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Everything posted by Alex95

  1. Thanks! Yeah, it helps to know the characters, doesn't it? :P I'm for the cross-game supports, but, FYI, I'm not going to do gay or incest S-pairings or whatever. Don't hate me, that's just who I am. If you want those, you'll have to look elsewhere.
  2. Hm, okay. I don't know the Fates characters too well (aside from Laslow, of course), but I'll give it a go :)
  3. Wanted to try and improve my writing skills, so I thought "Why not make some fake supports?" At the moment, I've done Chrom and Owain from Awakening & Oscar and Ilyana from Path of Radiance. Let me know what you think and give me some character pairings if you want! [spoiler=Oscar and Ilyana] Oscar and Ilyana C Ilyana: Um… Oscar: Oh, hello. Ilyana, right? Ilyana: Smells… good. Oscar: Hm? You think so? Ilyana: Could I… have a taste? Oscar: I suppose I could spare a small taste. Ilyana: … Oscar: How is it? Ilyana: Heavenly. Oscar: Really? Pleased to hear it! I’ve been working hard on this dish and— Ilyana: Could I have some more? Oscar: Not yet. I need to make sure there’s enough for everyone. Ilyana: Aw. Oscar and Ilyana B Ike: So you say someone stole your pot as you were cooking in it? Oscar: Yes. The food wasn’t even cooked properly yet. I hope no one tries to eat it. Ike: I’ll spread the word around, see what I can find. Oscar: Thank you, Ike. Oscar: Hm? Who’s that over there? Ilyana: Ooog… Oscar: Il-Ilyana? What are you doing with my pot? Ilyana: So hungry… So sick… Can’t move… Oscar: You didn’t eat the food in the pot, did you? Ilyana: Your last dish… was so good…wanted more… Oscar: Well, I’m glad you liked it, but the food for today’s meal wasn’t done yet! What’s more, you ate it all! You ate the entirety of what was supposed to be a meal for the whole camp! Ilyana: Sorry… So hungry… Oscar: …Come on. Let’s go fetch a healer. If you promise me you won’t steal my pot and the camp’s food again, I won’t report you to the commander. Ilyana: …Okay. Oscar and Ilyana A Ilyana: You… Oscar: Hm, Ilyana? Heh, I suppose I never told you my name, did I? Ilyana: You’re the guy… with food… Oscar: Um, well, yes, but my name is— Ilyana: Do you… have anymore? Oscar: ‘Fraid not. I need to go to the market and pick up some more supplies and ingredients. Someone raided our food storage last night and ate nearly everything! Ilyana: … Oscar: …You didn’t. Ilyana: I’m sorry! I just get so hungry! If I don’t get enough food… I faint, and I can’t move… Oscar: I believe everyone has that problem, though I can’t say for certain if they’re as ravenous as you are. Ilyana: You probably hate me… Oscar: No, no, far from it! …Tell you what? Why don’t you come to the market with me and you can pick out something for me to make just for you. Ilyana: Really? Oscar: Of course, you’ll have to help me carry the other supplies back to camp. Ilyana: …So hungry… Can’t move… *faints* Oscar: Er, Ilyana? [spoiler=Chrom and Owain] Owain and Chrom C Owain: By the power within me, I call upon… the BARTRE SPIIIIIIIN!!! Chrom: Owain. Owain: Ack, Uncle Chrom! Chrom: That was some fancy swordplay. Owain: Erm, yes, I suppose it was. Chrom: Tell me, who was your teacher. I doubt Lissa would be able to give you much of a sword lesson. Owain: Well… you were, Uncle. Chrom: Me? Owain: Is that surprising? Chrom: No, of course not. But I’ve been watching you work, and none of the skills you’ve displayed are anything I would do. Owain: You were watching me? Chrom: Yes. I keep an eye on everyone in this group. More-so with my family. Owain: Uncle… Chrom: Think you can show me some of your skills? Owain: I, um… Ah, I think I hear some Risen approaching camp! Chrom: Hm? I don’t hear any— Owain: Stay back, Uncle! I’ll take care of this! Chrom: Owain, wait! …There’s no Risen out there. I wonder what’s gotten into him. Owain and Chrom B Owain: Filthy Risen. You have pushed me over the edge! I will now smite you using the power of— Chrom: Owain? What are you doing in here? Owain: U-Uncle! Chrom: …Owain, you’re not usually like this. What’s wrong? Owain: N-Nothing is wrong! Absolutely nothing! Chrom: Uh-huh… Well, Owain, I was wondering if I can ask you something. Owain: Okay? Chrom: You said I was your teacher, yet I don’t recognize any of the sword skills you’ve used. Owain: … Chrom: Would you mind teaching me some of them? Owain: M-Me?! Teach you?! The King of Ylisse?! Chrom: …So that’s what this is about. Owain: Erk… Chrom: Owain… Are you nervous around me? Am I that intimidating? Owain: …No, Uncle, I’m sorry. It’s just that… I have a lot to live up to. Chrom: What do you mean? Owain: Like I said, you were my teacher, but you’re also my Uncle and my King. And a great one at that. Chrom: You’re worried that you won’t live up to your heritage. Owain: … Chrom: Owain, I’m sorry you feel that way. I may be the King of Ylisse, but I put my family first. You don’t need to live up to my name. You just have to be the greatest Prince of Ylisse you can be. Owain: …Thanks, Uncle, I needed to hear that. Chrom: Good. Now then, show me some of