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Everything posted by Alex95

  1. Actually, Gohmas appear more spider-like than crab-like. Only a few have claws, but even then, they resemble arachnids more than crustaceans. The Wind Waker bio even calls it an "insect." Also, you're willing to accept one option but not the other?
  2. Being the fan I am, I'll try and get them all I'm excited about the DQ games as well, though I'm not feeling well enough to go into detail atm. Isn't XI going to be on Wii U/NX/PS4, though? That thread was about predictions, mostly. This one is just my thoughts, as I've been doing for... over a year now, actually.
  3. A new Nintendo Direct aired today and usually I do a whole recap on it. But it's early and I'm tired, so I'm just going to talk about my favorite thing from it. You may guess it's the Mario Sports Superstars, which is a five-in-one sports game much like Mario Sports Mix for Wii (but with one extra game!). Or perhaps the 3DS version of Super Mario Maker, which is something I called from the initial game's release. Maybe I'll talk about Yo-Kai Watch or Phoenix Wright? Nah, I don't know too much about those series...es. Hyrule Warriors Legends DLC? ...No, overdone at this point. Pokemon? I gotta talk about the new Alolan Dark/Normal Ratatta, right? ...Nah. It's cool and all, but I'll wait for more info about that before I continue with it. Dragon Quest 7 & 8, of course! I'm a big Dragon Quest fan (kinda)! ...Sheesh, no, I'm not feeling that either... Oh, I know! The one thing that I and several other people have been waiting for: the Zelda amiibo line! Specifically the 8-Bit Link amiibo, which is similar to the 8-Bit Mario(s) amiibo released for Mario's 30th anniversary. Look at it! It's awesome! These amiibo, which consists so far of said 8-bit Link, Ocarina of Time Link, and Toon Link and Zelda, along with the already announced ones, will have some bearing on the new The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Late-2016/Early-2017 is looking good!
  4. I don't mind getting wet. ...That's not supposed to be a lewd statement.
  5. All good choices, I think. You should start making it Final Smashes were meant to be part of the original game. Would you have those in or wait til Brawl? ...I kinda want to do this now myself.
  6. I just moved to where I currently live, so I don't know much about this place. It looks like a town out of a horror movie like Poltergeist. Should I be worried?
  7. Usually, I'm in chat for about two hours, not two minutes :P I'm sure if you could go there physically, you would.
  8. Hey, what's up! 1. How long does it normally take for you to make a piece of music? 2. How long have you been making music? 3. Favorite vacation spot? 4. Greatest prank you've pulled? 5. I'll be the first to ask the (in)famous "Impressions of me" question.
  9. I can test it out for you. *tests* Yep! It's almost the same as Inigo's, only difference is Basilio doesn't show up at all! Also, his dialogue doesn't list him as "Basilio." He just goes unnamed.
  10. Oh, I saw that one! Pretty funny, not even death can take out the Vaike! o.O Chrom? Are... you alright?
  11. I just answered this same question on the Mario Forums It's the name of my game series I'm creating, with one already out. I've tried swapping it with something different, but I always go back to "Power Master".
  12. Um, cool? But, yeah, that's not related at all, especially since you made it happen.
  13. I really like both characters and they are two of my favorites. I love the way Gregor acts with his broken English and years of experience. And, while I could do without the blood stuff, I like Henry's optimistic view on life and weird sense of humor.
  14. Oh... Well, it was new to me. However, Inigo's placement looks different than mine. Yours appears in front of the text box, whereas mine is placed behind it.
  15. So, I headed over to Roster Rescue for some training. I move Inigo over to an enemy and he begins his standard pre-battle conver-- ...wait. Um... I know the DLC maps can be a bit buggy, but this! This is new! I think the game got confused as to where it was pulling resources from. The text box is from the cutscenes, like the 2-year time gap. What's more, the text isn't even aligned correctly! Inigo's face is perfect for this, he looks just as confused.
  16. Er, one? I played through it once then went back to Awakening. I'm sure I'll play it again when I'm done making everyone on my team a beast :D Regardless, I normally only have one file on my games. I grew up sharing save files with my brothers, so I'm kinda used to it, really.
