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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. In NM reinforcements appear before and move in enemy phase as well.
  2. 1. Paraphrased. 2. This was just a generic example to reveal that in FE6 are more than one chapter of reinforcements spawning in attack range. I absolute have no idea, when and where reinforcements appear in this chapter.
  3. FE4: I haven't played it, though I definitively will! It includes a marriage system like FE13 does. This game doesn't have many chapters, but the chapters are composed of many story parts, so a chapter takes very much time. The story is great and has excellent game mechanics. FE9: Probably the easiest FE part besides FE8, if you don't have JP maniac mode. However the story is great and it includes excellent game mechanics. The sequel has probably the longest main story (43 maps). It's different to other FE games. It's divided in four parts and three different groups, two of them will join together later. In part 4 you can create three parties. The story is great, but not everybody's taste. It's harder than 9 and has better game mechanics. FE11: It's the remake of the very first one, so it gives you nostalgic feeling. Though don't expect too much. This game includes very rare plot, almost no conversations, so these chapters are done very quickly. On lower difficulties you can beat it in very few days. If you prefer the strategical part over the story, Shadow Dragon is a decent choice. However the sequel "Heroes of light and shadow" is much improved and includes many new features (creating avatar, baracks like in "Awakening" and supports). A great game and very underrated in my opinion!
  4. Chapter 21 is the best example with the masses of dracos spawning. If you play this chapter the first time, you're really screwed. When I visit the secret shop, suddenly two groups of dracoknights and wyvenlords appeared in attack range and so ...... I was screwed. Of all FE games I've played the RNG screwed me the most. Missing with 90% twice and getting hit by <=30% is almost standard in my runs.
  5. FE6 has some differences to the other both GBA games: - reinforcements appear before enemy turn (like in FE13 on harder difficulties) - RNG is unpredictable - axes and lances are heavily nerfed compared to other FE games - magic is very useful - many annoying staffs (sleep, silence, beserk) - some hard chapters (desert chapter with fug of war)
  6. The problem I have, this roster is completly unbalanced. Around 20% of the characters are from the Mario series (Yoshi, Wario not included).Nintendo could bring out an own fighting game only with Mario-characters like Mario Kart and the sport games. Duck Hunt Dog might have a good moveset, but I just don't like them. Seriously I never could play as a character like them in Smash. It's just my personal opinion.
  7. The hype is gone, when I saw the character rooster. The very first newcomers MegaMan, Little Mac and especially Robin, I was very excited. But the latest newcomers Bowser Jr., Koopalings, Dr. Mario, Duck Hunt Dog really disappointed me. There are way too much Mario-characters in SSB4! However most of the stages and music are great so far. The classic modus looks interesting because you can choose your own way. Of course I'll buy it, but I highly doubt that SSB4 will be as awesome as Melee and Brawl were.
  8. In SSB4 will try out every character except for Wii-Fit-Trainer, Bowser Jr., Duck, Koopalings, Dark Pit and Dr. Mario. When I heard that Pacman and Miis appear in SSB4, I was shocked for the first moment. Though I have changed my opinion about them. Their moveset looks interesting and I like their final smash. Of the newcomers I'm most excited to play as Robin, Little Mac and MegaMan.
  9. I only watched LPs of Thracia 776. Though I think it's the hardest one. The enemies and bosses are really tough. I have played 6-13 and 10 was the hardest one for me on lowest difficulty (maybe because it was also the first one I played). However FE10 HM is not hard at all. On hardest difficulty 11 - 13 are probably the hardest.
  10. I'm probably the only one, who likes Micaiah the most :.( Though I know, she isn't the best. The best ones are probably Sigurd and FE9 Ike.
  11. No. My birthday is between Lucina and Morgan. I'm always so cheeky to do this way.
  12. Recruitment Theme: FE8 Map Theme: FE4 "Lion King Elshtan" (pretty much all the FE4 ones) Preparations Theme: FE8 Battle Theme: FE10 "Devoted" Enemy Phase Theme: FE4 Arena Theme: FE11 Final Map Theme: FE10 Boss Theme: FE10 "Wisdom of Ages"
  13. I have played chapter 11A for the second time and I still don't have a good strategy to let all the Pegasus Knights of Tate's army alive to get the Elysian Whip. My problem is that I have trouble to reach Tate in time without losing any Peg. Knights. Klein will be circled by the 4 Peg. Knights so he cannot move. If I rescue Klein with Thany, the Peg. Knights would attack Thany and kill theirselfes. Further problem are Klein's NPC-archers, who will attack and oneshot the Peg. Knights. So I even have to rescue all of them. Even rescue, take and drop actions and using Lalum hasn't helped so far. In this chapter I also have trouble to protect all the villages. Mainly the village on the top right will be destroyed by a brigand, because I cannot visit it in time. Though I think a promoted unit can rush to the right. So I would ask for a good strategy to let all the Pegasus Knights alive to get the Elysian Whip in this chapter.
  14. Are they unlockable? Didn't see them in the character roster. If yes, I apologize for my wrong comment.
  15. SSB4 is died for me after watching the finally character roster. That Lucas and Snake are dropped is understandable and was expectable for me, although I loved using Snake in SSBB (my fave!). Though replacing classic characters like Ice-Climbers by shitty fillers and/or clones like Bowser Jr., Dark Pit and Dr. Mario (who simply could be an alternative costume for the regular ones) is the worst strategy to improve the character roster. About 80% of the newcomers are waste imo. They only fill the roster. Peach and Toad as a combo would work as well instead of Rosalina and Luma. The only ones I really like are MegaMan, Robin, Paulutena and Little Mac. I don't even know, who or what Duck Hunt is. I think fans of the Mario-series wil be happy about the "spam" of Mario-characters. And Roy is back... HOORAY Sry for the harsh words, but the character choices in SSB4 disappointed me too much.
  16. Probably checked out the section "today's birthdays".
  17. Seriously how could I forget him? This bastard captured Tana. Added him to my list.
  18. All the "douchenators" from FE10, Valtomé the most! Uvee hee hee... More contenders are: Narshen, the 3 morphs from FE7, Nergal, Gheb, Valter, Gharnef, Excellus and Validar. Oh, and I absolutely enjoy killing Makalov with Marcia!
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