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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Has probably played more Zelda games than me.
  2. FE10 Ike is only muscular and slow. Anyway I vote for "Leafy-Boy"
  3. Will be probably happy that I have DQIV since today.
  4. Statboosters are very nice, but also very rare except you have acces to a secret shop in the game. So it's at least for me often a hard decission, when I give them to my units. Normally I don't like to use items early in the game, because I don't know, if the investment will pay off for me. A example would be Sanaki in FE10. She joins with 2 strength. The consequence is that she cannot use her tomes without massive speed penalty. Many people would give her energy drops to equalize her strength issue. But they're very rare and precious, so I give her E-tomes instead. An other example would be Donnel in FE13. He has very poor base stats, but excellent growths. So I give him an angelic robe, energy drop, speed wing and a draco shield. When do you use statboosters? - early in the game to prevent any base deficits - during the game, if an unit doesn't level up in a certain stat - waiting for the end - depends on the situation
  5. Micky might be kinda old, but she looks really good. She's the leader of the second generation similar to Seliph in FE4 with the difference that Lucina's father is still alive in FE13. Following your statement every character would have been a Lord, if its death causes a Game Over. For example in FE10 many units mustn't die in some points.
  6. In my latest FE9 playthrough most of my units had very strange level ups. Many physical units (Rolf, Jill, Oscar, Mia) had very high magic growth. Jill had even better growth in magic than in strength. Mia had bad skill and leveled only one time in defense in 34 levels so she ended with 10 defense. Nephenee got "HP-sauce" three times in a row so I had to drop her. I was so pissed off about the level ups that I even started a topic about this.
  7. Honestly in every FE playthrough one of my units do a critical with 1%, it's not really extraordinary to me. Yesterday in FE10 it happened twice.
  8. Several times in FE10, but not in other parts. The most ridiculous situation happened, when in 3-1 a longbow sniper killed Shinon with a critical hit with a hitrate of 15% and a critrate of 2%. My reaction was that I broke the remote of my TV. Also BK critted Ike with 1% one time, but he survived thankfully.
  9. I know this is not unrelated to Fire Emblem, but there's no FE music thread elsewhere. So I put it here. I've beaten FE9 after a quite while again. Ashnard is probably the most memorable villain in this franchise and his theme is really badass to me. However (Beserk) Ashnard ridiculous easy to beat in only turn, if Ike has the skill combination wrath/resolve. However this theme is really intense.
  10. A bundle of FE9 and 10 would be a nice thing for people, who couldn't enjoy these parts for GC and Wii. Though I doubt that the demand will be huge. I wouldn't buy it, because I don't own a Wii U and there's no reason to buy it except for SSB4. I'm absolute happy that I own the original copies. However I wished "maniac mode" would be added in FE9 version for EU, because it's too easy for me honestly. If Nintendo really would intend to bring out a remastered version, "maniac mode" in FE9 and the expanded script in FE10 have to be added.
  11. Screw the combination wrath/nihil! It completly failed in my playthrough. Ike didn't crit BK one single time in five attempts. He even missed one time in "wrath zone" with 85% hit. He only needed to do one critical hit to beat him. I gave Ike the "knight ring" that he could kill the bishop and go back to BKs range. The problem was that Mist couldn't heal Ike enough because of her ridiclous 16 magic as level 9 valkyrie. I forgot to give her a recovery staff. So Ike couldn't attack BK in every player phase, because he wouldn't survive two hits.
  12. Frederick except on lunatic, because I don't use "Jagens". I only use the first generation till they marry and learn the skills for their children. Then I mainly use the second generation, because they got better base stats and great skills.
  13. I hate using "Jagens" as well. But on higher difficulties I have to use them, because they can take 1-2 hits. But they only will do chip damage so that a lower level unit can finish the enemy to get the kill experience. Except on maniac mode (never played) you can play the FE9 early chapters without using Titania. I haven't used her in the FE9 early chapters for fighting either except for doing chip damage to the armor bosses in chapter 6 and 8, so that Boyd could finish them. I wasn't forced to kill them, but I wanted to get the bosskill experience. I always let her unequipped to decoy some enemies and it worked very well.
  14. On hard mode all the enemies except for mages and few armors have >=14 speed. So they would double Fiona (10 speed).
  15. Fiona has very bad base stats for her level. She cannot use steel lance and javelin without massive speed penalty. However her growths are decent. Another advantages are that she has two very nice skills and canto. She's trainable on easy mode, because the enemies aren't high level and you get much expierence for killing enemies. On normal mode you really have to "baby" her. At least she needs a forged iron lance to do any damage and not to lose any speed. On hard mode: NO!
  16. In my run Ike will have aether and miracle against BK. It's the fastest possibility to beat BK. My problem is that my Mist is pretty bad, so I'm worried about the reinforcements, who will appear during the fight. Other honorable skill combinations would be adept/wrath or nihil/wrath. However I would prefer nihil/wrath to prevent BKs luna. If Ike is in "wrath zone" and uses adept and does a critical hit both times, he could do 54 damage to BK in one turn (2x9x3=54 damage). In next turn BK would have 12 HP left (6+6 healing). So two regular hits (9 damage in player phase + 9 damage in enemy phase) would finish him. Only don't forget to heal Ike first.
  17. Today I did a stupid mistake. I forgot that in FE9 flying Laguz don't have canto unlike in FE10. In chapter 19 Janaff had to kill a ballista archer, but he couldn't move after he killed him. So he was in Naesala's range...
  18. All my units are promoted now. Godthanks the level are better now. Especially my both fliers Jill and Marcia get points in strength. However I had to drop Nephenee, because she got one stat in HP 3(!) times in a row. She was absolute terrible. The bad thing is that I wasted "adept" on her. She's promoted now, I gave her staves. She wouldn't do any damage except against mages and swordmasters maybe. However the sages shall use magic to reach weapon level A/S as soon as possible.
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