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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Volug is the only one non-royal-laguz in the game, I really use at least on hard mode. In part 1 he's good for weaking the enemies so he can gain strike level. In 3-6 and 3-13 transformed Volug (speed 26) doubles all the tigers (speed 16-18) and cats (speed 22). If he reaches S-strike, he will kill a cat instantly in one turn. Thanks to his high HP, he could survive two hits of a tiger. His earth affinity is another huge advantage. An A-support with Zihark or Nolan makes him almost invulnerable.
  2. In my first FE8 run Tana, Lute of Ephraim were my best units. Joshua was kinda lacking in strenght and defense, but he killed Lyon with only two critical hits. I have completed 2/3 of FE7 so far (chapter 22) and currently Hector, Matthew, Rebecca and Florina are pretty good. Rebecca was the first character, who promoted. Lyn is horrible. She has less defense than Serra and Erk.
  3. Only mainly Caineghis, because he can destroy an aura alone with help of a red dragon. So I can kill Ashera in turn 2. Otherwise she would kill one of my units with her single magic attack after turn 2. Tibarn sometimes because of 10 movement, canto and great conversations with Zelgius and Deghinsea. Naesala and Nailah not so much. Kurthnaga not at all because of his poor base speed. On HM in E-1 he will be doubled by almost everyone. Deghinsea can be beaten by non-laguz-royals, if you make good use of Ena (+5 attack) and a heron. A marksman with doublebow and maxed speed, rexbolt and the wyrmslayer can do enough damage to beat him in one turn.
  4. I'm back since the server update trouble. Ilyana? Strongest mage in FE9 through rexbolt.
  5. German Gamestop stores don't know the worth of Fire Emblem games. I bought FE9 and 10 each for only 30 € (40 $) there 1,5 years ago. And now they would give in total 22 € (29 $) for both games, if I sold them. And I bought FE11 in Gamestop for only 15 € less than a year ago. I don't know, how it's in other countries.
  6. In the base before 1-4 you can definitve buy a beastkiller. I don't know, if there's a hand axe in the shop already. Definitve in the next base. Buying an iron axe for Nolan wouldn't be a bad idea to avoid speed penalty with the steel axe (if he still has). 1-4 is the second hardest chapter in part 1 for me. The tigers have an attack of 24-26 and the cats an AS of 14. Even Nolan can't maybe take two hits of the tigers. So be prepared for that! The beastkiller is an instant kill for the Laguz. However you should only use it, if you have no other choice. Try to kill them with all the other units. Sothe is very good in this chapter to weak all the Laguz. If Ilyana has 14 speed, she can double some of the tigers and can weak them massively. Use the turtle-tactic for this chapter. Block with Sothe, Nolan and maybe Edward. Aran is risky, because he could be critted and doubled by the cats, if he has still 10 AS. If you're worried about Edward's wrath and unintended critical hits, just unequip him or put wrath of him off. However I think he cannot kill the Laguz with two critical hits by an iron sword. Get all the chest and hidden stuff in this chapter! Angelic robe, masterseal and beastfoe are a must have! Pure water, 3000 gold and the coin would be also nice. In base before 1-5 you could forge (with the coin of 1-4) an iron axe for Nolan, which you can give later to Jill.
