it's a real fun game, if I just can master it. Though SSB4 is my favourite, because the game speed is perfect. And the controls of the 3DS work very well, which I didn't expect to be honest! SSBB is a little bit too slow, but probably the easiest for newcomers.
  2. Have ordered SSB4 with an amiibo figure (random figure) for the 5th December. Though I have to wait till I can play it, because I still need to get a Wii U. 250 - 300 € are too much for me at the moment. I hope for special offers for the Wii U in the Christmas trade. After I've played Melee for a week, I have to say this game pisses me off a little bit. The game speed is too fast for me and the awkward Gamecube controls make it even harder for me. I don't get a feeling with the Gamecube controller. The reason, why I only use the Nunchuk in Brawl. Although I have beaten some classics on normal mode and 29 of 30 events (Event 28 against the Kirbys kicks my ass so far), I only have unocked Jigglypuff yet. I lost with Link against Ganondorf. I haven't unlocked one single stage yet. I expected to unlock characters and stages must faster. So I still have to wait till I can play as Marth and Roy :(
  3. Ike's base speed is 23 in level 11, which is decent. However his speed growth and cap are conflicting totally. I believe he belongs with his 35% speed growth to the slowest characters in the game (same speed like Micky and Soren). I don't know any Beorc yet, whose speed growth is below 30% (maybe Oliver). The growths in FE10 are strange anyway. General Gatrie with 60% speed and Laura with even 70% speed and a priest speed cap of 15 (which is just stupid).
  4. Favours a character from the latest FE game. Too late. Posted a few seconds before me.
  5. Have edited my post to axe mercenary because of the weapon types axes and swords.
  6. Hector seems to be more an axe mercenary to me. His speed growth is decent and he has five movement unlike knights.
  7. Is pleased about my birthday wishes. Hope you had a good one :)
  8. Males can get female classes and females can get male classes. The hack Midnight Sun intodruces a male pegasus knight. So why not in a regular part? About the main character: There's no dragon, dark mage, wyvern knight, pegasus knight (Elincia doesn't count, because she's no real lord in 9 and 10) or knight (forgot some more...) as lord in the FE series so far. So it's time that the next lord should represent one of these classes. I'm sick of blue haired and boring swordusers.
  9. It would be the only argument besides SSB4 for me to buy a Wii U. I only own copies of 9-13, so I really would like to have a FE collection.
  10. She's one of the "Jagens". So I have to expect she can do some stuff.
  11. Well, my memories about FE4 are probably gone already. Only watched LPs, I still have to play them. Seriously only knew about FE5 for sure, because there's a sword knight with high defense +10 defense boost for being on the throne.
  12. In most every FE parts you fight bandits in the first chapter(s). The first boss always is an axe user so that the main lord (if uses sword) has the weapon triangle advantage. FE9 earlygame is sort of fun, because it's almost the hardest part in the game (if you don't use prepromoted units) FE10 earlygame shows you the difficulty level about the chapters with the DB very impressively (I love FE10 earlygame!) FE11 and 12 earlygame is fun on higher difficulties
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