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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Hmm, no idea... Honestly all the facts would fit to Rolf. It's a really good trap. Does "teacher" mean that it's also a playable unit in this game?
  2. So if nobody wants, so it's my turn I guess... I'm a friendly, dutiful, but also temperamental person. The only family is my stupid brother. He has the same hair like me. If I find him, I really would like to kick his ass for all the stupidities he did in the past. In general if someone is stupid to me, I start to use crackers mostly involving food. I'm "at home" in the skies and I always smile in the character arts. And I have the best or at least second best recruitment conversation in the Fire Emblem franchise.
  3. Yeah Astra existed in FE4 already. I only mentioned Mia because she's the only example for astra and vantage. I forgot that Lethality also existed earlier. I played FE7 very barely. My theory of miracle for clerics is just based on the fact that Lissa is Chrom's sister, the same relationship like between Ike and Mist.
  4. Depending, how many stats are capped. If strength/magic, skill and speed are maxed out, I'll promote before level 20. In FE10 I can usually promote my units early thanks to bexp. system. For exampe I try to promote Rolf at level 10 already. I give him the blossom skill from 3-3 and hope for great levels up to max out strength, skill and speed till level 10. On hard mode I promote my units earlier because of less bexp. than on lower difficulties. I always promote Mist at level 10 via Holy Crown independent on her stats, because I need a mobile healer for Ike's party in part 4.
  5. In general I believe some (mastery) skills for specific classes in Awakening shall refer to the Tellius-series. Lord: Aether (Ike) Swordmasters: Astra + Vantage (Mia) Cleric: Miracle (Mist)
  6. What I meant is that Tauroneo isn't underleveled at this point when he comes to back to Micaiah's party in 3-12 + 3-13. He's still higher level than probably most other units of her team. If Tauroneo really counts, so characters like Geoffrey, Elincia, Lucia and some Laguz like Nealuchi have to be mentioned as well! FE10 is the best example anyway because of the weird availibility of the units.
  7. Lives in a Kingdom named after a small German town.
  8. Probably can't decide, which is his favourite FE game.
  9. I don't understand exactly the intention of this topic. I thaught, it refers to the poor availibility of some characters in their games with the consequence you can't train them well (like FE9 Shinon and Tormod and Vika in FE10). BK would be a bad example, because you don't need to train him, because he's max level already. If you mention Nailah, you also have to mention the other Laguz royals as well, because they have a less availibility than her. He's level 14 2nd tier already, so no.
  10. Jarod (Have killed him a half hour ago)
  11. Jill usually maxes out every stat except for skill and defense very early (level 8-10). So I only need give her very few bexp. levels (1-2) to fix the other stats. For example if Jill is level 10 3rd tier and only needs 5 points in skill and 5 points in defense to cap them, I don't have to give her any bexp., because it's guaranteed that she gets skill and/or defense in her level ups. In my latest run she already capped everything in level 18.
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