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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Is probably angry about wrong facts about her.
  2. Yeah the horseslayer could be an instant kill, but the accuracy is pretty meh. I've tried it, but it only worked partly. The problem was that Jill and the enemies used the thickets (thicket next to the crossbow-warrior), so the accuracy with the horseslayer was <=60%. I restarted the chapter and gave her a forged steel axe from part 3. It had an accuracy of 110% thanks to arrow-card. It worked much better. After her promotion to a dragonlord in enemyphase of turn 1, I equipped her the horseslayer in turn 2. Her accuracy was 70-80% thanks to her skill and better biorhythm. And thanks paragon she could get 29 speed in time to double the boss. In the desert chapter I don't know exactly about the A.I. of the bishop. In turn 1 he always uses the elsleep against untransformed. But I also can remember that he used it against Jill, although I brought some units to this map with less resistance (if Skrimir is transfomed). I think it depends, how offensive I play this chapter. If someone is too close to Numida, the bishop would use elsleep against this unit. The main thing why I prefer Jill is that she's more balanced. I just have to give her only two bexp. levels to max every stat at level 18. Her HP, strength, magic, speed, luck and resistance are capped so early that I can fix her deficits in skill in defense very easily. In Haar's case I had to invest much more in bexp. and items. He had speed and even HP issues, so I had to waste a speed wing on him, which I would give Micaiah or Sanaki actually.
  3. Your term didn't begin with the last letter of the previous term. It had to start with C... Devil Axe
  4. I know that FE9 and 10 had bad sales but I always thaught that Shadow Dragon was hated by most people because of the poor execution of the original. No support conversations, short story, short game in general, sacrificing your units to get new allies. That's what I meant that FE11 almost ruined the franchise.
  5. Thanks for the info! But then I don't understand, why FE12 wasn't released outside from Japan
  6. You accidently put this topic in "General". General is unrelated to Fire Emblem. This question should belong to the section "General Fire Emblem" or "Awakening", because it's a topic about Fire Emblem. FE13 saved the franchise with its great sales figures. The carelessy remake Shadow Dragon almost ruined the franchise. And no I don't expect and hope for a sequel. I hope for a sequel on a new continent with completly new characters.
  7. A female war cleric with red hair. At least it should be Lord, who can use axes.
  8. At least on hard mode in 4-P 2nd tier Jill and is better than 2nd tier Haar, because she can double all the paladins (20-21 speed) except for the boss. Her defense cap is good enough to take some hits of the enemies, because they're really bad in even on HM (only attacking power of 30-35). With paragon or resolve, forged steel axes/lances and using thickets Jill could easily do a solo in 4-P. Exactly. Even on hard mode in 4-P 2nd tier Jill can kill most of the paladins, because she has enough speed to double them. In my latst HM run she gained 20 levels in this chapter (paragon). She started level 14 dragonmaster and ended 14 dragonlord. She can easily do a solo in 4-3 desert chapter. Through her good luck and resistance and she can dodge the sleep staff unlike Haar. In the endgame she's definitive better in E-1, E-4 and E-5. In E-1 you have to deal with sages and bishops, in E-4 there are the animas and in the final chapter Jill has the possibility to double the auras by the help of Nasir.
  9. I think he was talking about hard mode, because you got much less bexp and regular exp than on easy/normal. So it's almost impossible to train everyone of Micaiah's party. But even on hard mode you can train more than two DB members. So this statement was a little bit exaggeratted.
  10. Committed an error by myself about the geography in the U. S.
  11. Yeah Nolan is also a good axe user, but Jill has canto, which is a great advantage in part 3. Jill with beastfoe make 3-6 and 3-13 on hard mode so much easier, because she can fly back to a safe spot after she killed a Laguz. In 2-E Elincia could take out Ludveck as well with Leanne, maybe even Marcia with four attacks of a steel blade, if she has enough stength.
  12. After I had read some comparisons between Jill and Haar in different threads, I deliberated to start an own thread. Many people say that Haar is the best character in FE10. He's even banned in drafts. Imo Jill is overshadowed by Haar. Haar is only better in early game because of his excellent base strangth and defense. Jill is weakly and fragile, when she joins the Liberation Army. Her base strength is very low, so you have to invest in a forged iron axe and maybe an energydrop, if you want to train her. Though the investment will pay off! Her growths are great. She has great speed, luck and decent strength and resistance growth. However her defense growth is her only oneweakness for being a wyvernrider, but bexp. can fix it. And her caps are insane. She can reach 36 defense (only 2 less than Haar) and 35 speed, which means that she can double pretty much everything in the endgame except for a few swordmasters in E-2. I love using both, but Jill becomes to be more useful in the endgame especially because of her higher speed cap and the fact she's better in dodging.
  13. Should know that they originally appear in Tales of Vesperia.
  14. Haar is better than Jill in the beginning, but she has better caps. Her defense cap is only 2 less than Haar and she has 35 speed so she has the possibility to double every boss in the endgame and the auras in the fight against Ashera unlike Haar.
  15. I never had problems to train Jill without PoR boosts even on hard mode. She only needs a forged iron axe to avoid speed penalty and get better accuracy and maybe a seraph robe. Thanks to her good base speed she can double most of the enemies, when she joins. And try to give her a support with earth affinity to reach +30 avoid.
  16. Jill has shitty base strength and HP, but she has by far the best caps of all females. Imo Jill is even the best unit in FE10. Give her a few levels and a seraph robe and she will be great. And she'll be better than Haar in the long term, because of her better speed and luck. Even mages can't do much on her. Jill's caps: Skill: 38 (same like Haar) Strength: 35 Speed: 35 (only one less than Seraph Knights) Defense: 36 (!!) Nolan is not a typical fighter. His growths are very balanced. His strength and HP growth are under average for a fighter, but he has decent defense and very good luck and resistance and speed growth (similar to Jill). He's not that powerful as Boyd, he's more a speedfighter.
  17. Has same favourite FE game like me. Yeah I was wrong, Springfield is the capital. At least Chicago is the biggest city in IL. So I thought it would be also the capital.
  18. Lives in the US-state, Chicago is the capital.
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