this… Clive Cleave I’ve been hearing about. Owain and Chrom A Chrom: Okay, so you raise your arm like this? Owain: Not quite. Lower your right arm a bit and take a step back with your left foot. Chrom: Owain. Owain: …Sorry, Uncle. I’m not cut out to be a teacher. Chrom: No, no, I think you’re doing a great job, I’m not complaining. I’m just impressed! Owain: Impressed? Chrom: How did you come up with all these moves? How long did it take you to memorize them all? Owain: Well, to answer the first question, I took the moves you showed me and combined them, either together or with other sword-play skills. Chrom: Fascinating. Owain: And then I write them all in here. Chrom: In this book? Owain: No, don’t read it! Chrom: …Hahaha! Owain: What’s so funny? Chrom: We hardly ever get to spend time together, Owain. I feel close to Lissa and Lucina, but I never got the chance to be with you until now. And here we are, trading sword skills! Owain: Haha, it does feel awesome, doesn’t it! I must admit, I really looked forward to your sword classes as it was one of the few times I could be with you and learn from the greatest. Chrom: You humble me, Owain. Owain: And then… One day… Chrom: …Hey, I’m here now and I’m not going to die this time. Not me. Not your mother or father. We will all be together, no matter what fate has to say about it. Owain: You’re right. Now then, the day is young is there are a lot more secrets and skills I have to bestow upon you, Uncle! Chrom: …Exactly how many skills and secrets do you have?
  4. In recent memory, my Awakening file has about 300 hours of play time on it. I wish I knew how long I've been playing Mario 64 over the 19 years I've had it.
  5. Centuries? You've been lurking since before the site was created? Since before the internet was created? Since before Fire Emblem was created?! Greetings, Konnichiwa, Zdravo, etc. Welcome to the forest and enjoy your time here!
  6. Favorite game is Super Mario 64, and I can find little wrong with it. The controls are responsive, the worlds are amazing. It's graphic might not have held up well compared to today, but compared to itself, I think it's perfect. :)
  7. I can't wait to see Rogue One either! Seeing Vader come back to the big screen would be awesome! Greetings, Hail, Salutations, etc. Welcome to the forest and enjoy your time here!
  8. 1. How are you doing today? 2. What would your anime self look like? 3. Favorite vacation spot? 4. Worst thing you've eaten? 5. Impressions of me?
  9. Ah, yes, I know Rezzy. Welcome and enjoy your time here!
  10. I just like that you have a RPG Maker MV portrait Howdy, Konnichiwa, Aloha, etc. Welcome to the forest and enjoy your time here!
  11. After beating the main normal game (which has both Lyn and Eliwood's story in one go), Hard mode should be unlocked. An option regarding the three heroes should appear, with only Hector have a selectable Normal mode, as you've already done Normal for Lyn and Eliwood.
  12. While I've never had someone I know take their life, I've had a few dogs and friends die from natural causes (old age, heart attack, etc). My dog that I've had for almost 10 years died in 2012, one of our family friends died when I was young, and my great-grandmother is currently hospitalized. I may not know exactly what you're going through, but I feel your pain at least somewhat. I believe I told you this already, but I'm always willing to talk and help. :)
  13. I remember hearing about this. I'm sorry for what happened, but I'm glad you're doing better :)
  14. I like the added expressions from the boys XD Very well done! Looks much better from the concept art! I like the shading done in the hair, but that's probably because that's something I myself need to work on :P Hey, you gave Kiara her collarbone back!
  15. Considering I've only played Returns so far, I'm going the biased option.
  16. Can't wait to see how this all comes together!
  17. Alex95


    Welcome fellow chat goer! Hoshido all the way!
  18. There's a coin that signifies where it is. Stand on top of the ? Blocks. I couldn't figure out a good way of revealing it without completely giving it away at first glance.
  19. So I decided to build a difficult stage, something I haven't done in a while. This is my final upload for now as I hit my total of 30. I need more stars! The Ultimate Challenge: 9925-0000-0283-A55E
  20. I've always wanted to get into voice acting. I have a deep voice, so I've been told I would make a good bad or big guy. I would like to try out for Blazing Sword's Hector if I can find the chance Though, like you said, it does take a bit or work to do professionally. You'd have to be willing to step out of your comfort zone and really express yourself in your voices (if that's already your comfort zone, good on you!) Don't sell yourself short, though. If it's something you really want to do, then keep doing it! As for my dream job, I'm kind of already doing it: Making games. Though it's not exactly "big" at the moment. Or a job. I currently have openings for VAs in my game
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