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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Hmm... never heard. I think the conversation is translated differently in my version.
  2. If Glac says Mist, I say Elincia. There's an unoffical love relationship between Ike and Elincia.
  3. Yes, I use and love battle animations. FE10 battle animations are much improved compared to FE9. Flying units attack from the air, which looks epic! I love especially the skybattles in 2-P and in 1-6-1, if Jill attacks a pegasus knight. In some long enemy phases with involved NPCs or partner units like in 2-3 or in 3-F I tend to turn off all animations to save time. In general the battle animations are better than in FE13.
  4. I know! That's what I meant that I never could promote Leonardo till part 3. His strength and speed growth are usually bad. Though I always used him just because of Lughnasadh. Anna was crazy in my latest HM run: Edward reached 14 defense in tier 1 and capped strength 20. Through the A-support with Leonardo he had a defense of 17! Jill didn't get one single strength point in 10 levels ups, even Leonardo had more strength after promotion than her. Edward is very good, but he has the main problem that he's in the party with the hardest chapters. It's pretty hard to use him in part 3, because he normally can't survive two attacks of a tiger. His affinity doesn't help either. Wrath also could kill hisself, so he needs resolve at least and a earth support. However statwise he's the best myrmidon/swordmaster tied with Mia. Nolan doesn't suck! He's not a typical fighter with high HP and strength growth. He's more balanced with good speed and resistance and ok defense. I prefer him over Aran, who's slow and will be doubled on HM very soon. And Tarvos will give him +4 in defense. I don't like FE10 Ike either because of his bad speed growth. I always have trouble to bring him to 27 speed to survive BK in 3-7. In FE9 Rolf is the only archer you really can use thanks to Shinon's terrible availibility. I believe Shinon has the best growths in the game, but his base stats are shit, when you re-recruit him. In FE10 I also prefer Rolf over Shinon because of Rolf's 75% strength growth. He's my favourite level 1 unit to train, even on HM. I don't like anyone in FE13, because I just don't like this game. I would like to love the falcon knights, but they're completly ruined with the fact that they can't use swords anymore.
  5. It's interesting that in FE10 the Dawn Brigade characters become better on hard mode than on lower difficulties. Edward had very high defense and resistance. In part 1 he could survive two physical and magical attacks thanks support without any problems. And Leonardo was my best character of the DB! He had ridiculous high speed growth, even capped speed in tier 1. I could already promote him in part 1, which I never have could before even on easy mode. Through Lughnasadh he was even faster than Edward (23+5=28 speed) and could double ALL the laguz in 3-13. Never happened before on lower difficulties! I'll never say again that Leonardo sucks in FE10!
  6. Nobody forces to play this way. I do it, because it's just my style of play. I tend to play offensively and it works in this situation. I try to use all the possibilities to kill an enemy. The silencer is a great weapon: 50 attacks, 16 might and 100% accuracy. It's absolute NO misinvestment. BTW you get a blue gem in the infoconversation at base and a white gem from the previous chapter by one of the senators (in total 15000). So you have enough money to buy it. Paragon and/or mastercrown. On EM/NM it's not hard to get a third tier unit.
  7. Of course the A.I. of the partner units is lacking, but they're not too bad either. At least in 3-12 and 3-13 on HM there's absolute no reason not to use them, because your group is fragile and you fight really some tough enemies. They can kill stuff and save your ass by healing. So you can forgive them, if someone is so stupid to kill hisself. NPCs are much dumber. For example everytime in 3-4 a tiger blocks a spot you can attack the elthudersagefrom below. So I always have to use Haar to kill him and bring my units to the next higher platform. Yeah, in 3-12 the snipers on the gap don't move, but if the falcon knights are in their range (which almost happpens, because of run out of movement), they'll attack them. There also is an archer, who moves and can kill a falcon knight instantly. On EM/NM you can the save "3-13 archer", because he would surive all the attacks of the tiger and the two cats. Either kill all the Laguz or advice your partner units to hold their position till the three Laguz on the left side are dead.
  8. Gheb reminds me on Jabba the hut. Why not adding a poll to see the results?
  9. Actually the 3-13 archer (sniper) is pretty useful, because one ballista shot is an instant kill for a hawk. They're the biggest danger in this chapter, because they can fly behind your defend line. And how can he die? He's on the second highest top. If you block all the gasps, the Laguz can't reach him. However Fiona is a good example. In my current run she died two times in a row by a critical hit by the myrmidon => Game Over. It's almost impossible to save all people in 3-6-2, even if you try to rush with Volug and Jill. Imo partner units in most chapters of FE10 are pretty damn useful: In 3-6 you can use them as wall. On hard mode a very good strategy. And the bishop with physic can heal you. In 3-9 the paladins save the houses and the physic bishop heals you, so you can concentrate to kill all the enemies. In 3-12 the partner units do an excellent job. The snipers can one shot the falcon knights and the rocks hurt some enemies. In 3-13 they're GOD! Like I said the ballistas are an instant kill for the hawks and there are plenty of great partner units. Fire sages, axe generals, hellebardiers. If I play on hard mode, they're indispensable! In general the bishops help you a lot by healing you.
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