  17. Oh. I completely forgot he exists XD I haven't played Fates in a while.
  18. So, the F!Corrin and Orochi support, but more Nohr oriented? I'll see what I can do with that. Also... Who is Zola?
  19. I really didn't want to mess this one up, as this would be my ideal pairing in the game should it be real :) [spoiler=Lon'qu and Say'ri] Lon’qu and Say’ri C Say’ri: Whew. That appears to be the last of them. Lon’qu: That was quite the battle. Too bad it ended quickly. I would’ve liked to continue. Say’ri: Heh, same. Tell me, Lon’qu, where do you train with the sword? Lon’qu: I spent most of my time training in Ferox under Kahn Basilio. Say’ri: Really? Lon’qu: Is that surprising? Say’ri: Well, yes, actually. They way you move and battle… It’s similar to the way swordsmen move in Chon’sin. Lon’qu: It is? Strange. I would like to learn more about the way they move. Say’ri: Very well then. I can show you something this even’. Lon’qu: I’ll be there. Lon’qu and Say’ri B Lon’qu: Say’ri. I want to thank you for showing me some of the move from your homeland. Say’ri: Don’t mention it. I hope they’ll be of help to you. …Actually, I’m curious about something, Lon’qu. Lon’qu: What is it? Say’ri: Your origins. Lon’qu: …What about them? Say’ri: Your name and the air about you… It feels like they’re from my kingdom. Lon’qu: Sorry to disappoint, but I’ve never been to your kingdom until this war with Valm. Most of my life, I’ve been living on the streets up until Basilio found me. Say’ri: I see… Lon’qu: …I have no idea why I told you that. Say’ri: ‘Tis fine. I will not ask you to say anymore of your past. I was just curious about where you came from. Lon’qu: I… Say’ri: …? Lon’qu: Ugh… We’re going to be late for the war counsel. Say’ri: Ah, yes. Come, Lon’qu, let us hurry! Lon’qu and Say’ri A Say’ri: … Lon’qu: … Say’ri: …Ugh… Lon’qu: Ah. Say’ri: Hm, Lon’qu? Wha—What happened? Lon’qu: You tell me. You were watching every move I made on the battlefield but you weren’t watching yourself. A Risen came up behind you. I barely had time to yell out before it stuck. Say’ri: …Right, I remember… How embarrassing… Lon’qu: Are you really that focused on me, so much so that you completely forget what you’re doing? Say’ri: I’m sorry, Lon’qu. It appears my curiosity was greater than I initially thought… Lon’qu: …I don’t know where it was I came from. Say’ri: Hm? Lon’qu: My past. That’s what you wanted to know, right? Say’ri: Oh, aye. But if you aren’t willing… Lon’qu: If it’ll help you focus in the midst of battle, I will. Say’ri: …Okay, it’s your decision, ultimately. Lon’qu: I never knew my parents as they abandoned me when I was young. Say’ri: Oh, my… Lon’qu: I had a friend growing up, but then a group of bandits attacked and I was unable to save her. Say’ri: “Her?” Would I be right in assuming the loss of your friend is why you fear women? Lon’qu: …Yes. After that incident, Basilio found me and took me in. Made me stronger, both physically and emotionally. Say’ri: …Would I also be correct in assuming you were than friends with this girl? Lon’qu: Er… Say’ri: You’re not afraid of women, are you? You’re afraid of entering another relationship with one… and then losing them. Lon’qu: … Say’ri: Lon’qu, I’m sorry for everything you’ve been though. But if it helps, you can consider me your friend. Lon’qu: But— Say’ri: Nothing more than that, if that’s what you’re worried about. Lon’qu: Hmph, very well. Get some rest. That wound isn’t going to heal itself. Say’ri: Aye… Lon’qu and Say’ri S Lon’qu: Say’ri, can we talk? Say’ri: Ah, hello, friend Lon’qu. Lon’qu: …Seriously, you don’t need to add “friend” every time you address me. Say’ri: …Apologies. That’s just what I do. Lon’qu: …Actually, that’s related to what I wanted to talk to you about. Say’ri: Hm? …Lon’qu, what is this? Lon’qu: It’s a ring. For you. Say’ri: Me? I thought we agreed to keep things professional. Lon’qu: The more I’m with you, the more attached to you I’ve become. I only lost my friend because I wasn’t strong enough and couldn’t fight. Now I can, and you can defend yourself as well. I can think of no one better to be my wife. Say’ri: Lon’qu… Lon’qu: Besides, I’d like to know more about Chon’sin. Meet some fellow warriors. Say’ri: Ha, I accept, Lon’qu. Death will not take me easily! Lon’qu: Nor me!
  20. Worst thing you've eaten? Impressions of me? Impressions of yourself? Are you active on any other communities? Favorite vacation spot?
  21. Usually 10pm-8am. Though some days I go to sleep later and/or wake up earlier. On rare occasions, I just don't sleep at all.
  22. I myself am spending more time on other things, such as my games (both playing and making) and I'm doing more on the MarioWiki than I was before (which was almost nothing). Also, with my parents gone most of the time, I'm normally the one keeping track of the house. It's fun here on SF, sure. There just isn't much here for me to do anymore, though I'll be in chat every now and then.
  23. I like both characters, actually. Though Sumia's "gimmick" does get old after a while, I like their personalities, determination and strength. And who else is going to punch Chrom in the face?
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