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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. It's the first LP of you I'm watching (will catch up the other ones later). I enjoy the commentary so far. It's interesting and entertaining. I have tried out the first two chapters in FE6 in HM. It was still hard enough, but at least without any deaths yet. This LP will be good learning material for me, if I will continue it. I'm very excited about this 0% growths run.
  2. My edited christmas card list: - shove - rescue, take and drop - using items and stat boosts in the preparation menu - long range tomes for all magic types - magic weapon triangle (at least anima-light-dark) - ballistas - long bows should be nerfed (not as much as in FE10) - every type of staves (sleep, silence, beserk, poison and blind staff as new features) - mastery skills (but not as broken as in FE10) and removable skills like provoke, paragon, heal - weapon triangle should work like in FE7 - 10 - dismounting units - support system should work like in FE6 - 9 (five supports) - acting after talking - using canto after attacking an enemy - weapon weight has to return, but in a different way (refer to my thread about weapon weight) - capturing like in FE5 - stealing weapons staffs, items, stat boosts and weapons - terrain boosts (hit and accuracy boosts, if you attack from upper platform like in FE10) I think I still forgot some points, but these are the main wishes.
  3. Seriously I cannot respect someone, who's so stupid to do suicide on his own sister. When I played FE9 the first time I put Marcia in Makalov's range. I thaught he would talk to her and join automatically. Instead he attacked her and Marcia killed him with a critical hit. Since that happened I always kill this "idiot" with Marcia, even if Makalov is a decent unit. However I miss the best recruit conversation in the Fire Emblem series :.(
  4. Ugh... I don't find anything with "J". So I have to skip to the killer weapons already. Killer axe No character names this round. Only weapons, staves and skills.
  5. The beginning reminds me on the main theme of Super Smash Bros Melee.
  6. Happy Birthday Shadow! Have a good one!

  7. FE6: Lilina (I'm surprised, she's not in the list) FE7: Nino FE8: Lute FE9: Ilyana FE10: Lehran (if you got him), Sanaki FE11: Merric and Linde (both max magic in my runs) FE12: Merric and Linde FE13: No idea (probably avatar, if you put magic as his strength) I have heared that Levin is op, but I haven't played the Judgral-series yet. So I voted for Sephiran/Lehran.
  8. FE10 is my absolute videogame and the only reason I still own my Wii. It was my first FE game and so consequently I played it before FE9. The story was very hard to understand without the knowledge of FE9. Though the character descriptions and the pedigree helped me a lot to understand some parts of the story and character relationships. I love the story and there are so many secret supports to unlock, so playing it more than once is guaranteed! Playing different groups makes this game more diversified. It's a big plus point, but also a big downfall on the same, because the groups are completly unbalanced: There's the delicate Dawn Brigade, the decent Crimean Knights and the overpowered Greil's Mecenaries. It makes it kinda hard to train certain units. So for example Edward and Aran are harder to train than Mia and Nephenee, because the enemies in the DB chapters especially in part 3 are really tough. Another problem is the weird availibility. Characters like Tormod and Vika are almost impossible to train, because they're unavailable for about 75% in this game. These are the only real downsides of this game alongside that hard mode doesn't include a weapon triangle. That the supports conversations are bland is not a big flaw for me. I like the idea that everyone can support with everyone. The story is great, only part 4 before the endgame is just a filer. These chapters have almost no plot and are more training chapters to me. FE10 has probably the longest main story in the entire franchise (43 maps and about 35-40 hours playtime). The battle animations and the cutescenes are just epic! I enjoyed every single playthrough and seriously I cannot understand all the compaints about this game.
  9. Rumours don't say anything, if you haven't tried out this game. FE6 isn't boring at all. It's not the best one for sure, because the are some issues in the game mechanics (always seize missions, axes and lances are heavily nerfed, Roy's promotion is way too late). However the story and the gameplay are fine. The difficulty is more challenging than in FE7 and 8. And you have to play this game at least twice to play all the maps. I always thought FE13 would be a masterpiece with tons of new features till I found out that most of the new features (creating avatar, barracks) intodruced FE12 already. Now I don't play FE13 anymore... There are some differences in FE6: - reinforcements appear before enemy turn and will move in enemy turn like in FE13 in harder difficulties - axes and lances have by far less accuracy compared to other FE games - effective weapons like armorslayer and horseslayer are GOD in this game thanks great accuracy - every chapter is a seize mission (you have to beat the boss on the throne) I wouldn't say FE6 is one of the hardest games (at least on normal mode). The weird RNG (at least for me) makes this game frustating in some points. Missing with high hit rates and getting hit with <=40% often happened in my first run. So I lost Alan in chapter 21, because he was hit with 24%. However some recruitments and getting some special items are pretty challenging.
  10. My bad. I meant that Ike and Lehran are the only playable characters, who can use two different SS rank weapon types.
  11. I didn't mention Micaiah and all the saints, because I don't count staves as weapons. BK is right, but unfortunately only an enemy in endgame. So Ike and Lehran are still the only characters, who theoretically could use two different blessed SS weapon types.
  12. If I'm not wrong, there are only two characters, who can use two different SS weapons: Ike => Ragnell and Urvan Lehran => Rexaura and Belberith I don't remember exactly, if you can bless weapons on characters, who actually cannot use them. If you don't want to bring Pelleas to the endgame, but you want to make use of Belberith against Ashera, you could give an unit Belberith and despoit all other weapons to the storage. Please correct me, if my theory is wrong. Vague Katti is the best SS sword. It has no range attack unlike Ragnell and Alondite but therefore higher might and accuracy. Ragnell is the best sword for Ike because of the boost in defense.
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