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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Ok, I do a break in ToV at the moment. I haven't faced him yet. But yeah it's an enemy in Project X Zone. I remember. Help me along.
  2. Should know that I haven't faced it yet. I have checked out DQ9 only a little bit so far. Is this boss in DQ9?
  3. Her hype about Dragon Quest intodruced me into this series.
  4. It makes sense to finish FE11 first to understand the complete story. FE11 is very short, because the story is told very shortly and there aren't any support conversations. On lowest difficulty I could beat it in just two days. FE12 has more to offer than FE11. You create an avatar, have new characters, barracs like in FE11 and support conversations. Consequently it includes more playtime.
  5. Yeah, it's the "fix mode" site, but random growths is also explained: Random mode is the traditional method of levelling up- used in each of the previous Fire Emblem games, as well as your first playthrough of this game. Every character possesses a set of hidden "growth rates", one for each stat. Each growth rate is the percentage chance of the character increasing that particular stat during a level up. For example if a character has 70% growth in magic, statistically speaking, 70 times out of 100 they will gain a +1 in magic during a level up. Random numbers are used to determine stat rises. Or do I confound things? My problem is that most of my units don't level up in the stats, they have good growths.
  6. I'm playing PoR on hard mode at the moment with random growths for the second time. I expected that random growths work like in other FE parts. The growths of the units influence their level ups. http://www.serenesforest.net/fe9/fixed.htm But in this run most of my level ups are extremly strange: Jill always level ups in magic instead of strength and defense, while Soren and Ilyana have ridiculous high strength growth. Level 19 Ilyana has almost as much strength (8) as Nephenee and Oscar (both 10). I know I could spend bexp to my units to prevent bad level ups or giving them status items, but I want to save them till the finale. And in general the level ups remind me on Shadow Dragon. Unlike in FE10 my units often get 2-3 stats in their level ups in average. The only ones good characters are Ike and Rolf at the moment. So my question is, if these growths/level ups are normal in FE9?
  7. Reclassing to get better resistance growth or using magic shield.
  8. Tells me the origin of the "Dulcinea effect". I've edited my previous fact, but your reply wasn't displayed me for some reasons, when I edited it. I know that this term came from this roman.
  9. Mentions the roman, the said term accured.
  10. Should know that I have played Project X Zone.
  11. I found FE9 and 10 in Gamestop each for only 30€ (40$), because it doesn't know the worth. Gamestop would give me 16€ in total for both . I'm playing FE9 currently for the second time. I enjoy it, although it's too easy even on hard mode. Maniac mode doesn't exist in the version for the west unfortunately. And I cannot emulate it on my laptop.
  12. I was thinking about rescuing by mounted units and then riding back to a safe spot through canto. BTW canto should also return.
  13. No particular order: PC: Age of Empires II Civilization III Siedler III (German game) Sim City 4 Consoles: Super Mario World Donkey Kong Country 2 Diddy's Conquest Ocarina Of Time Super Mario 64 Banjo Kazooie Conker's Bad Fur Day Goldeneye 64 Super Smash Bros Brawl Fire Emblem 9 and 10 Tales of Vesperia (Haven't started Symphonia yet) I haven't played many games for PS yet, so most of these games are for Nintendo consoles.
  14. Shove only exists in the Tellius-series. But yeah mechanics like shove, rescue, take and drop should return. However "pair-up" is one of few features I actually like in FE13.
  15. Thanks! Amazon got a German version for only 20€ (27$). I will order it immediately!
  16. Was DQ IV only released in Japan? If yes, I could import it theoretically. I own a JP-DS, because of FE12.
  17. Have checked the current SSB4 character roster and have noticed that I ignored some newcomers like Wii-Fit-Trainer, Pacman and Mii. So yeah, it will be more than 40, probably around 45 characters. However I guess a few characters from SSBB will drop.
  18. They are the only ones, Gamestop got. Honestly I don't know anything about the other parts yet.
  19. Unfortunately I haven't got DQ IV. However if you feel like to start a DQ VI or IX thread, I could take part. I (re)started to play DQ IX yesterday.
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