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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Erk is currently level 5 sage and has 22 speed already (same speed like Lyn same level), but only 13 magic and 12 resistance. I was also considering to train Pent, because his bases were pretty good. Even better than Erk's except for HP and speed, but I will try my luck with Nino
  2. Ah good to know that this topic exists. I'm playing FE7 for the first time and am in chapter 26. And now I'm considering, if I should use Nino or not because she joins very late only level 5. Though if I read all the comments, she seems to be an "Est-character". Her bases and growths are pretty good. Some enemies are still first tier, so I think it's possible to give her some levels. Erk has tons of speed and high HP, but his magic and resistance leave to be desired for a sage! Another anima mage would be a good addition. I will defiitively try her out!
  3. Joined Serenes Forest exactly one day before me.
  4. Though where's said that my advices caused the restarts?!
  5. I guess this round is over. So I start a new round, but different conditions. This time you should mention things from Fire Emblem, NO names! This includes: - weapons - staves - items - statboosts - skills I start with Adept
  6. I think everybody should respect everbody's decissions, if they reach the same target. So calling my advices as "bad" is just a subjective opinion, because everyone has its own playstyle and experience! If my tips are bad, I can deal with it. And I won't change my playstyle, because it worked at least fo me! I'm proud to myself that I have beaten HM without any deaths in under 300 turns with all my "bad" strategical decissions. I won't give tips anymore, because this kind of discussion is not my cup of tea.
  7. good strategical concept / game mechanics different mission types different maps characters, you can identify with them interesting story challenging, but fair difficulty (like FE6 or FE10)
  8. Seriously what a shitty argumentation is that? Being member for only a few months does not mean that I have no idea about this game! I have completed FE10 about 80 times in all diffuculties with different challenges so I can share my experiences in this thread. These tips just refer to my playstyle and they worked very well for me on hard mode. And nobody is forced to follow my advices.
  9. Seriously there's no morning without Nutella in my life.
  10. The supports sound well so far. Their availibility is still good enough to make good use of imbue. In general imbue is only really useful for seraph knights because of the massive boost in magic by the promotion. In 3-12 give Marcia and Tanith paragon to promote them in this chapter. Then in 3-F give imbue to one of them or to both (if you bring the imbue scroll from part 1 via Ilyana to Ike).
  11. Imbue is at least good for Elincia, Seraph Knights in general, Ena and Kurthnaga. Give paragon to Micaiah (except she's overleveled), because she's the only one, who can make good use of it. Promoted units don't get much experience at all. Zihark has only 30 HP, but 6 magic, so he's probably the best contender for imbue in part 1. 1-7 is one of the easier chapters: Try to rush the enemies and free the prisoners as quick as possible. Thani and hammer should be an instant kill against the armorknights except the boss. Decoy the mages with Micaiah, Ilyana or Leonardo. If you have cleared all the enemies incuding the boss before the reinforcements appear in turn 9 or 10, you have done the "hardest" part. Then make use of the advantage to attack the reinforcements (hand axes, steel bows) from the upper platform. Jill's canto will help a lot.
  12. Here a few tips: give the angelic robe from 1-4 to Micaiah, if you haven't done yet. You will get another one by Rafiel in 1-8. give Tauroneo's resolve to Micaiah. Use sacrifice till she's under 50% health. energydrop and dracoshield are very precious items. I normally never use them early in the game. Though Jill only has 11 base strength. So an energydrop wouldn't be a bad idea for her to use hand axes without speed penalty. give renewal to Volug, Sothe or Zihark give Leonardo's cancel to an unit, who often attacks (Nolan, Zihark) Forging another iron axe for Nolan is a good idea to get good accuracy and might.
  13. Independent of this video, you can beat Izuka easily in two turns with Tibarn, Elincia and transformed Reyson. 4-5 is the easiest and shortest chapter in part 4, if you just know to play it.
  14. In my two latest hard mode runs Fiona always caused the only one "Game Over" in my entire run, because in 1-6-2 the myrmidon always did a critical hit on her :/ .
  15. Of course the longbow is for Leonardo. It's not a must-have because of high weight and poor accuracy. Though it's useful for the chapters, you can attack from upper areas (1-5, 1-7, 3-13). So the accuracy raises by 50%. If you defend in 1-5 from the top platform, you can use the longbow without taking the risk to get a counter of enemies with range weapons. It would be a good way to use Leo without bringing him in danger. It would be a good way to beat the boss without using Sothe. Attack him with Leonardo from the range of 3 and with another unit from the range of 2 (Nolan or Edward) to beat him.
  16. Yes, use Volug to weak the enemies in part 1. He gains strike-level and other units can get the kill experience. If Volug reaches S-strike, he can kill the cats in part 3 with two hits. If you plan to make a support between Nolan and Zihark, then give Volug a support with Jill to get +30 avoid. Imo the rune barrier is not very useful at all in this game. Never could make good use of it. Only steal it, if you're units are safe. The masterseal is much more worth to steal. I would recommend to buy the iron-longbow in the base before 1-5.
  17. Knights: Look just ugly in this game and I don't like slow classes in general. Falcon Knights: Falcon Knights, who can't use swords anymore aren't anymore Falcon Knights to me! This class is absolutely ruined. No more weapon advantage against axes. It's really a shame, because it's my favourite class besides the wyvern lords.
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