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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Rolf with maxed speed, double bow and a triangle attack would be enough to beat him in one turn. He can get a maximum attack power of 63 (36 strength + 22 might of double bow + 3 strength boost double bow + 2 strength boost due to support, red dragons excluded). BK has 70 HP and a defense of 40. So my damage calculation: 3*(63-40)+(63-40)= 92. 92>70 I think Micaiah with boosts of Nasir could beat him in one turn too.
  2. Without third tier units it's impossible. Rolf and Shinon with silencer (they can double him), Soren, Ilyana and finishing him with hammer. And don't forget Reyson in 3-7.
  3. Has an avatar and signature fitting to Halloween.
  4. Effective weapons like heavy spear, amorslayer and hammer aren't that good in FE9. No physical unit can double BK, only Naesala can. I think Giffca does the most regular damage with 20. In FE10 in 3-7 Boyd with hammer could do serious damage to him. I think Caineghis could kill him with 3 hits.
  5. Has now a real member title. You rated FE9 with 4,3 / 10 and FE10 with 4,6 / 10.
  6. Bayonetta and Hyrule Warriors aren't my cup of tea. I haven't played the Xenoblade series yet, though I'm looking for a copy of Xenoblade Chronicles for Wii. Well, the Star Fox game would definitely interest me. I still hope for a new F-Zero game after more than a decade. Let's see ... probably I will buy the Wii U later, if the price is reduced. The same way I did it with the Wii. I bought the Wii (+ Mario Kart) not until in 2011 for 120 € (about 150 $). However I only still own it just because of FE9 and 10.
  7. I'm not going to buy a Wii U, because there are almost no interesting games for me except for Pikmin 3 and SSB4 of course. It's not worth to buy a console only because of two good games. If the Wii U will cost <150 € in a few years ... then maybe.
  8. Completed this hack so far on normal mode. This was my very irst hack I've played I was absolute impressed. normal mode was tough, but fair! Only chapter 6 was sort of annoying, because there were too many very tough enemies to fight in the first two turns and the ambush spwaning was a problem. In the entire hack I only had losses in chapter 5x and 6. Actually not too bad for my first attempt. The character presentation is creative. I laughed more in the first two chapters than in all the completed regular FE parts together. Pretty much each character made me smile. Map design and mission types are super creative and unique (Stealth mission FTW!!!) Soundtrack was fantastic good growths for most units all the hints in the conversations were mentioned cleary. So you knew, what you had to do in each chapter. A great hack so far and I look forward to the proceeding of this Will play it on hard difficulty now. Be prepared for rage.
  9. My opinion of these completed FE parts: 6 + challenging difficulty + good story + interesting maps + possible to train and promote every character - axes and lances are absolutely nerfed compared to other FE games - Roy's promotion is way too late - very weird RNG - always seize missions In total: 8 / 10 7 + very good story + three lords + different mission types + good maps + great final map (map before Nergal) + different stories playable - disappointing final boss In total: 8,5 / 10 8 + different mission types + possible to train every character + two routes playable - main story too short - low difficulty In total: 8,25 / 10 9 + fantastic story + great game mechanics + great maps with different mission types + possible to train every character + great character design and development - low difficulty without maniac mode In total: 9 / 10 10 + great story (however weird for people, who didn't play FE9 first) + best game mechanics + great bexp. system + challenging difficulty (especially DB chapters) + great battle animations + great maps with different mission types + most creative final boss + skills are removable + very many chapters - mastery skills are overpowered - imposssible to use every character because of totally unbalanced availibility - no weapon triangle on hard mode - part 4 (excluded endgame) is a little boring In total: 9,25 / 10 11 + goes back to basics + good weapon level system + many different difficulties - almost no plot - no supports - some units are unusable because of bad growths - always seize missions - you have to sacrifice your units to recruit new ones In total: 6 / 10 12 + much improved story compared and character presentation compared to 11 + baracks + creating of an avatar + supports + many different difficulties - always seize missions In total: 8,25 / 10 13 + pair up feature + possible to train and promote every character at least on lower difficulties + great battle animations + good skill system + very creative support conversations + fantastic soundtrack + very many maps (including sidequests) - boring maps including final boss (always rout missions, defeat boss) - disappointing story - unbalanced difficulties - too much fanservice In total: 8,25 / 10
  10. Should know that I'm playing FE10 once more.
  11. I hate winter: chaos on the streets and rails because of snow and ice you leave your house, if it's dark ... and you come home, if it's dark However there was no single snowy day in winter 2013/14. It never happened before. One of very few good results of climate warming.
  12. I only own EO4. It's interesting, but I was pretty bad. I lost units even in early game. So I stopped playing it. Maybe I'll contiue it sometime...
  13. height: 193 cm weight: not enough for my height
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