  7. Has an avatar about the personal data of Eliwood.
  8. Have completed FE8 for the first time on normal (started to play it two years ago, but never finished it): unlocked only 5 (!!!) support conversations in the entire game (at least a B-support between Joshua x Natasha) all the cavaliers sucked; didn't use Seth Ephraim, Tana and Vanessa were the only characters, who reached 100 kills Vanessa was a tank: 18 speed, although she has a defense growth of only 20%. I was really lucky with her Tana was a powerhouse, who reminded me on FE10 Jill with high strength, speed, luck and resistance. Ross was slow as hell Neimi was my worst unit and the worst archer ever. No single speed point. So I sacrificed her to get Cormag in chapter 10 Ephraim's route. I didn't know that Manaketes belong to flying units. So I was shocked, when a sniper killed Myrrh. Had to restart. Joshua killed Lyon with just two critical hits in a row enemies in the final chapter have as much as HP like level 5 cavaliers didn't give any item boosts to my units couldn't bring S-weapons in axe, bow, light and dark magic to the endgame, because the units didn't reach weapon level S I have to say that FE8 was way more fun than FE13! This run was truly not perfect. I have to improve my play of style, if I play on difficult mode next time, but first I will continue with the Elibe-series (FE7 + 6).
  9. Best: FE10 Part 2 - Endgame Elincia's Gambit - Best defend mission I've played so far and awesome music Worst: FE13 - Final Grima - The final map in one minute => Pathetic and especially a shame because of this awesome theme, you can't even enjoy to listen
  10. Of course Sothe can solo the very first maps, but I absloute don't see a point for a HM newcomer to do it. 1st units need the kill experience.
  11. In 1-1 there's also a vulnerary in the house on the bottom left side, which you can reach in turn 1. In the very first chapters on HM you need EVERYONE, because the enemies have high HP, speed and a decent defense. So dropping Edward early would be a bad idea. You should wait till 1-6, because it's the final chapter in part 1 you can bring all the units to the map. In 1-2 Edward has no more disadvantages against lances. I think he could even survive two attacks of the soldiers with the bronze lance. He should be able to double them with his iron sword. The fighters should be Nolan's job. Be careful! Nolan has speed penalty with his steel axe. Some enemies can double him, if he didn't grow in strength and/or speed. Sothe joins in this chapter. He's excellent to weak the enemies with his bronze dagger so other units can finish them off. I think on HM Sothe wouldn't kill most of the enemies, if he's not in support range with Micaiah. And try to steal as much as possible with him, because it always gives you 10 exp. you can make the stolen stuff into money later on. The boss should be instant kill with Thani, if Micaiah has enough magic and the support with Sothe.
  12. The irony is that Edward was my best unit in part 1 in my two latest HM runs. He had surprisingly a very high defense (13 at level 20). Thanks to the support with Leonardo he had a defense of 16 and could survive two soldiers and even archers without problems. To my mind I wouldn't drop Edward, because he's one of very few units, who can double some enemies besides the prepromoted units. The brave sword will help him a lot. Wrath can screw yourself. If you worried about it, put it off or attack more with the wind edge. The best units are probably Jill, Zihark and Volug. A-support between Zihark and Volug and Jill with beastfoe make part 3 much easier. On HM I use everyone of Micaiah's party except for Aran, Meg and Fiona and it always worked well.
  13. Which Serenes have you brought to the endgame? I highly recommend to bring Rafiel, because he can use verve to four units everytime. So you have the chance to kill both long range sages in turn 1 in E-1. I also recommend to give boots to a flying unit. Jill would be more useful, because she has better equipment of range weapons than Elincia. Long range magic is pretty useful in E-1, for the miniboss in E-2 and in E-4. Though for the miniboss one of the sages need at least 28 AS and nihil.
  14. Bless all the SS weapons (Urvan, Wishblade, Vague Katti). Bless Cymbeline or Rexfire for Sanaki, because bolting is only useful for E-3 and has a shitty accuracy in the other maps. In general forged silver weapons are better than brave weapons because of their better accruacy. If you fight the final boss, you'll see, why! They only do marginally less damage than two attacks of brave weapons (if they don't have might boosts by sword or axe card).
  15. Well, here's a different riddle: This time I'm not a person! The first time I'm a skill and two parts later I become a weapon. My name might be quite quiet, but I'm very loud in battle! If I will be activated, it's an instant kill for the enemy. I was created by the same "jerk" twice. The first time I was exchanged by a blue jewel and the second time he gave me to his pupil, who can use me as well as his teacher.
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