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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Tomes like Naglfar (18) and Gleipnir (20) just weigh way too much.
  2. Is against the returning of weapon weight system.
  3. This argumentation is unfortunately absolute true. Strength only plays a role in the earlygame. While a low con could give a certain unit a disadvantage the entire game Alright thanks!
  4. What's exactly the difference between build in FE5 and constitution? I always thought, it's the same just only a different term. Haven't played the Judgral-series yet unfortunately. I added "build" to the poll. I also was thinking about that. It could be similar to FE1 with the weapon levels.
  5. Warned me about FE6. Though I hope not as bad as in FE11.
  6. The weapon weight influenced the AS (attacking speed) in older FE parts. In FE12 and 13 this mechanic was disabled. Every unit can use its weapons independent on its strength or constitution without any speed penalty. In the GBA games the constitution of an unit influences the attacking speed. To my mind it's kinda unfair for some classes and especially female characters, who always have a lower constitution than males. For example Lyn or Eirika cannot use steel swords without speed penalty same for Pegasus Knights, who want to use steel lances. I personally prefer the mechanic, which exists in some other parts that the strength influences the AS. It's fairer for the classes. Every physical unit can reach the strength of the weapon weight. However it's bad news for mages, who have very poor or even no strength growth (FE11). So it would be probably better, if the magic stat influences the weight instaed of strength. So shall the weapon weight return? And if yes, which stat should influence the AS?
  7. Is correct thanks to you! I will play all the GBA games simultaneously. Have begun with 7 and 8 already.
  8. Is currently playing the FE part, which I'm going to start today.
  9. I'm not sure it's Quan or Cuan, so I have no for Q. Radmin
  10. On easy mode you get about 2x more battle experience than on normal mode. If an unit has paragon, you get almost a full level for each Laguz kill. So killing about 25 Laguz would be enough for a classchange.
  11. What sad news :....( I was shocked, when my mom brought me these news a few minutes ago. Suicide probaby. He was one of my absolute favourite actors. "Mrs. Doubtfire", "Night at the Museum", "Good will hunting", "Deads poets society", "Flubber" and many other great movies... I remember "Deads poets society" was also a part of my exams in English. I had to analyse a certain scene. I also remember that he supported the 3DS version LoZ Ocarina of Time. The reason, why he named his daughter Zelda. R.I.P. Robin Williams You always will keep in good memory!
  12. That's actually true. Never really liked to use Laguz except for Volug and the Royals, so I probably overlooked them. Well, most transformed Laguz don't get any exp. till the end of part 3. Volug would the only one real contender for this combo because of his availibility and usefulness (earth affinity). Though he has access to blossom only in part 4.
  13. No, I haven't played it unfortunately, only played 8-13 (12 is a JP-copy for JP-NDS). The poblem is that I cannot emulate the old parts on my laptop. It would not work. I only watched a LP of FE6 about two years ago. Though I think my memories are gone already...
  14. LOL! When I read Ray, I thought about MageKnight404 for some reasons at first. I had to research, who he is and in which part he appeared. I absolute couldn't remember there's a character named Ray in FE6. Should watch a LP of FE6 again...
  15. Like some people said, give her the blossom skill in 3-11. She's the only one character, who can have the combo paragon and blossom (Geoffrey excluded). It's really the only way to give her better stats, if you haven't PoR transfer boosts.
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