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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I thought Eirika is the "sexiest female Lord" and now I read this topic... Eirika is a pretty alright Lord. Her bases are eh and a problem is her low con, but her growths are decent. I never had trouble wih her.
  2. Lives around 8000 km (5000 miles) away from my location.
  3. Has a new avatar and signature of Tana again, which I really like.
  4. I know it doesn't count, but in FE10 Marcia was criticaled by the boss in 3-9, who had a critrate of 3% and and a hitrate of 16% (=0,48% absolute critrate).
  5. I'm not a big fan of Kellam, not because of his personality, but just because of his class. I don't like using armor knights in Fire Emblem in general because of their speed issues. Moreover I hate the armor design in FE13. It looks ugly. I reclass him, if he reaches level 10 and use him till he reaches the S-support (mostly Panne or Sully are his wifes).
  6. FE8: Kyle (slow), Vanessa (outclassed by Tana) FE9: Nephenee (always got "HP-sauce" in her level ups), Mist (ridiculous low magic and strength) FE10: Astrid (no surprise), Leonardo (no surprise either), Boyd (slow), Mist (even worse than in FE9), Zihark (bad strength and defense compared to Eddy and Mia), Eddy (has the problem that he joins in the party with the hardest chapters), Soren (slow, even slower than Ily and Micky) FE11: Many units because of their bad growths - Marth always ends up very slow FE12: Actually nobody, because most units have excellent growths and become good FE13: Virion (even worse than Leonard), Sully (has bad speed and defense growth in my playthroughs)
  7. He's doing on normal mode. He has uploaded the prologue and chapter 1 yet. If you check out his profile, you will get access to his Youtube account.
  8. Welcome to SF Your FE10 only-magic-users-run sounds very interesting. It will be very challenging and LOOOONNGG on normal mode, if you only can use Micaiah, Ilyana (and Tormod for few chapters) in part 1 and only Micaiah and Laura in part 3. I will check it out defintively!
  9. Pretty much the same. FE13 was the mainreason to buy the 3DS (own the FE Edition). My first impression was: Wow, so many new features! Creative support system, interesting and funny support conversations, barracks and pair-up-system. And then I realized that most of these features except for pair-up existed in FE12 already. So it relativized my opinion. The mission types are all the same: Rout or defeating boss missions. The story isn't very interesting and this game is focussed more on fanservice than on story and strageical gameplay. The difficulties are unbalanced. Lunatic + absolute bothers me to play. You fight enemies, who have broken skills, which always activate. I also stuck with playing FE9-12. Tana-Fanclub here in this thread ;)
  10. Unfortunately true. FE13 includes too much fanservice.
  11. What about Elincia? She's the main character in part 2 in FE10.
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