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Posts posted by Liezerota

  1. Been a while since I've seen you

    I'm quite all right. And yourself?

    That's good. I'm tired because i went to sleep really late last night. Overall, I'm doing well.

    Edit: Chatting in a thread feels weird, i prefer instant messaging and that. So that's why you don't see me here often..

  2. My online persona is completely different than my offline persona. Online, I'm more comfortable talking to people and I'm way more open with things. While my offline personality is the opposite. I'm extremely shy, avoid people, and very rarely open myself up to people. As much as meeting another SF member sounds cool, it's something I can't bring myself to do. At least until I get rid of my social issues.

    I doubt I'm going to meet anyone here in person anyway.

  3. Liese~

    Really glad it didn't end with "Shrek is love, shrek is life" or something like that...


    I have fallen in love with the University that I am going to, and I don't think I would have applied to the University had I never met the friend on this site that told me about it.

    People on the internet can be really helpful, believe it or not. You just gotta find that right place, and the right people, and it sounds like you did. That's great.

    This place is sure addicting.

    I agree, just something about it...
  4. Or topic. Whatever you kids want to call it. This is a thread...

    This is a thread. A new addition to the other 43,000 something threads. I only have one favour to ask of you, and that would be to let this thread die in peace when the time comes. This thread has no purpose of being here, though I brought it into existence. This is not a very good thread, and I did not intend to make it so.

    So thinking back on it, Serenes Forest was, and still is here through the last 6 years and 194 days. That's quite some time... What if Serenes Forest did not come into existence? Most of us probably would never have met, and we'd all be doing something else. It might not be something productive, but it's something else.

    How many people did you befriend in this forum, and how many people do you think dislike you? Are there people you'd like to meet in person that you met in this forum? Who in this forum do you like the most? How about the least? Many questions could be asked, but little would be answered.

    I'm not very sure on what I'm trying to talk about here. Maybe I just want to rant, maybe there's a purpose to this. Maybe I'm bored and have nothing better to do so I'm typing whatever comes to mind. The answer is unknown.

    Well, whatever. I have nothing more to say here, now I shall go and post on other threads that have more importance than this one.

    This is a thread.

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