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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. It depends from game to game: 6: mages, because they're only units who have accuracy from two range (especially against bosses) 7-9: pegasus knights. Florina, Tana and Marcia always become amazing. 10: dracoknights and myrmidons. Haar is GOD, if you recruit him. Jill as female dragonlord has the best caps of all units besides Ike. Mia and Eddy have amazing growths. 11 and 12: pegasus knights (whitewings-sisters and Caeda FTW!!!) 13: Mercenaries Overall: pegasus knights
  2. I don't recommend to promote the units, if they don't have reached level 20. In FE6 it's very unlikely that an unit maxes out more than 1-2 stats. Even if a myrmidon or a pegasus knight maxes skill and speed, I wouldn't promote, because you'll only lose stats by an early promotion. Early promotion only really work in FE10 because of the bexp. system.
  3. Was born one week after Ocarina of Time was released.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bNWKGRHJm4 I don't know, if someone does know or has played this game. However "Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle" was one of my very first videogames. It was released for the NES and later for the Gameboy as well (which I had) with different stages. In the GB version there were 80 different stages. The target was to collect all the carrots in each level. This was easier said than done, because Wile, Daffy, Sylvester and the sheriff guy (I don't remember his name) want to make Bugs' life miserable. So you have to dodge all the enemies or kill them with items (boxing glove, safe, chest...). Some of the stages were pretty tough. I also liked the music. Overall a very fun game. The were also sequels of this game, which I didn't play though.
  5. The airgame is still the most difficult part for me. If I leave the stage and I miss with an air smash the opponent, I have almost no time to come back to the stage. The reason for several "suicides" I had. It even happens to me with characters with good airgame like Kirby, Jigglypuff and Peach. Though it's just a question of matter. After a few matches and classic modes I hope that I can master the controls and get a feeling of the gameplay.
  6. Is much younger than me, (if her year of birth is correct).
  7. Have bought Melee today, because I don't want to spend all my money for a Wii U just because of SSB4. I only have played Melee very few matches with friends, so I couldn't really remember of the game mechanics. Oh boi... the game speed is so different compared to Brawl and 4. It's much faster and I find the graphics need getting used to. Even on "easy" difficulty I lose lives. Only for comparison: In 4 I could beat classic mode level 9 with Peach in my very first attempt with only one death in the fight against mastercore. In Melee I have lost 4 of 5 lives in easy difficulty. It's a huge change for me after playing Brawl and 4 through and through. However it really looks very fun so far. This game has a fantastic soundtrack. Well, I know most of the songs from Brawl already. And the REAL Roy is in this game!!! I only still have to practise a little.
  8. Ok, time for poison weapons Poison bow
  9. Down B summons a phantom next to her for very few seconds, which attacks an opponent and/or defend her.
  10. My short review: Leveldesign is creative especially the puzzles when you're hypernova. The bosses are more challenging than in KRTD, boss in world 5 is pretty tough. However it's pretty short, but it's not a downfall. Every Kirby game is short and easy. Dedede's adventure is only a downgraded version of extramode. A real extramode doesn't exist unfortunately. Minigames are fun. The "mini smash bros." is a great idea and it still makes fun after a few hours. It's also a good training to improve your skills with all the abilities. (True) Arena is fun and challenging Graphics are similar to KRTD. Very colourful and. The 3D-effect is used surprisingly very well. And I like the feature that you have to move your 3DS for a few puzzles. great soundtrack: Masked Dedede, Queen Sectonia and Soul of Sectonia are fantastic. Many old themes mainly from KRTD return. If this game would have a 100% storymode like in KRTD, I even would prefer it. Overall it's a typical Kirby platformer: Cozy, colourful and cute. Good game!
  11. It's time for a house party. I don't want to go into details, what you have to do in this game at the moment when you listen to this :P
  12. Here a few things: dropping Dr. Mario and Dark Pit and adding them as an alternative costume to Mario and Pit bringing Ice-Climbers, Snake and Wolf back (Wolf could replace Falco, this game needs villains) creating Robin like in FE13 and the Miis (different seizes with fitting voices, more hair and eye colours)
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